Melaku mengstu journal articles for instructional leadership Electronics 13 (6), 1004, 2024. Melaku Mengistu Gebremeskel is (PhD) associate professor in Education Policy and Leadership at Bahir Dar University, Department of Educational Planning and Principals as instructional leaders: an exploration of school context factors that affect principals’ competence at primary schools in Tarcha town, Ethiopia Melaku Mengistu is an associate professor(PhD) in Education Policy and Leadership, at Bahir Dar University, College of Education and Behavioral Science, Department Destructive leadership behavior (DLB) is one of the leadership behaviors manifested by a leader that has a bad effect on employees (Tepper, 2000) and institutions From the findings, it may be possible to conclude that since studies confirm high levels of conscientiousness and sportsmanship, play key roles in enhancing effectiveness, public Atalay Mesfin, Melaku Mengistu; Published in International Journal of 3 January 2024; Education, Psychology The second article by Berhan Kefyalew Taye and Melaku Mengistu Gebremeskel investigates Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and its antecedents among the instructors of This study explores the diverse leadership styles employed in educational institutions, emphasizing the concept of integrated leadership and its role in adapting to varying To fully understand the relationship between instructional leadership practices and self-efficacy, the researchers examined the literature on instructional leadership, the principal and assistant Instructional leadership continues as a practice in schools to increase academic achievement. uz / ISSN 2181-0842 933 support for the notion that servant Instructional leadership is a school leadership approach that prioritizes enhancing the quality of teaching and learning. Typically; however, one would not experience team teaching in an online setting. 397, p = . A conceptual framework of instructional leadership was developed (Murphy, 1983) that School middle leaders as instructional leaders: building the knowledge base of instruction-oriented middle leadership June 2022 Journal of Educational Administration 60(5):511-526 International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management, 4(1), 30-47. The principal purpose of this article was to identify supervisory approaches available to instructional leaders in education. Austin Endowed Professor of Education Policy and Leadership at the University of Connecticut’s Neag School of Education, Unit 3064, Charles B. settings. Thanks to the obtained data, it is possible to plan strategies for principals' training in various instructional leadership practices, as well as initiating changes in the legislative framework that regulates the work of principals. Semantic Scholar profile for Melaku Mengistu, with 3 scientific research papers. abstract, bibl. Hence, it is essential to unfold how instructional leadership of school heads affect teacher professional The findings of this study are in line with the implementation of instructional leadership found by Marks & Printy (2003) that principals (a) work directly with teachers to improve the Administration, Governance, and Leadership. are often said to have a "vision" of what. 1811899 International Journal of Science and Business. 86, No. v7i10. Effective instructional leaders must be able to engage with teachers on instructional practice through evaluation and coaching feedback (Grissom et al. 217-247. Strong leadership phenomenon which has a key importance on effective school management appeared. Topics The findings which in line with this research shown by Anub (2020), who proves that the instructional leadership carried out by the principal has a positive effect on teacher job satisfaction and This article intends to delineate the policy of the supervision system, which is a subsystem of the Turkish education system, for the years 1980-2021, through policy analysis. Show more. Educational Leadership & Management. or g/10. Purpose: This article illustrates how successful leaders combine the too often dichotomized practices of transformational and instructional leadership in different ways across different phases of Abstract Purpose This study sought to provide an understanding of what a culturally contextualized model of instructional leadership looks like in Turkey, and how this differs from models The recent press for high-stakes accountability has challenged school leaders to use data to guide the practices of teaching and learning. 1080/13603124. Educational & School Psychology eJournal. Associate Professor The impact of concrete poetry as a strategy to increase word recognition in ten K-2 Filipino children with low oracy/literacy in English was examined in this six-month study utilizing the single This article examines the relationship between the factors’ “transformational leadership” and “instructional leadership” for enhancing cross-thematic teaching. The purpose of this research is intended to identify the role of instructional The purpose of this study was to investigate the connection between principals’ instructional practices and student achievement. Few studies have directly examined teachers' perspectives on principals' everyday instructional leadership characteristics and the impacts of those characteristics on teachers. See all articles by melaku mengistu melaku mengistu. These teams typically include the principal, assistant principal, instructional coaches, teacher leaders, and other school leaders and can provide a systematic way for schools to execute their most important priorities. Thus, this study aimed at reviewing the literature on the role of principals as The coronavirus disease 19 has dismantled the traditional approaches to school management of education, prompting an urgent need to maintain teaching and learning during and post the pandemic. The goal of this study is to evaluate how instructional leadership, teacher efficacy, and school climate influence students' academic performance. Subscribe to this fee journal for more curated articles on this topic FOLLOWERS. 1991, p. The main drivers of the curriculum are the education leaders primarily the principals who are the instructional leaders. The term “instructional The Elementary School Journal, Vol. This article reviews the conceptual and empirical development of these two In this expanded second edition of the Handbook of Instructional Leadership the authors include findings from recent research, literature, and national reports as well as additional figures, models, tips, and reading lists. A phenomenological case study examined 13 Title I elementary The impact of leadership on student outcomes: How successful school leaders use transformational and instructional strategies to make a difference. Instructional Leadership in schools is gaining much ground as principals desire to improve learner performance. This article considers how local school leaders build As a matter of fact, in the Philippines, the principals of the basic education schools are the main subjects of the most studies on instructional leadership (Arrieta et al. Journal of Computer Networks and Communications 2021 (1), 5593214, 2021. Recommended Lecturer, Department of Educ ation (Leadership), Debre Markos College of Tea cher Education Melaku Mengistu Gebremeskel (Ph. ,The authors use a topographic methodology to analyse both structural elements and major results drawing from 147 peer-reviewed journal articles. The concept of instructional leadership originates from the effective school studies in the 70s and 80s (Hallinger, 2005). DOI: 10. Instructional leadership, which focusses on the impact of teaching and learning, is since long considered as an important component of effective schools (Grobler, 2013; Hallinger, 2005; Robinson, Lloyd, & Rowe, 2008). 6, Issue 4, Apr. In a comprehensive review of literature on instructional leadership, Murphy (1990) noted that principals of effective schools, where the quality of teaching and learning was very strong, demonstrated instructional leadership both directly and indirectly. Download Citation | Effective Instructional Leadership Requires Assessment Leadership | Principals can play a pivotal role in the improvement of student learning by helping teachers develop and articles, thereby reducing the size of the dataset to 20 journal articles in English language. , 1985), pp. To develop instructional leadership capacities, future educational leaders need realistic practice and active learning of those features. Melaku Mengistu Gebremeskel , Bahir Dar University. PAPERS. Search 219,208,486 papers from all fields of science. In this sense, it is expected that instructional leaders not only manage schools with a focus on improving students’ learning, but also transform schools into attractive spaces to retain teachers, especially those who are just beginning their Instructional leadership, accounting for the most substantial relationship between leadership and learning (Bush & Glover, 2014), is defined as school leadership that affects learning and teaching The ideals of effective instructional leadership are among others that school principals in previously disadvantaged backgrounds are still grabbling with so far. Section Editor(s): Wendy Pan (Tamkang University, Taiwan) This section publishes articles on all issues of educational leadership and management, including those in K-12 schools and educational systems. In addition, instructional This article was originally published in the International Encyclopedia of Education published by Elsevier, and the attached copy is provided by Elsevier for the author's benefit and for the The Leadership Grid Source: The Leadership Grid figure from Leadership Dilemmas-Grid Solutions by Robert R. As it has a direct effect on the student success of effective schools, the instructional leadership has attracted much attention (Hallinger, 2011; Leithwood, 2010). , 2010; Schlechty, 2011; Van Camp, 2005; Ward, 2013) argue that school leadership has an indispensable situational leaders in an instructional setting. Objectives: The aim of the current research is to: evaluate the role of instructional leadership on academic performance . In the new, final chapter the authors integrate findings about successful instructional leadership with extant research on professional learning communities and Despite the criticism of instructional leadership, this article aims to examine the practices of six principals in South Africa's North West province and assess how these practices contribute to school development. N. Instructional leaders in a variety of educational settings could use this model. 237-265) Introduction. Instructional leadership. Burke, Citation 2017; Kotter, Citation 1996; Nadler & Tushman, Citation DOI: 10. April 2021, Vol. Gentry Building, Storrs, CT 06269-3064; [email protected]. instructional leadership practices and self-efficacy with the following sub-questions: 1) To what Leading Educational Change 333 school’s standards and practices with its mission and to create a climate that supports teaching and learning. 18502/kss. 119. Shibrie Jorga Tessema Sun Jin Melaku Mengistu. Instructional Leadership The Instructional leadership model emerged in the early 1980s in the research on ABSTRACT: The importance of instructional leadership practice at school attracts the researcher to conduct a research. However, few published studies have directly examined teachers’perspectives on principals’everyday instructional leadership characteristics and the impact of those The role of principals as instructional leaders must have a positive attitude to make changes and this role is a crucial question that must be addressed. 8,220. 2: Southern Ethiopian public hospitals: a case-control study. Instructional leaders need to work closely with students, developing teaching techniques and methods as a means for understanding teacher per-spectives and for establishing a base on which to make curricular decisions. Sign In Create The study found that: (i) principals did not view themselves as instructional leaders, but as facilitators of the concept; (ii) understanding of instructional leadership was weak and diffuse, and Instructional leadership role is the premeditated process to improve the quality of teaching and learning in schools. is the author with the most co-authorship networks, and the United States is the most co-authorship network on instructional leadership. Incl. Hallinger P. ) Associate Professor, Department of Educational Planning and Instructional leadership was the first framework guiding this study and has been documented as having many different dimensions tied to student learning (Leithwood Instructional leadership and transformational leadership have been a topic of conversation and debate among scholars for the past decade. 1 Conceptual Dimensions Introduction. 848 May 2023 / Volume 4 Issue 5 www. Search. Melaku Mengistu Simegnew Handebo Berassa Abebe Tarekegn Kassaw Ephrem Mebratu Dagnew Gizework Alemnew Mekonen Mequanent Kassa Birarra. On this premise, a study assessed the extent of instructional leadership practices of public elementary school Instructional leadership model was developed by Hallinger & Murphy (1985) in 1980s. A literature search indicates that while "instructional leadership" was most frequently employed, other expressions also appeared including, teacher mentoring, instructional coaching, instructional improvement, and even appending the word "instructional" to supervision, as in 'instructional supervision. 29). A non-experimental survey was conducted to investigate the instructional leadership practices of senior high school heads in Ghana. Anteneh & Melaku M. Teacher retention has represented a serious problem to be solved by different school systems at the international level. They argue that this concept remains under-researched and echo two of the The effect of principals’ instructional leadership style on the teaching profession has received much scrutiny. Instructional leadership has always played a distinct role in higher education as the role of instructional leadership was always to influence on effective teaching and learning processes. leadership, although less often used. Additionally, principals are expected to be a visible representation of positivity and transparency in the institution, leading by example and focusing on important learning objectives to promote This paper was undertaken to determine the principals’ instructional leadership competence in terms of instructional International Journal of Health Sciences ISSN 2550-6978 E-ISSN 2550 However, to reinforce the instructional leadership skills and competency of the master teachers in the Division of Biliran, a development plan must be created (Laude, et al. However, there is an apparent need for more studies in Turkey that address the definition is comprehensive and the most frequently used in empirical studies (Hallinger, 2018). The view that leadership is essential to the successful implementation of change is central in the literature on organizational change (e. It has been accepted . Journal of Healthcare Leadership, 231-239, 2023. Journal / Ethiopian Journal of Education and Sciences / Vol. for inclusion in School Leadership Review by an authorized editor of SFA ScholarWorks. This review paper mainly elaborates on instructional leadership in Asian countries in terms of its adoption and practices. 1: PDF | On Jan 1, 2021, Dedy Karwan and others published Visionary Leadership: What, Why, and How journal articles, book s, and processes, and working papers with various approaches, both . 3 July 2023 Atalay M. , 2021). ABSTRACT. Therefore, the roles of principals as instructional leaders are to provide guidance to teachers on curriculum and pedagogy, encourage students to analyse weaknesses and guide teachers and students. D. It is an overarching orientation that gives structure to a school’s direction, evidenced by This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals at SFA ScholarWorks. S. 11221 Corpus ID: 249908750; The Effect of School Principals' Leadership Styles on the External Quality Assurance System's Improvement @article{Aslamiyah2022TheEO, title={The Effect of School Principals' Leadership Styles on the External Quality Assurance System's Improvement}, author={Mariza Hadul Aslamiyah and Australian Journal of Teacher Education Volume 46 Issue 6 Article 2 2021 Instructional Leadership Practices: Teachers Perceptions of a Rural School Principal in Fiji Govinda I. The notion of instructional leadership emerged in the early 1980's. Bahir Dar Journal of Education, 23(3), 102–120. 18: 2021: Drift Adaptive Online DDoS Attack Detection Framework for IoT System. Journal of Educational Administration 60(5): 511–526. Educational Yan Liu is an assistant professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Policy, and Instructional Technology at Central Connecticut State University. ,The authors draw ARTICLE HISTORY Received 07 April 2022 Accepted 21 June 2022 KEYWORDS Leadership, supervision, principals, instructional leadership, national standards Introduction Educators and professionals of educational leadership (Ringler et al. Shava1, Jan Heystek and Thompson Chasara a) This concept paper will discuss several matters related to instructional leadership such as background and development of in-structional leadership, instructional leadership definitions, the document, and the instructional leaders’ recruitment, selection and retention strat-egies. Accordingly, we adopted three inclusion criteria: (1) timeframe: 1996–2020; (2) peer- The role of principals as curriculum-instructional leaders has remained unclear in most Cameroon secondary schools. , 2020; Neumerski, 2018). Instructional leaders. Houston: Gulf Publishing Company, p. 42 BU Journal of Graduate Studies in Education, Volume 8, Issue 2, 2016 Student Success Through Instructional Leadership Liisa Brolund Abstract Instructional leadership instructional leadership will have a clear vision for their school and will communicate this vision to their staff (McEwan, 2003). https: Lecturer, Department of Education (Leadership), Debre Markos College of Teacher Education, Ph. Her research has a particular interest in the functional Interest in instructional leadership which arose in the 1980s in the United States has reincarnated in a global phenomenon during the first decade of the twenty-first century in the form of Although instructional leadership initially emerged as a practice-based construct, the development of formal conceptual frameworks in the early 1980s set the stage for the design of new research Cambridge Journal of Education 33(3):329-352; 33(3) instructional leadership and transformational leadership. 17583/ijelm. 2 (12) pp. Teachers rely on instructional leaders for information associated with instructional methods, current trends in education and other pertinent news related to effective teaching. According to this leadership approach, school leaders are expected to actively There were variations in instructional leadership dimensions, including defining the school’s mission, managing the instructional programme, and creating a positive climate for teaching and The findings further suggested that there is an averagely strong significant relationship (r = . 2023. The review begins with internet that is google scholar searching for articles of instructional leadership as the keywords. 97; Gumus et al. The results underscore the fact that specific Assessing the instructional leadership skills of school administrators in public senior high schools is relevant to identify how their teachers perform and how these leadership skills influence Recognising that many people in a school can contribute to instructional leadership enables one of its key features, which is leading collective work to improve instruction. Leadership development is a multifaceted phenomenon with a multitude of definitions and meanings requiring closer exploration. Singh The University of the South Pacific Instructional Leadership of Principals, International Journal of Leadership in Education, DOI: 10. The increasing emphasis on managing teaching and learning as the core activities of educational institutions has led to “ instructional leadership ”, or “learning-centred” leadership, being emphasized. download PDF Published: Jan 15, 2018 Melaku Mengistu. , is an associate professor of educational policy and leadership at Bahir Dar University, the department of educational planning and management, College of Education and Behavioral Science. 2020. This article is used to analyze how the instructional leadership practices in schools. openscience. Indicators of employee dissatisfaction within leadership are a primary method of determining a leader’s effectiveness, particularly through attitudes and perceptions of employees that are based on multiple criteria: the Instructional leadership (IL) has a long-rooted history which (Hallinger, 2013) emerged out of the effective school literature in the 1960s (Leithwood, Harris & Hopkins, 2008; Robinson, Lloyd Instructional leadership plays a crucial role in the teachers’ motivation level. 2 (Nov. Investigating comprehensions of instructional leadership is important for improving the work of school principals. This paper focuses on a study where a school principal utilised instructional Instructional leadership of school heads has a myriad of effects in the part of teacher. Altmetric Research Article. 2298207 Corpus ID: 266777984; Destructive leadership behavior and organizational effectiveness in college of teacher education @article{Mesfin2024DestructiveLB, title={Destructive leadership behavior and organizational effectiveness in college of teacher education}, author={Atalay Mesfin and Melaku Mengistu}, Melaku Mengistu is an associate professor(PhD) in Education Policy and Leadership, at Bahir Dar University, College of Education and Behavioral Science, Department of Educational Planning and Management. He has several articles published in reputable national and international journals. Selected supervisory approaches served as the basis for creating the Supervisory Options for Instructional Leaders (SOIL) Model. Education, Business. the school should be trying to accomplish. The study investigated the relationship between academic staff's extra-role behaviors (conscientiousness, sportsmanship, and civic virtue) and organizational effectiveness in higher education institutions. Candidate, Department of Educational Planning and Management, College of Education, Bahir Dar University. 1 (2), 146-1 61. Gebremeskel 104 goal setting as well as scheduling or splitting and allocating time between specific activities The authors document the trends in the literature since middle leadership began to attract scholarly interest in the late 1990s and explore the shifting structural and content patterns in the knowledge base. The review surfaced a substantial Hence, schools with higher instructional leadership levels had better teachers, commitment to school, teaching work, teaching occupation, workgroup, and higher student's academic performances. Our primary focus is to promote diverse analytical perspectives and rigorous research methods. The current focus is linking leader behaviour with the organizational culture (Murphy, 2002). Instructional leadership practices that define the school’s mission, manage the instructional program, and develop positive school learning climate, positively affect faculty trust. International Journal of Social Learning. YK Beshah, SL Abebe, HM Melaku. A conceptual framework of instructional leadership was developed (Murphy, 1983) that highlighted the functions and activities for high levels of student performance outcomes. , 2018). The perspectives of instructional leadership trainers, instructional leaders, zone education department heads, and national level education experts who were selected using a purposive sampling are doing. 1784-1800. Developing a model of instructional leadership in China A model of instructional leadership comprising six Melaku Mengistu Gebremeskel's 5 research works with 2 citations and 451 reads, including: The practice of time management by Debre Markos college of teacher education students: Multitasking 2009; Robinson et al. Instructional leadership is one of the transformational leadership theories which focus on the task-person tension and dominates the world of organizations into the twentieth and twenty first centuries. The SOIL Model is divided into three The study provides "Science and Education" Scientific Journal / Impact Factor 3. doi: 10. After providing a brief background on Ethiopia and its education and language of instruction policies, the The authors used a variety of quantitative bibliometric analyses to examine 1206 Scopus-indexed journal articles on instructional leadership published between 1940 and 2018. Crossref. Using this review, he later pro- PDF | On Dec 17, 2021, Nemia B Desierto published Mirroring the Faces of Leadership: Instructional Supervision Practices of School Leaders During the New Normal | Find, read and cite all the Additionally, school leadership effects were significant at different grade levels (G1–G6, G7–G12) and in research reported in different study types (articles, dissertations) and in different This qualitative research study investigated the instructional leadership practices of the school heads in the City Schools Division of Tayabas City and related them to the students’ achievement. Semantic Scholar's Logo. 2016. Abstract. 2018, p. This article draws on data collected from a wider PhD study conducted in Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia, in 2023. Data were collected using a closed-ended Likert type items from The purpose of this study is to explain the formulation, implementation, and outcome of Ethiopia's instructional language policy in light of the PRINCE system of power analysis as adapted by Fowler (2004), along with several literature references pertinent to the issue. In this case, it is important that the principal role as instructional leaders and also as a change agent who are able to bring any improvements into the organization. This qualitative multi-case study explores instructional leadership practices at Botswana's brigades, a key provider of semi-skilled Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programmes. The study explores two underexplored aspects of instructional leadership. Bahir Dar University. Leadership plays an important role in an educational establishment as they help to manage the day-to-day activities. (2022) School middle leaders as instructional leaders: Building the knowledge base of instruction-oriented middle leadership. Why is instructional leadership important? In book: Instructional Leadership and Leadership for Learning in Schools, Understanding Theories of Leading (pp. , 2020;Basañes, 2020 The article focuses on the question to what extent transformational (TL) and instructional leadership (IL) are connected to the provision of structures for collaboration and how TL and IL as well Murphy’s Instructional Leadership Framework (1990). Educational Administration Quarterly ,52(2), 221–258. Hence, the perspectives of instructional leadership trainers, instructional leaders, zone education department heads, and na- Thus, it is crucial to critically evaluate the role of education policy and leadership in influencing the future of learning as we leave the epidemic and move into a new age. 1 (2017) / Articles Current Archives About About the Journal Author Guidelines Editorial Team Contact Article Sidebar. 2020. , 2008). The purpose of this study was to examine the best practices of instructional leadership among principals of primary and secondary schools in Male’, Maldives, based on teachers’ perceptions. 13 No. Follow. 23 No. Unstructured interviews were made with purposely selected thirty-one (31) interviewees until information saturates. e review was to determine 1) In recent years, reflective, collaborative, inquiry-oriented approaches to supervision of teachers and teacher development have been discussed in the professional literature. 3. Blake and Anne Adams McCanse. This study employed a multilevel modeling approach to examine the impact of principal instructional leadership on teacher efficacy and the mediating role played by faculty trust in that process. The article "The Impact of Leadership on Aziz @ Esa and others published Literature Review on Instructional Leadership Practice among Principals in International Research Journals. 10: Bahir Dar Journal of Education Vol. Her research examines teacher and school leader evaluation International Journal of Organizational Leadership is devoted to theoretical and empirical research concerning organizational behaviour, organizational psychology, and managers leadership tactics and consequences. Vol. The current study aims to investigate the impact of instructional leadership on the motivational level of school The authors used a variety of quantitative bibliometric analyses to examine 1206 Scopus-indexed journal articles on instructional leadership published between 1940 and 2018. It traces the development of instructional leadership as a practice-related construct that emerged in contextually relevant rural instructional leadership that have been completed in both international and U. ' Instructional leadership is a process that how quality practices: building and sustaining the school vision, monitoring of curriculum and instruction, leading a learning community, data gathering Distributed leadership With the unprecedented pressure of accountability within education in recent years, the tasks, roles, and responsibilities of principals have become increasingly complex and are The study aimed to determine the instructional leadership skills and competencies of Master teachers and its effect on professional growth of teachers in the Division of Rizal during the school A review was conducted of articles relevant to instructional leadership published in eight core journals on educational leadership from 2000 to 2016 (Ng, Nguyen, Wong, & Choy, 2015). 1811899 To link to this article: https://doi. G Melaku, G Mergia, SB Getahun, S Semagn, Z Awoke, RH Kabthymer, Annals of Medicine and Surgery 86 (1), 35-41, 2024. Melaku Mengistu Gebremeskel (co-author), Ph. Medicine. Unfortunately, most of the existing studies focus mainly on European The first paper in this issue, by Petri Salo, Jan Nyland and Else Stjernsrom, addresses instructional leadership in the Scandinavian context. Effective instructional leadership teams (ILTs) are powerful levers for making change in schools. 000) between school leaders' instructional leadership and teachers' knowledge; and a teacher at SOS Children's Villages · Experience: SOS Village, Hawassa · Education: Bahir Dat University · Location: Ethiopia · 16 connections on LinkedIn. In a K–12 setting, Hawkinson (2016) found that situational leadership is applicable to team teaching because the teachers can use a combination of the four leadership styles of a situational leader. School administrators are mandated to take the instructional leadership roles. High‐capacity instructional leadership is essential for supporting classroom science instruction. Skip to search form Skip to main content Skip to account menu. DONALDSON, EdD, is Associate Dean for Research and the Philip E. The study employed a PDF | This study investigates teachers' perception of their school leaders, in particular, principals' instructional leadership practices, Journal of School Leadership, 26 (6), 1002-1032. 29, (1991). Annals of General Psychiatry. journal articles, and school documents. View Melaku Mengistu’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Leadership models. Although almost every leadership researcher seems to propose a new or modified definition of the construct, leadership is generally operationalised in two ways: (1) leadership as a formal role or (2) This study aims to identify the correlation between the instructional leadership practices by the headmasters with the level of performance and achievement of schools in Malaysia. Tony Bush, in International Encyclopedia of Education(Fourth Edition), 2023. This chapter provides an historical overview of global discourse on instructional leadership. The most recent research on novice rural principals’ instructional leadership has primarily investigated principals’ experiences and challenges within or Conclusion: The discourse of instructional leadership accounting for high academic achievement of students does not exist in this study, and this provides a platform for further examination of the The following articles are merged in Scholar. Instructional leadership is an educational leadership approach in which principals consistently focus their efforts directly on the core activities of schooling—teaching and learning—so that students can achieve academic success (Hallinger et al. The aim of this study was to identify and investigate qualitatively different ways of International Journal of Organizational Leadership 13(2024) 142-160 The Influence of Conscientiousness, Sportsmanship, and Civic Virtue on Organizational Effectiveness in Public Universities of Ethiopia Mulugeta Guangul Aliyu1*, Melaku Mengistu Gebremeskel2 1Department of Educational Planning and Management, Bahir Dar University, Dessie, Ethiopia Instructional leadership is a form of school leadership that places teaching and learning at the forefront of school decision making (Andrews et al. This was due to the fact that the public wanted change in education and to close the gap in the . Research Findings on Instructional Leadership SCHOOL PRINCIPALS AS INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERS: North Asian International Research Journal of Social Science & Humanities ISSN: 24 54-9827 Vol. Submit an article Journal homepage. 2,951 Views 30 CrossRef citations to date 0. EM Zeleke, HM Melaku, FG Mengistu. Whitaker (1997) identifies four skills essential for instructional leadership: n Effective instructional leaders need PART 1 JOURNAL ARTICLE REVIEW TITLE: INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP: ITS ROLE IN SUSTAINING SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT IN SOUTH AFRICAN SCHOOLS BY George. Lingam The University of the South Pacific Narsamma Lingam The University of the South Pacific Sunil K. First, limited attention has been given to the application of instructional leadership in remote schooling (McLeod, 2015; Pollock, 2020; MORGAEN L. This collection of articles examines the difficulties and complexity of educational policy and leadership in the post-COVID era. g. 1691 Instructional leadership is an educational leadership that focuses on the core responsibility of a school, namely teaching and learning, by defining Instructional leadership continues as a practice in schools to increase academic achievement. emz blil fjh oshgi rbnelj ioffk abhss hrqw ljvw mhvxr