
Eq druid ports. I love the druid ports + utility.

Eq druid ports Via Druid or Wizard port (to various zones in the expansion, although these may be locked behind certain tasks/progression) Progression. 25 Resist: Unresistable Range: 0 Target Type: Group v1 Spell Type: Beneficial Duration: Instant Cast on You: Cast on Other: Someone creates a mystic portal. _____ - Changed Luclin port spells to be usable from anywhere - Added new Druid and Wizard transportation spells for locations in Luclin ** Items ** - Removed the cap for items that granted bonus mana - Bricks of Black Acrylia are now stackable - Plains Pebbles are now stackable - Casserole Dish Sketches are now stackable Just a note: Many times I've had my 30 Druid in Twilight Sea, and I've seen Rangers and other Druids port in to the center of the Elemental Island and either cast Wolf Form on themselves or the group. The Guild Hall Anchor, only usable by a Druid or Wizard, can be placed in the player's Guild Hall, and only a Druid or Wizard with the corresponding teleport spell can then teleport all nearby allies to the anchor. View Full Version : Druid Ports. She will buff and respond to commands for ports. Anybody remember where to buy them? #2 03-25-2011, 01:14 PM guineapig. RE: Slea. 70 posts. Where as the druids, everyone in a group must have obtained/harvested the bushes from each ring in order to port. In the long run i think the Druid got the better deal this time round, with wizzys a close 2nd. Thread starter shoehorn; Start date Aug 8, 2022; S. The hub zone of the expansion, Ethernere, can be reached either by a bonfire in West Karana near the Qeynos Hills zone line, a guild hall portal, or via a druid/wizard port spell. #5 A Druid or Wizard with the relevant spells can also teleport themselves, group members or all nearby players to their anchor. I have started with 2 spells but cannot find where I can buy my other lvl 1 spells. - Druid and Wizard - Created teleport spells that teleport to the Plane of Tranquility. Religion does not play an overly important role to Druids, but they do affect whether the druid can use certain deity-specific items. Game Description: Opens a portal that transports your group to Skyfire Mountains. They are generally located deeper within zones (away from docks) than other modes of travel, like the Globe of Swift Travel. Everything I search for online just leads me to a list of spells but not where and how to learn them. I wanted to share some little tips about wizard ports, so maybe I (and other wizards) will stop getting the "oh sorry thought you were druid nm" EQ Druid Port/Buff bot w/ NPC like dialog. Tooth of the Wakening Lands will allow you to port to GD and WL. neg 47, neg 383. There are no restrictions Bards and Enchanters: Gilbert Songcryer; Clerics and Paladins: Olivia - Wizards are able to port to Icefall Glacier, in the northwestern portion of the zone there's Wizard Spires. – Right-click the buff, and select “Add this spell to list of blocked spells” I saw something pretty silly in EC this morning and that was someone selling all the new Velious port spells for 100pp each. bard, mage, druid is the perfect travel party. Parse it. You have to open the spell vendor merchant window after the expansion goes live. must the caster of this spell be in direct view of the rest of the group in order to port them as well as him/herself? Been a little while since my Druid bought it, but this is what Casters Realm says: Circle of Nexus . Where. Druids still retain the ability to summon a portal. Palatial guild halls and placeable port clickies can get you close enough to anywhere. With LU56, this limitation changed and now any player can use them. Rank 1 All of the Rank 1 spells are sold by vendors. Scholar. It's hard to find groups but honestly soloing is faster. One port in Rain of Fear (shards Landing) and one port in COTF - (Tainted West Karana) and one port in TDS (Tempest Temple). Effect Fades: The portal shimmers and fades. Don't port there unless you're ready to fight or flee from anything. Game Description: Opens a mystical portal that transports you to the Iceclad Ocean. User Interface (In Game) 1) If you already have the buff, this option allows you to block spells using either the “Effects”, “Songs”, or “Pet Info” UI windows. Gnome or Druid Port Guide. Goesl Sealsonich 1376. I have tons of quad kiting experience with druid. Thinking Druid? Due to the lack of guides out there I have detailed my basic raid setup of common scenarios Freelance and any high-end raiding druids will encounter. Game Description: Transports your group to Brell's Rest in the Plane of Underfoot. And they might arguably be the second best healer in EQ, but they are no where near a cleric for healing, it's a very distant second. Start off in PoK and use the Crescent Reach Stone. Tooth of the Great Divide will only allow you to port to GD. Most of the class-based special abilities that they have don't directly benefit a raid - things like ports, powerleveling abilities, etc. It's an out of era spell vendor that had access to almost all of the port spells in the game. He will also sell Luclin and PoP a port spells after their expansion goes live (because zoning into knowledge on day 1 is lol). But i liked a farily lazy solo (as in just me) experience so i'd have one shaman focus on buffs and dots and another debuffs and I have recently started a druid on the newest TLP server. Would appreciate any info on obtaining this and the Hey everyone, Anyone know what Druid ports are safe for a DE Necro? I know Lavastorm is but the Karana's are not. Nekk Member. Both druids and wizards get the full set of generic group port spells by level 49. The zone to Burning Wood is at approximately 3400, -800. Options are: Hafling Druid. Target Type Clarifications: Self = Cast only on Certain trainer NPCs arrived with Echoes of Faydwer to teach special abilities to Sorcerers and Druids. You can can travel here via Guild Hall portal or wizard port to Dragonscale Hills, druid port to Loping Plains, or entrance to both PoSky Druid Quest Old Sebilis: various Froglok-type mobs: Chest: Robe of the Azure Sky BiS (Contested) Elder Spiritist’s Breastplate BiS Realistic: Veeshan’s Peak: Phara Dar. All Wizard ports sold by Kulvinia Brightflame in Blightfire Moors. I tell them that I charge 100p for that port up front, and sorry if that is not agreeable to you, etc. I extensively played druid up to PoP when PoP was on live servers. How you get them You can buy your Composite spells from Krykorn Elsonower in Western Wastes (CoV). Are the're any creatures in WW who I can solo? Page top. Evac after the druid port will land you near the river and ogreville, go west by northwest and you are there in 30sec _____ ~vincit omnia veritas~ #5 04-13-2018, 01:01 PM joppykid. Druids are reliable patch heals for the group, leaving the tank heals to clerics later on. Druid Spells. This mob spawns at the southeastern corner of the zone. Rank 1 Rank 1 spells are bought in Shard's Landing from vendors based on class. This is a temporary key. 00 Fizzle Time: 2. Teleport Trainers []. Aug 8, 2022 #2 Usually, I box an ench/druid myself, though. I have three groups with 3 porters (1 druid, 2 wizards). We want you to play several EQ characters at once, come join us and say hello! 👋 IS THIS SITE UGLY? Change the look. Dru Kunark Ports Is the Circle of the Combines (Dreadlands) port really available at the NK Gypsys at launch or was that added later in velious or something? Wiki says he sells it. The fastest way to reach Undershore is to take the Guild Hall portal to the zone. Posts: 1,217 port spells who sells them in kunark ? Druid Combine Gate - not sure on this one Circle of Combines & Zepphyr - Roule, NK Gypsy camp Skyfire & Emerald Jungle - Ariel, FV These are for good aligned characters. PDA. There are several types of port Veil of Alaris was the last expansion where druids and wizards got good ports. To get the Tooth of the Cobalt Scar, you must first get a Shrine Key to pass through Skyshrine into Cobalt Scar. It’s a great AFK-class and neither wiz or druid groups much. www. As the title states I am trying to decide between druid and shaman for Mischief launch. Gaekkas. You can go right to East Karana and destroy Druid Steppes ports sold by Emelia Daeren in The Steppes. sarongor. Most areas in this expansion are open to everyone. Hey everyone, Anyone know what Druid ports are safe for a DE Necro? I know Lavastorm is but the Karana's are not. Circle spells teleport the druid and their group. Lizard Blood Potion - Drops of Cazic Cenobite in Cazic Thule. Quote Reply # Jun 09 2005 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent. Level: 1: Icon: Name: Class: Effect(s) Mana: Skill: Target Type: Expansion: Minor Healing: CLR/1 PAL/6 RNG/8 DRU/1 SHM/1 BST/6: 1: Increase Hitpoints by 10. Messages: Cast on other: Soandso creates a mystic portal. Druid Port Group to Gate? Discussion in 'Priests' started by Pelrond, Apr 1, 2017. You ignored all those people that insisted you should level a monk/rogue instead. cfm 10/27/2024 6:31 AM 11596 ChatandMacros. 3) Maxing Wisdom/Stamina. I'm a Dial a Port druid on green. BarackObooma. DPS class, urility, ports, tracking, snares, even pacify pulling. Safest: Get a port to Deadlands and run to FV, or take the boat to FV, then go to LOIO and go through the goblin caves (again, invis, as those goblins will be deadly at Messages: Cast on other: Soandso creates a shimmering portal. There a Druids get West Commons (the most popular port) at level 29 whereas we Wizards don't get it until 39. almarsguides. When porting to Velious, your destination is going to be at a "dragon ring", and not at the familiar druid Stonehenge-type rings or Wizard spires/platforms. My druid is only level 75 at the moment so I did not get to test this extensively like my other Messages: Cast on other: Soandso creates a shimmering portal. I played EQ from like 1st - 6th grade so it’s so nostalgic for me. Additional Information - The fastest way to Grimling Forest is to get a I have a lvl 58 druid. You can also get to The Nexus by being ported there by a Wizard or Druid. Druids using the appropriate "Ring" (self-only) or "Circle" (group) teleport spells can teleport to these locations. SHe also has Pack Regeneration (another level 39 I just picked up my druid's 39 ports from him. Druids are a nature's priest class, and the second best healer in the game to clerics. First,port yourself to Wakening Lands. cfmZoneIn. There are also portal pads that port you back to those zones as well in The Nexus. 5s VOA Info & Guides: Overview | Progression & Task List | Raiding | Visible Armor This is a Tier 3 zone accessed via the "arms" of Argath and outer reaches of Sarith. Quote Reply # Apr 09 2003 at 11:06 PM Rating: Default Messages: Cast on other: Soandso fades away. Also note that druids can buff STR considerably, as well as port to bank very easily, so being encumbered is usually not an issue. I thought it was fairly simple to get these spells but it seems like there is some confusion on how/where to get them so I made a simple guide. It's definitely not the strongest duo, but druids make life so much easier. cfm 2/29/2024 9:45 AM 34334 Classes. If you use Guildhall port and succor, it puts you in the middle of the spell merchants Page top. Default is Druid, but you can choose Wizard or both; The Pause/Resume button allows you to pause the You kept levelling your druid. Category:Druid Equipment. Phiyre Augur. The following steps are pre-lootable (assuming OoW is unlocked):. Druid’s main issue in early EQ is player perception and how often you’ll hear they “can’t do this or that”. Below are the Port in Spot. 4 posts. If you are logged in as a premium member, drop information can be viewed by clicking on the spell name and then click on the song/scroll item the spell is attached to. When you die, have no mana, and your primary bind isn't a safe loc. Max: 1044: 331 Most Dragon circles in Velious have mobs that roam around or through. My "main" is a level 54 druid. When farming PoFear golems, I'd often use a 2nd bind on the druid (pop in and track) and primary outside to port up reinforcements (this Grieg’s End Raid Quick Guide. Every time I got to EJ I get attacked by a In almost all cases Druid ports are more conveniently located, and they can sow you on the way. View User Forum. Bards : Raistedas Curlbraids in Goru'kar Mesa (-665, +1025) Beastlords : Tavin Here is a list of Druid teleportation spells. Druid felt like an "all rounder" very odd to see a post like druid could be a dps. Allakhazam's Druid spells, level 86+ Mammoth's Force Rk. The druid comes with me everywhere. Otherwise the fastest way here is by getting a Druid port to The Steppes or taking the Guild Hall to Goru'kar Mesa. You fought against all those who told you a druid is useless in the high end and you should leave it at lvl 39 forever to rot as a porting machine. Use your 19th level druid spell Ring of Commons to bring you to the druid ring where Slea is located. SunDrake. Wizards and warlocks get three ports, ant, CL, and gfay. Level: 55: Icon: Name: Class: Effect(s) Mana: Skill: Target Type: Expansion: Chloroblast: RNG/62 DRU/55 SHM/55 BST/59: 1: Increase Hitpoints by 444. It's been a while since I played regularly but I thought I had a spell or AA on my druid that I could use to port my group to the Off the druid spells vendor Burumy Fahon (-76, -195, 97) (down in the hold). Game Description: Opens a mystical portal that transports your group to New Tanaan in the Plane of Knowledge. Why is a druid only spell available from only ranger spell vendors. the spell and memmed it. The Druid and Wizard Teleportation spots are located at 2500, 7725 and 3050, 9650 respectively. Any info appreciated. Guardian Trekolz has this spell in Skyshrine, I tried to get it from him but got one of those messages like you get in Shadowhaven, "I don't speak to Erudites, much less sell to them" Apparently I need to increase my faction with the opposing one to buy from him, or find someone with a better faction level to get it, but he does Making a port bot on Green and I'm torn between a Druid and a Wizard. These trainers instruct Sorcerers on the art of summoning portals to the Combine Spires and Ulteran Spires throughout the lands. Step 1 – Forage 2x Rune Fragments from Barindu or Qinimi Step 8 – Obtain a Clump of Refined Ancient Taelosian Clay Step 10 – Loot Pulsing Frozen Heart from “Experiment” mobs in Portal spells are bought from vendors Jimmar Kadd (wizard - map) and Well Wailet (druid - map) in the Ethernere Tainted West Karana. Druid is awesome as a little bit of everything class from what I've seen. Send a correction Free account required to post Name Target Type Skill Effect; Skin like Wood: Single target: Abjuration: 1: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 3 (L1) to 5 (L10), Everyone else by 2 (L1) to 3 (L10) 2: Effect type: : Increase Max Hitpoints by 11 (L1) to 20 (L10): Burst of Flame: Single target: Evocation: 1: Effect type: : Decrease Hitpoints by 4 (L1) to 5 (L4): Minor Healing: Single target The non-port safe loc was to cover things like. Grey Peacebloom sells the 3 Blightfire port spells for ~210 each. From Project 1999 Wiki. Druid port will you at the pillar. I love the druid ports + utility. Adding a DPS will make normal grinding faster, adding a healer will make tougher mobs doable. Just letting you all know, Wizard ports aren't so bad! Even the ones that are bad, aren't bad. Effect Fades: You appear in a gust of wind. When I port I advertise it myself, along the lines of "/ooc Porting for donations! All druid locations" so people know they need to donate something. This is an enormouse mistake because once you cast that spell every elemental on the island aggo's on you. com - /eq/general/ [To Parent Directory] 1/11/2025 9:02 AM 122425 AAplacement. Third, use your compass and head North. Slowing down a little makes all the difference. ADPS? I dunno. This drops you off in Blightfire Moors not far from the Bixies. In Freeport. I mainly need/want the ports. Since I couldn't see it to snare it or root it I had a helluva time. For example, IIRC the druid Skyfire port drops you close to the zone line, whereas the wizard port drops you a bit farther away. They get damage shields and regen, they can PL people and help noobs with more than just their ports. This spell is NOT found in the NK/Oasis gypsy camps, but it IS found on Srendon Gladetender in the Kelethin Druid guild. As of August 15th, 2012, you also get "Spell: Zephyr: Slaughter" as a reward. Quote Reply # Mar 14 2005 at 8:05 AM Rating: Decent __DEL__1593362431133. ). Quote Reply # Mar 15 2015 at 8:23 PM Rating: Good. Druid port spells are sold by Well Wailet. Pillars of Alra ports [To Parent Directory] 10/27/2024 7:15 AM 3499 ZoneIn. Druids are a real jack of all trades, master of none type class. Players can talk to the portal trainer in their home town in order to purchase the Expansion Overview: The Secrets of Faydwer is a 15 zone expansion located on the continent of Faydwer. Pillar of Ro: Rank 1 - Rank 2 - Rank 3 Remote Moonfire: Rank 1 - Rank 2 - Rank 3 Natural Unity: Rank 1 - Rank 2 - Rank 3 Note: This spell data is from the Test server. I like druid for the ports over cleric or shaman. However, these seem to be only for transport to/from the Luclin Nexus. Then you can track Phillip. The majority of port spells most people want are level 44 and below (46 for raiding wizards). cfm Call of the Forsaken Info & Guides: Overview | Progression & Task List | Raiding | Visible Armor Argin-Hiz is a Tier 2 zone (the final zone) in the Call of the Forsaken expansion. For details about getting to this zone and how to attune yourself to its Ethernere portal, see this quest entry. EQ:Items Clicky Teleport This is a list of clickies that allow the caster to teleport oneself to another zone. Any player can use the druid rings within Norrath. I, level 86 spell, requires indifferent or higher Dream Delvers faction to purchase. Travel is so much easier since you get spirit of the wolf, wolf form, ports, evac, levitate and camouflage. 4) Obtaining as much Mana and HP as possible, with Mana as the tie breaker. For the last spot I'm torn between Druid or Wizard. Doctor Jeff. Solo Potential. Using them Messages: Cast on other: Soandso creates a shimmering portal. Pelrond Elder. Warriors and Monks: Captain Jupitus; Berserker: Sund Fastest/riskiest: Get a druid to port you to skyfire (while invis!), then run across zone to OT, then run across to WW. Most Druid rings or Wizard portals are safe to port too. For the walking path, I combined <LOVEMYSOLDIER> + <Endaar> posts below, 12/12 updates got. From level 14 onwards, charming is much, MUCH faster EXP. Iindarie Druid Wood elf of 50 seasons Brell Serilis. In the Purgatory zone, also called loading or load2, are several class-specific areas, Teleports you to an unlocked druid port location /say w+spireshortname: Teleports you to an unlocked wizard port location; Raid specific info, wiz and druid help port people out of a raid, evac and clear hate list for their group, and on the high end when they get the right AA, you can port others to your bind location which can help make getting to a raid quicker. Aug 8, 2022 #1 Is there such a thing as a Druid port guide? A list of all the zones Druids can port to and the spell name? N. How do you guys handle ports such as the Great Divide and the reagents they use. For more information on How to reach Icefall Glacier, follow the link provided to be taken to my guide. If these options are unavailable to you, you'll need to take the Neriak stone in PoK to Nektulos Just wondering about the effectiveness of a druid for both soloing and Much less relevant now 20 years later and pretty much everyone now knows how to play EQ. Game Description: Opens an arcane portal that teleports your entire group to the Dawnshroud Peaks. This guide shares a baseline overview of my spell setup with abilities and descriptions to help improve your awareness of essential raid spells and utility capabilities that may otherwise be overlooked. RE: where. Level Spell Name Effects Target Vendors; 18: Ring of Grimling: 1: Teleport to -690,-1170,13 in grimling facing East: Self: Fralith Thornbush in Rivervale: 19: The patch introduced a new wizard/druid gate/port/tlc to plane of tranquility. Druid is nice while leveling for the SOW, ports, regen, and backup heals. - nullservices/donnie. Jump to: navigation, search. #10 04-22-2017, 07:01 PM Doctor Jeff User Interface (In Game) Chat Commands (In Game) Spell Blocking using the EQ Directory. In addition to the normal task system (where one task brings a reward), many tasks within the expansion are part of a series, with rewards coming after completing multiple tasks (the low level "Love in the Air" series, for example). Game Description: Opens a mystical portal that transports your group to the Stonebrunt Mountains. Game Description: Opens an arcane portal that teleports your group to the broken shores of Natimbi. These portals may be used by anyone and remain open for one minute after the druid has departed. This page shows all Druid usable equipment. cfm 11/9/2023 11:23 AM <dir> Augs 10/27/2024 6:31 AM 5668 AugsandTribute. Wizards can get their port spells from Goesl Sealsonich in Shadow Haven or Aliara Galestra in Katta Castellum. [Mon Oct 29 00:26:26 2012] Channeler Lariland tells you, 'That'll be 11 platinum 1 gold 4 silver per Spell: Combine Portal. Rank 1 All of the Rank 1 spells are sold by Halon Griere in The Buried Sea in exchange for Dubloons. ' I have a Druid acct main and an acct with an ench and bst, boxes on Aradune. Items with this effect All Druid and Wizard port spells are sold by Magus Burlshin, require Indifferent faction to Crystal Circle Builders. You sweat to explain people that a druid is indeed useful in groups. Game Description: Opens a mystic portal to transport your group to the undershore. These are sold in Shadowhaven and are available once Planes of Power opens. 0 Epic Guide Staff of Everliving Brambles To begin this quest you must have completed the Druid 1. Veil of Alaris port spells [edit | edit source] Beasts' Domain ports: Level 90, Language requirement 75. EQ:Progression Luclin Spells Overview: Original: Kunark: Velious: Luclin: Planes of Power & Legacy of Ykesha: Lost Dungeons of Norrath: Gates of Discord: Druid. The druid merchant is with the druid grandmaster and other druid spell merchants in the round building next to port in. After doing the quest again today, I also got the Ring and Circle parchments (being a druid) even though I already have them in my spellbook. Quote Reply # Feb 10 Wizard port spells are sold by Jimmar Kadd. You can make money with ports starting at 29 and you get potg at 60 which gets you paid also. Max: 20: Display Druid or Wizard spells only, or both! Use your port character as a taxi bot from your driving character! No need to switch to them to use ports! Bot port character will report if they do not have the requested spell, as well as cast time remaining; Will pause MQ2Druid to allow memorizing spells and unpause after zoning This is NOT safe for the evil races; while other druid rings are staffed by Beta Neutral traders, this one has some aggressive druids guarding it. Kutsuu Augur. They supposed to be here in a week. cfm Accessing Zones. This spell can be found in Rivervale, at the Druid Guild. BTW I haven't got my EQ Titanium disks yet. Druid Goals: 1) Focus Items. furys and wardens get ports to antonica, commonlands, butcherblock, gfay, and steamfront mountains. Several classes can't solo for positive exp at all in classic EQ It's a question of playstyle, do you wanna go afk for 10-15 minutes between pulls? Or be much more active like a necro/druid. I followed Allakhazam quest instructions, all correct 3. Bone chips for a few level and lightstones to 11 or 12 then grinding. Might us lowly rangers actually get this spell some day? OH ya, why dont rangers who are one with nature have a pet? We would be no stronger than the BST and it makes sense that the protector of the woods would have a woodland companion. Old Sebilis: Trakanon: Back: Shroud of Veeshan BiS. grimling. This data may change before EverQuest Call of the Forsaken is launched. The spells are No Trade. 5) Shield Item for additional AC. Game Description: Opens a mystical portal that transports your group to the Emerald Jungle. Slea Pinewhisperer sells this spell. 09-24-2014, 11:09 PM. 26, -551. I never made it past Quarm, just lost interest but my multibox group was bard main, shaman shaman druid mage. The doors cannot be pick locked. The merchant's name is Fralith Thornbush, approx loc. We're good at a little of everything but a master of none. Druid Ports. Spells require progressively higher faction, Indifferent for When the game first launched only druid classes could use this mode of travel. 07, -46. As a druid, prior to 50 you will find groups fairly well, it's not till 50+ groups start to look for other classes to fill more defined roles. 5 Epic Quest. Druid epic is easier but both are doable on both servers. we can port other people but they need to grab a leaf from the druid ring first. I'm not sure about evil aligned wizards. Druid lvl 59 port and 64 zephyr to buried sea puts you next to tempest temple zone in Page top. Still, there are a few places and areas which From Chainbreaker EQ Wiki. Many thanks to those who steered me in the right direction. No great gear. Ports is why I made it an alt thankfully. If you want the raid/mission giver in Ethernere the wizzy port is better If you want to go to any of the other CotF zones druid port is better. Anyone know where they are bought for both Wizards and Druids? #2 03-25-2011, 08:58 PM DRUID Circle of the Combine (DL) - NK at gypsies camp Wind of the South (EJ) Wind of the North (Skyfire) - FV Arial Fern *Velious ports are a bit different from the rest of Norrath. Shaman have slow which is OP in classic/kunark/velious. trozkat66. I personally would vote druid. cfm 10/27/2024 6:31 AM 6980 AAs. There are no restrictions. Game Description: Opens a mystical portal that transports your group to the Lavastorm Mountains. . 2 posts. Spot heals for enchanter when mez breaks and main healer for beastlord. This places you at approximately -3500, -800 in the Burning Wood. They are presented in the same order and format as shown in-game when you right click on a spell gem (under Transport). I would steer away from shaman because so many spells overlap. My pocket druid doesn't have the spell though, and unfortunately i never did do his adventure stone, so he has no fast way to abysmal Messages: Cast on other: Soandso fades away. A succor is pretty much a group port to a safe spot within a zone. Progressive spells use special mechanics that put 'hidden' spells on your character at level 250, and it's those spells that get triggered when you use the base ability. He is on third floor of the tower. Druid ports are critical even in POP when i want to duo Griegs until i get called from LFG to xp in the planes, can be there in seconds. Utilizes MQ2Cast & the /casting command for ports & buffs. You’ll need a Grieg’s Key off one of the random named in the zone in order to open the door to either Servitor of Luclin or Grieg Veneficus. Once you have done this, return to the portal trainer and you will receive the ability to open a portal to each of the active Ancient Rings. I hate it. " Tanking and meleeing as a druid, assuming you're not crazy twinked, will be good up until level 14. He stocks several ring/circle spells. And porting is overrated. Planar Messages: Cast on other: Soandso creates a shimmering portal. Zephyr spells give a translocate box to the character targeted (will not work on the druid casting the spell). If you would like to show only items for a particular slot, you can choose: Equipment Druid Arms Druid Back Druid Chest Druid Ear Druid Face Druid Feet Druid Fingers Druid Hands Druid Head Druid Legs Teleport: Ocean of Tears Not a player spell: Clicky, NPC spell, Proc, etc. Messages: Cast on other: Soandso creates a shimmering portal. Selos for overland, druid for ports, mage for summons. I must admit, I only checked the wizard port, no clue if the druids spells takes you somewhere else? There is also a singlecharge marketplace clicky that Necro is so versatile, really any class works. Druid tracking is A zephyr allows you to port someone to that zones Druid ring without you having to go. Wizziw needs jboots, people Project 1999 > Class Discussions > Priests > Druid Ports. I'm really easy going as As long as you're playing on the Official Daybreak EQ servers and not an emulator all the Acrylia Ore will now stack to 1000 which makes it much less painstaking to loot and carry around with you. CaptainSkeet, Aug 29, 2016 #4. But I think druid, shaman, and enchanter are the best. No Spire Stone is required in The Nexus. The zone to Firiona Vie is at 370, -5920. Funny you should say that! I was just about to take my ranger over to cobalt scar to work on his epic but found the pom tree is temporarily (I hope!) broken and i'll instead need a port. Jynku. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Wizard - Ports, evak and DPS; I am thinking that replacing the Wizard with a Druid will allow me to add some backup heals to the group. You can go Most Druid rings or Wizard portals are safe to port too. Merchant. 04 This tooth, because it is the most difficult, will allow you to port to GD, WL and CS. There are many ways to get into the Dreadlands. 4. Obtained by doing the task Beasts for the Stew. Religion. Messages: Cast on other: Soandso discorporates in a portal of wind. Druid may be best for giving the best overall experience, especially at first. Quote Reply # Sep 18 2022 at 7:41 PM Rating: Good. Sage. run on foot. The named that drop the Traveling throughout the feartouched lands is far easier once you have attuned yourself to the portals in Shard's Landing. Spell Search; Druid (95) Slot 1: Teleport to shardslanding, Location: -1453, -1090, 1 Mana: 300 Casting Time: 16s Recast Time: 10s Spell Bar Lockout: 1. cfm 10/27/2024 6:31 AM 11599 Bazaar. To dismiss this notice, click the X ---> Forums. Second, Camouflauge yourself. Look for Ealerel Tidebringer and Goesl Sealsonich. Quote Reply # Apr 22 2021 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent. Ports to Kunark. If the latter, Wizard, since they can put out more DPS, and you can just lose the merc totally since you're kiting. I take issue with this statement: "[solo tanking as a druid] will be your principal and best way to get experience soloing up to level 24. If using MQ2Druid, will pause the plugin to allow port casting and then unpause after zoning; Added port filtering by class. It's a lush, wild land where the beasts rule: It's all about the hunt and in Messages: Cast on other: Soandso creates a mystic portal. they can port other people but they have to buy their components, even when they want to port themselves. Drops you right in front of the book to PoKnowledge Page top. Hoarded Worker Sledgemallet: Ring of Scale : The Overthere (RoS) Trying to figure out the most straight-forward way to approach something. Are the reagents one time uses or do they only BTW I haven't got my EQ Titanium disks yet. Aren't the druid ports, on average, safer than the wizard ones? Assuming you're not KOS to druids of course. I finally managed to get a port spell cast when I was at about 30% health. its level 25. eq:Veil of Alaris Overview Progression Server Information & Guides: Click on Overview to get a listing of expansions and other progression servers. Everquest Spell Information for Combine Portal. Are the reagents one time uses or do they only need to be obtained once? You don't need any Tanking and meleeing as a druid, assuming you're not crazy twinked, will be good up until level 14. Raiding is the only choice because it fills your role as group healer (heals). Resources. The druid brings that, but then is 2nd fiddle on everything else. Also, Is Blackbarrow the only place I can fight to get my faction up so the silly Druids/Treants don't attack? Overview. I looked all over the Druid Guild area in Rivervale and even checked all the other druid vendor for the port spells and did not have any luck finding the Ring of Grimling port spell. 59 in Shadow Haven Everquest Spell Information for Field of Bone Port Everquest Spell Information for Wakening Lands Portal. Quote Reply # Progression Through The Serpent's Spine (Misc. Quote Reply # May 16 2003 at 7:42 AM Rating: Default __DEL__1651450735431. Caelus Soulkeeper Druid of 23 Seasons Myths & Druid for the debuffs and heals imo. I afk play a decent amount so no problem slowly leveling a Wiz. No,map doesn't work there,sorry. 2) +15 Mana Regen from items (Flowing Thought). I'm an 81 druid. 01-27-2017, 03:59 AM. These are spells that were released with the Original or Classic game only, not including future expansion spells. As for transport, I used to box a Druid and was worried about giving up evac to switch to shm. Also a lot of the druid Equipment does not grant Stamina. Alteration is the only choice for a soloing druid because charm killing it reduces the only spells you're casting (charm, root, heals). In raids both are comfy to play and wizards are maybe wanted a bit more but you won’t go guildless. Yesterday, boxing my cleric main and wifes mage main, <exodus> saved us from wipes 6 times and Druid 2. Uncheck Show Only Items I Can Use checkbox and look again. Druids have a variety of spells that make them very effective at soloing. Game Description: Opens a mystical portal that teleports your entire group to Dragonscale Hills. Just my 2 cents. It should change to Copy of Druidic Rune . Druid - Level 34 Details . The required level to get this quest is not 95, maybe 85 or 90 can get. (port spells need level 92 to mem though) 2. Tatanka, Dec 10, 2018 #2. They're a healer archetype, but the other 2 healer archetypes are more useful to raids (Shaman and Cleric - two of the most essential raid classes in EQ, so it's hard for Druids to compare This is the CWTN UI for MQ2Druid Sept 11, 2023 Druid portal window/info as of just before pre-release Sep 6, 2023. Might start a druid. Note: Access to the Keeper's Hall (the structure in the northwestern part of the zone) requires partial Port to the Commons. 107 posts. Druid also has a lot more variety in what they can do. Deliver this copy to Toegnasher to get your Ring-slot-only 20 hp/mana augment reward. Rank 1 Rank 1 spells are bought in Ethernere from vendors based on class. Quote Reply # Jun 15 2004 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent __DEL__1591793367590. I have a 55 druid and he is fun to play. Wizard brings ONLY the boom and ports, but much easier to set up as a 6th box. Planar Protector. Even at the druid portal, I have gotten killed a few times, so when I get a request for Skyfire, I cringe. Really depends on how you want to play. All aa's to 81. They also make a valuable addition to groups as healers and DPS. shoehorn New member. NB : all 3 spells are also available from Wanderer Kedrisan (Druid Spells 61-70) in the PoK Library, making this quest obsolete. Side note: I’m only 26. Druid Port Spells -- Where to buy? I did some dinking around on the beta, but I can't seem to find where the port spells are to Kunark. EQ'Lizer also has a listing of the Western Wastes dragons with pretty pictures although most of that information is already incorporated into the XA page. - Leopold Crunchbaster - Eastern Wastes: Zeixshi-Kar's Awakening Portal Activation There was no mob to be seen anywhere remotely close to me, yet the damage kept coming. Ring spells teleport only the druid casting them. mac Return with the blessing to each druid ring and use them within. also if u keep climbing ramps u hit the top where there is a Messages: Cast on other: Soandso creates a shimmering portal. Druids, along with wizards, have the ability to transport their groups to a multitude of zones throughout Norrath and Luclin. Something I find myself doing all the time that's intensely annoying is "manually mem port spell on druid, manually mem port spell on wizard 1, manually mem port spell on wizard 2, then switch between all three windows casting". Clicky Destination expansion Destination zone Ports you to level 1-4 in MG, only usable in MG. Game Description: Transports your group to Arcstone in the Plane of Magic. Subbed. Grouping is the only choice because it fills your primary and utility roles best (backup heals and ports/root CC). Also note that this is for the Druid port spells only. Game Description: Opens a mystical portal that teleports you to Sisters Island in the Ocean of Tears. Jan 13, 2025 - EQ Patch 1/15 - EQ Roadmap 2025 - The Outer Brood Launches - October 2024 Producers Letter - EQResource Discord Server - EQResource in-game channel. Ports and heals, and nice utility (snare proc for warder is not reliable). Slot 1: Teleport to oceanoftears, Location: 2276, -7563, -283 Next you need to buy a Piece of Parchment from any spell research vendor, go to the druid port in spot in Steppes, and put the Parchment on your cursor. Join Date: Jan 2011. I think that it would be great, considering Wizard Spires are already easier to port (for groups), and then given 8 more ports. So a single person port. The evac spells drop you in unprotected areas that have mobs roaming around or through. One thing that does make a difference, or has for me, After much wandering and porting myself across Norrath I finally found this where I should have looked in the first place. Druids and Is there such a thing as a Druid port guide? A list of all the zones Druids can port to and the spell name? Druids make one of the best starting characters in EQ due to their amazing ability to make money via teleports, item farming, versatility, ease of travel, and quad killing giants. All Druid ports sold by Cyrillae Saltscout in The Buried Sea. Alternatively, you can also have a Druid or Wizard port you there. 2 posts If the former, Druid, since you can then fight summoners and heal your merc tank. Do you need reagants for ports now? I thought this was like the original. It cost Just completed this quest on 93 Druid to get port spells, April/29/2013 1. Don't go if you're too low. Players from level 25 on can get these abilities. Menu. Druid Easier to level up. But he can also pinch in as secondary healer if needed. They have amazing buffs. 1 : Teleport to 2484,7717,1051 in dreadlands Mana: 300 Skill: Alteration: Casting Time: 16. Also, Is Blackbarrow the only place I can fight to get my faction up so the silly Druids/Treants don't attack? Composite spells. I know these are not optimal builds but it's fun for now. We do get NRO also at 39 which is the closest port to the EC No one knows the origins of Norath's mysterious druid rings (ed: is this true?), but they dot the landscape of the world. Follow the road west to the Crossroads Camp (note: All 9 Wizard port spells are sold at the camp by Kulvinia Brighflame at -140, 580) then Northwest to the Druid Ring. Page top. With all this being said, will we (druids) be getting any new Druid Ring Ports any time soon. Single use expendable port potion to the Messages: Cast on other: Soandso creates a shimmering portal. All Wizard ports sold by Trader Thallynus in Katta Castrum. 00 Recast Time: 12. In the Great Divide, there is set of standard wizard spires. If you can overcome that, druids are fantastic and very solid.