Qualified products list. Please review the Utilities Accommodation Manual .

Qualified products list Search the DLC Qualified Products Lists. UrlLink. Use of the DODIN APL allows DOD Components to purchase and operate systems over all DOD network infrastructures. MDOT Materials Source Guide / MDOT MQAP. term. 3. 17. Qualified Products Lists & Qualified Source Lists. 20. Each QPL and QPP indicates when the last Product lists . 2. Questions? Please call Patti Caswell at 503-913-9221. Our products are approved by over 70 OEMs/Specifiers with hundreds of unique specifications. PUBLISHING DATE: JANUARY 2022 (AMENDED JANUARY 25, 2022) The Qualified Products List is updated every six months or amended as needed. SH: 4210: QPL-32725: MIL-PRF-32725: 05-JUN-2024: Active Pending Qualified Products list updates. See the . These are organized by Material Code. Long-Term Retardant Qualified Products List - The SSL (LED) Qualified Products List improves both consumer confidence and sustainability of the LED lighting market as a whole through well-researched criteria for efficiency and quality created by our expert team and with input from our stakeholders. A "Qualified Product" is a material which has a current basis of acceptance and is published on the Qualified Products List in the Materials Source Guide. List Name Approved Products List (APL) Prepared By: Product Evaluation Program 206 South 17th Avenue, Room 198 Phoenix, AZ 85007 apl@azdot. Our list of generators that qualify for a rebate is ever growing; to find the most up to date list, visit our Qualified Product List. IPC-CFX QPL Company Listings . 3, 2022. A detailed list of the products for each product category, section, and subsection Current List of All QPL-Approved Products. Home. Use AeroFlex “Signal Specific” backplates consistent with the approved signal housing. Manufacturer’s full name, cage The Oregon Qualified Products List – Users Guide . Qualified Product List Requirements For a complete listing of all specifications QUALIFIED PRODUCTS LIST . Using the QPL will benefit many that 1hz +dpsvkluh 'hsduwphqw ri 7udqvsruwdwlrq %xuhdx ri 0dwhuldov dqg 5hvhdufk 3urgxfwv dsshdulqj rq wklv olvw kdyh ehhq suh txdolilhg e\ wkh 'hsduwphqw iru jhqhudo xvh 8qohvv ****PRODUCT DISCONTINUED BY MANUFACTURER*** AUTOSCOPE ENCORE with TIP and TAP/connected via Parallel I/O Cable for 24 outputs and C4 Green/Red Interface Cable Assembly for 170 controllers or SDLC Cable to 2070-2E+ C12S for 2070LX controllers; 3-conductor, 18 AWG, Polyethylene Jacketed, 600V rated manufacturer approved power cable; mounted with (46) SIGN SHEETING AND INK QUALIFIED PRODUCTS - Chemistry Lab (49) QUALIFIED SEALERS AND TOPCOATS FOR METALLIZED SURFACES - Chemistry Lab (50) PERFORMANCE GRADED (PG) PINDER SOURCES - Asphalt Lab (50. It is also known as a Qualified Products List (QPL). Products that earn the ENERGY STAR label meet strict energy-efficiency specifications set by the U. I can be reached at 410-321-4113 or faxed at 410-321-4108. CC: 5935: QPL-38999: MIL-DTL-38999: 30-MAY-2008: Active Approved Products List. The Office Tech must verify that material listed on the Material Source List is from the QPL. Software and hardware manufacturers and resellers can submit products for APL consideration monthly. Forms. FAC Number: 2025-03 Effective Date: 01/17/2025 Leave this field blank « Previous Qualification. 2 The document Notice To Manufacturers must be read in its entirety and followed precisely to have the process completed in a timely fashion. State of California Qualified Products List General . Public access is provided for all qualified products including: Category of products, e. By using the Horticultural QPL, growers can save time and money, improve their crop yields, and contribute to the sustainability of indoor If a previously approved product has expired and is no longer listed on the DoDIN APL, it will be listed on the DoDIN APL Removal List. Our products are approved by over 70 OEMs/ Specifiers with hundreds of unique specifications. Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to LinkedIn Share ia Email. Find out how DLA Land and Maritime-VQ qualifies and lists products, manufacturers, and potential offerors for specifications. DoDIN Approved Products List. Documents that contain QPL requirements are listed in the GSA “Index of Federal Effective with the December 2022 letting, the Approved Products List (APL) has changed and certain eligible materials will require Buy America (BA) certification. ) Material: 918. search shopping_cart. Connected Thermostats Qualified Products List (Revised Date 12/03/2024) Energy Project Manage. Please review the Utilities Accommodation Manual Approved Products & Materials Lists of products, materials, producers, and suppliers approved for use on ODOT construction projects. Pending qualified products list. - Qualified Products List . QPL-81706, which identifies products meeting the requirements for qualification in MIL-DTL-81706, has been transformed into an electronic QPL in the Qualified Products Database (QPD). APL-4-2023. E&S Control Highway (Standard/Guidesheets) - HW-211_01 Anti-Tracking Pad List of approved products for use on North Carolina highway projects. AASHTOWare Project™ Construction & Materials has replaced Virtual Warehouse. Cabinet, IPS: AA-C-2786A, Cabinet, Security, Information Processing System Storage, Class 5, 3 June 2020. These products and producers are currently qualified with the Montana Department of Transportation. The QPL identifies materials, and manufacturers whose materials are approved for use on ODOT projects without further documentation or testing. Permission must be requested from the State Materials and Research Engineer prior to use and usage may be limited based on the status of the overall evaluation. Qualified Products List. gov Published: 04/04/2023. Qualified Products List Report Print Date: JJ01646 06/02/2023 Material: QPL. E&S Control Specifications - Sedimentation Control at Catch Basin Specification - Turbidity Control Curtains Specification - Track Out Mat System Specification - Water Pollution Control Specification. Each State approaches their pre-approved products program from different perspectives and with varying resources. QPL (Qualified Products List) is used to qualify EMS suppliers’ products (including printed circuit boards) and the manufacturing sites, who meet the requirements of IPC-4103, Specification for Base Materials for High Speed/High Frequency Applications . NJDOT maintains databases of qualified materials for materials that are required to be on a qualified products list (QPL) for use. The IRS determines which expenses can be reimbursed by an FSA. Additional rows can be loaded by scrolling down the page. 1. Questions concerning this list should be directed to Stuart E. The Qualified Product List for the following governing specification was last updated on 05-JAN-2025: QA: FSC: QPL Number: Governing Spec: Doc Date: Doc Status: Title: QPL Notes Access preamble and foonote information. Page 1 . Roadside Memorial. A Forest Service. Jones, Qualified Materials Representative. These lists include pre-qualified products, approved suppliers and certified sources of specific materials that exhibit satisfactory compliance to a The DLC’s LED Lighting Program is home to the world’s largest verified list of high-performing commercial LED lighting products. Qualified Product List CONCRETE ADMIXTURES December 6, 2024 This list supersedes the November 22, 2024 list. Qualified Products List Report Product Category: 01 - Traffic Control Materials Seciton: A-Pav Marker (Raised/Snowplow. NOTE: Interim Approval from the Office of Materials and Testing is allowed on an evaluation basis. CC: 5935: QPL-38999: MIL-DTL-38999: 30-MAY-2008: Active: Approved Products List Search Screen: Search by Category Instructions: Select a Category from the List/Menu To select a Subcategory, 1 st you must select a Category; To select a Basecategory, 1 st You must select a Subcategory; To select Qualified Product List. 13. a split-system water heater composed of a specific heat New York State Department of Transportation coordinates operation of transportation facilities and services including highway, bridges, railroad, mass transit, port, waterway and aviation facilities Qualified Product List. Qualified materials are those which have undergone a prescribed procedure for submittal, testing, and pre-approval. Qualification is the process by which products of manufacturers are independently examined and tested to determine whether they conform to military and industry performance, quality and a list of products that have met the qualification requirements stated in the applicable specification, including appropriate product identification and test or qualification reference Qualified Products List. ) (b) Specifications requiring a qualified product are included- Qualified Product List April 2024 Connecticut Department of Transportation Bureau of Engineering and Construction Division of Facilities & Transit Engineering Services. After a fire chemical has successfully completed an evaluation, WFCS adds it to the Forest Service Qualified Products List (QPL) which allows federal agencies, states, and others to purchase it. Only Surge Protective Devices (SPDs) that are listed on the FDOT Approved Products List (APL) and that meet the Materials requirement of Section 620 (Grounding and Lightning Protection) of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) “Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Current: Qualified Products Lists Qualified Sources Lists Questions or additional information about the contents of this page, please select and click on the respective List Name Contact Person. Procedures. Logout. You can access the QPD in one of two ways: You can access the QPD through ASSIST, https://assist. The intent of the conference is to bring winter maintenance research to the Pacific Northwest in The Miami-Dade County (MDC) Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) Traffic Signals and Signs Division’s Qualified Products List (TSSQPL) is a listing of the traffic control signals or devices including flashers, beacons, variable message, feedback signs and related components and materials currently accepted by PWWM for installation in MDC public right-of Pelco Products Inc. DUI Memorial Sign Program. Product Information. Long-Term Retardant on Qualified Products List Dry Concentrate, Gum-Thickened, High and Medium Viscosity Phos-Chek MVP-Fx; Phos-Chek MVP-F; Phos-Chek P100-F; Fortress FR-100; Fortress FR-105M; Dry Concentrate, Gum–thickened, Low Viscosity The Intelligent Transportation Systems Qualified Product list (ITS/QPL) provides a list of products that have been known to perform satisfactorily to the Tennessee Department of Transportation. Qualified Product List QPL. SSL Technical Requirements Product Categorization Definitions. g. Effective July 1, 2024, Eversource and Avangrid residential customers applying for a heat pump rebate will need to register your rebate online (preferred) or by mail, before you begin heat pump equipment installation, to qualify for a rebate. org | info@neea. Processes Supported Standardization Departments Associated Army Navy / Marine Corps Air Force Agencies Integrated Product Support Elements Addressed Products or manufacturers qualified to the requirements in a governing specification, are published on a corresponding Qualified Product List (QPL) or Qualified Manufacturers' List (QML) in the Qualified Product Database (QPD). Contact Us. The category type lists the QPL information by the category listed in MT-601 (from the Materials Manual). The QPD contains qualification information regarding products and manufacturers as compiled and maintained by the individual Qualifying Activities(QA). 16. S. This is a comprehensive list. gov Lists of products pre-qualified for use on Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) projects are compiled and maintained by the Department. 020 Irregular Composite • Spread n’ Spray Primer CM0480922 All Surfaces • Chrome Hazard Free Flexible Epoxy Primer CM0483790 All Surfaces • Polane® T F63TXXX Tips • Acry Glo® Conventional CM0571XXX / WXXXXX EAN Suppliers EAN Subscribers RMS PRI Training Learn Center. If a material is required or permitted to be on a QPL, the QPL is referenced in the materials specification in the 2007 NJDOT Standard Specifications. CISA reviews each submission against established CDM Program criteria to validate the vendor’s claim that Qualified Products List Report Print Date: JJ03311 06/22/2022 Material: QPL. When you receive an updated list, please discard the old one. 1263 South Stewart Street . Designers and contractors are still responsible to select materials that best meet the specific requirements of each project, and submit for A Qualified Products List (QPL) is a listing of products or family of products that have met the qualification requirements set forth in the applicable specification, including appropriate product identification, tests or qualification Qualified Products List Type. , Airport or Highway Construction qualified products list report. EPA helping you save energy and money while protecting the environment. Qualified Products List QPL Administrator: 208-334-8440 Email: ITDQPLAdmin@itd. See the Approved/Qualified Products Process Policy. 210 Qualified products. This is usually done because of the length When a product is approved, it will be added to the appropriate list. 202(a)(2) with regard to any product, manufacturer, or potential offeror not yet included on an applicable list. The WFCS program compiles technical information acquired during fire chemical product evaluations and provides that information in forms that are Search the DLC Qualified Products Lists (QPLs) to find verified, high performing LED lighting, horticultural LEDs, and control systems that save energy and meet your specific needs. Access Registration. Test Methods  Florida Sampling and Testing Methods (Sorted By Subject) Qualified Products List for Construction Posted: 1/19/2025 10:00:39PM PennDOT utilizes a web-based Product Evaluation Application process for approving and listing products in Bulletin 15, Qualified Products List for Construction. mil. Both the ASSIST and Quick Search websites link governing specifications to the corresponding QPL or QML, and also link Qualified Products List Search by Manufacturer OR Standard Specs Compiled: December 17, 2024 11:58AM The Search page allows you to enter criteria and view selected Qualified Products information. The Oregon Qualified Products List (QPL) is intended to provide specific information on products that have been evaluated by ODOT for use in highway construction. Qualified products undergo thorough vetting and review by DLC experts to ensure they meet our rigorous energy and quality requirements. DLC Product Category: “Category” indicates the highest level of product groups in the DLC Solid State Lighting Technical Requirements Table 1. Both ASSIST and Quick Search are updated during a nightly process that runs each business day. The "QUALIFIED PRODUCTS LIST" (QPL) is a comprehensive list D ) Transient Protection Device Refer to Section 620-Grounding and Lightning Protection. ASSIST is a robust, comprehensive web site used by standardization management activities to develop, coordinate, distribute, and manage DSP technical The Division utilizes a list of approved sources for acceptance of materials and sources that are suitable for acceptance at a reduced testing frequency. Find energy efficient lighting, browse resources related to the QPL or product qualification, and learn how the DLC develops technical requirements that drive the transition to LED lighting. Search for: Search by:QPL NumberDocument NumberGoverning SpecTitleFSCGovt DesignationMfr DesignationSource Name The Qualified Products Database (QPD) serves as the official repository for all qualification information in the form of Qualification Data Sets. 04 on behalf of the Department of Defense. Highway Authority Agreements. 2 & 925. References. 5. QUALIFIED PRODUCTS LIST CONTINUED JUNE, 2018 pg 5/6 MT-PROPELLER EASA. This office also maintains the Approved Products List. The Defense Information Systems Agency maintains the DOD Information Network (DODIN) Approved Products List (APL) process, as outlined in DOD Instruction 8100. idaho. 40. 21J. Access the QML/QPL index and contact information for assistance. Dirksen Parkway Springfield, IL 62764 (217) 782-7820 or TTY (866) 273-3681 Materials Laboratory Qualified Products List (QPL) State Materials Laboratory 1655 S 2nd Ave Tumwater, WA 98512-6951 Page maintained by: Per the Material Description, all products on this list must be re-certified in writing by January 1 of each year in order to remain on the QPL. The QPD contains qualification information Q: Where can I find DoD Qualified Products Lists (QPLs) and Qualified Manufacturers List (QMLs)? A: The Qualified Products Database (QPD) is the official source for all DoD The Qualified Products Database (QPD) serves as the official repository for information related to Qualified Products Lists (QPLs) and Qualified Manufacturers Lists (QMLs). Products Removed From QPL Find all the information you need to start shopping for ENERGY STAR certified products, including product details, rebates, and retailers near you. Aggregate Products Registration. Refer to the Mass Save Heat Pump Qualified Products List for a complete list of eligible units; Equipment must be new and installed to displace oil, propane, natural gas, or electric baseboard (resistance) as ©NEEA 2023 neea. The Office of Materials and Technology maintains a listing of Qualified Materials used on Maryland State Highway Administration construction projects. Our rigorous vetting and review process to qualify for listing creates trust. 4. Fatal Accident Memorial Sign Program. Eligible Expenses. 003 EC-STR-3D Enhanced Silt Fence 89900012 - ACF Environmental Trade Name Evaluation # M200N 21055 MF-W Expires 12-31-24 Product Category: 36 - Geotextiles and Geosynthetics The Qualified Product List for the following governing specification was last updated on 03-APR-2024: QA: FSC: QPL Number: Governing Spec: Doc Date: Doc Status: Title: QPL Notes Access preamble and foonote information. The enclosed Qualified Product List validates our strength in the industry by providing products that help our customers enhance their brand image, protect their assets, and make them more competitive in their market. After qualification, the products, manufacturers, or potential offerors are included in a Federal or Military QPL, QML, or QBL. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION . Qualification does not imply that materials can be used The links below provide documents regarding NHDOT Qualified Products List, the QPL User Guide, and the Product Qualification Criteria. QUALIFIED PRODUCTS LIST . One of the primary goals of QPD is to create an on-line, real-time replacement worldwide Aerospace industry. Contractual requirements may allow the use of QPL items in lieu of acceptance based on test results in order to facilitate inspection of products with proven track records. A current combined list of all approved products in all Product Categories shown below (This list is updated on the first day of each month) Qualified Products List February 5, 2024 . Kilpatrick Transportation Supervising Engineer 14. The following links outline information about currently approved long-term retardants, and contact information for the companies that produce them: Long-Term Retardant Qualified Products List - U. Business Logo. Within Colorado the Approved Products List (APL), which is also referred to as a Qualified Products List (QPL) in some States, is designed to use our extremely limited resources to the maximum benefit of our customers. It does not cover Federal Information Processing The Qualified Product List for the following governing specification was last updated on 27-AUG-2024: QA: FSC: QPL Number: Governing Spec: Doc Date: Doc Status: Title: QPL Notes Access preamble and foonote information. PennDOT does not charge a fee for submitting a Product Evaluation Application or for the review and approval process. 04. The DLC Qualified Products Lists are the largest verified lists of high-performing and energy-saving LED lighting solutions in the world. 3 | Controller Assembly and Subassembly This is a listing of Traffic Signal & ITS Equipment prepared in accordance with the Office of Traffic Operations Standard Operating Procedure 42 (SOP 42). Asphalt; Bridge; Concrete; Crack and joint materials Qualified Product List. 3, 48298 Shaw Rd. Documents that contain QPL requirements QML/QPL Listing - Qualified Manufacturers List/Qualified Product List . (See 9. The QPL provides Department personnel with an easy-to-use paperless process to determine if a material is In order for products to meet the standards of the qualified products list, they must have, at a minimum, the following: • ENERGY STAR certification and additional information necessary to prove energy savings OR • Independent of manufacturer evaluation(s) demonstrating energy savings for smart thermostat A Qualified Products List (QPL) is a listing of products or family of products that have met the qualification requirements set forth in the applicable specification, including appropriate product identification, tests or qualification reference, and the name and plant address of the manufacturer and authorized distributor. If you cannot find a specific list, try Ctr-F on your keyboard and enter a search for the name of the list. Qualified manufacturers list (QML) means a list of manufacturers who have had their products The approved product list pre-qualifies materials and serves as part of DTSD's Quality Verification activity per Title 23 CFR 637 and WisDOT Standard Specification Section 106. AS: 8010: QPL-85285: MIL-PRF-85285: 16-MAY-2022: Active: Topcoat, Aircraft and Support Equipment: Preamble Footnotes Approved Products List (APL) Cybersecurity Acronyms; Cybersecurity Awareness Month Archives; DoD Consent Banner with FAQ; External Resources; Policy and Guidance 0 0 Ciaran Salas Ciaran Salas 2018-09-27 15:17:11 2018-09-27 15:17:11 NIAP Validated Products List. Please refer to the QPL Product Submittal Guide and Form when submitting new products for consideration at NHDOT. These materials must meet MDOT's current specifications and requirements for the product described in its respective Qualification Procedure found in the Materials Quality Find out what products and services are eligible for reimbursement under your FSA. The QPL categories, sections and product types are listed on the left side of the screen. SH: 4210: QPL-24385: MIL-PRF-24385: 07-APR-2020: Active: Fire Extinguishing Agent, Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) Liquid Select a category below to display all qualified products associated with that category. 1) EMULSIFIED ASPHALT SOURCES - Asphalt Lab (50. Find energy efficient The Residential Heat Pump Water Heater (HPWH) Qualified Products List (QPL) contains information on Residential HPWH products that meet the Advanced Water Heating Specification requirements. Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Section 1021 Page 2 of 25 AIR ENTRAINING ADMIXTURES (Continued) Company Name Producer/Supplier Number Brand Name Technical Info and Dosage Range Link1 NTPEP Number And Link QUALIFIED PRODUCTS LIST (QPL): A QPL material should be field verified by construction staff to the extent possible. HMA TICKETS: Immediate possession of tickets is required for items paid by ton (weight). 001 - Cold Patch (High-Performance, Asphalt) Section: A-Patching Materials (Asphalt) Product Category:13 - Patching Materials United States of America 89900220 - Crafco Inc Trade Name Evaluation # HP ER Cold Patch 21107 Bulk and Containerized 89900342 - Eubank DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY DLA Land and Maritime Qualified Manufacturers List (QML)/Qualified Product List (QPL) January 22, 2025. Please contact the MDT Materials Bureau at (406) 444-5407 if you notice any errors or A qualified products list is a list of products that have met the qualification requirements stated in the applicable specification, including appropriate product identification and test or qualification reference number, with the name and plant address of the manufacturer and distributor, as applicable. FAR. You can use your FSA funds to pay for a variety of expenses for you, your spouse, and your dependents. The Qualified Products Policies (QPP) provide information to the manufacturer of the material to assist them in obtaining pre-qualified status. The Qualified Products Database (QPD) serves as the official repository for all qualification information in the form of Qualification Data Sets. The Category of a product is based on the description provided by the manufacturer and/or specification sheets for the product. /Reflect. The "QUALIFIED PRODUCTS LIST" is made up of two types of lists: 1. 1 It is the intent of this chapter to provide guidelines to Manufacturers or their Product Representatives as to how to request the placement of their product(s) onto CDOT's Approved Products List (APL). QPL-23377, which identifies products meeting the requirements for qualification in MIL-PRF-23377, has been transformed into an electronic QPL in the Qualified Products Database (QPD). Product Evaluation Committee Chairman Date David J. The Qualified Product List for the following governing specification was last updated on 16-JAN-2025: QA: FSC: QPL Number: Governing Spec: Doc Date: Doc Status: Title: QPL Notes Access preamble and foonote information. Products are listed on the right side of the screen. Previous versions of entire Materials Source Guide . Existing links in the list below may be changed and updated Qualified Products Listings (QPL) include pre-qualified materials that may be used on construction and maintenance projects as specified in the project proposal. QPL/QML products provide superior performance, quality Successful utilization of IPC-CFX on the shop floor requires confidence and trust that equipment has been qualified to IPC-CFX by an independent third party. ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION APPROVED Qualified Products List Report Product Category: 36 - Geotextiles and Geosynthetics Seciton: A-Products(for use in Standard Drawings) Material: QPL. NOTE: Interim Approval from the Office of Materials and Research is allowed on an evaluation basis. Qualification and listing in a QPL, QML, or QBL is the process by which products are obtained from manufacturers or distributors, examined and tested for compliance The Guidance Document for Material Qualified Products List, Specifications, Test Methods, and Product Purchasing (see Document section to the right) has additional information about the process, qualifications, and how to send your product. The QUALIFIED LIST - “Q” is for products that have been The Qualified Products List (QPL) and Qualified Manufacturers List (QML) Program offers many advantages and opportunities to both manufacturers and users of electronic components. Heroes Way Designation Program. The list can be used by Construction, Maintenance and IT personnel to identify devices to be used on the ITS SmartWay infrastructure in the State of The activity responsible for this qualified products list and for qualification approval is the Naval Air Systems Command, AIR-4. The Qualified Product List for the following governing specification was last updated on 02-DEC-2024: QA: FSC: QPL Number: Governing Spec: Doc Date: Doc Status: Title: QPL Notes Access preamble and foonote information. What is the process to get a commercial product CSfC-listed? Vendors who wish to have their products eligible as CSfC components of a composed, layered information assurance solution must build their products in accordance with the applicable US Government approved Protection Profile(s) and submit their product using the Common Criteria Process. The products and vendors on this site have been approved or qualified for use on MnDOT projects. Distribution will be made to parties concerned. The Qualified Product List for the following governing specification was last updated on 27-AUG-2024: QA: FSC: QPL Number: Governing Spec: Doc Date: Doc Status: Title: QPL Notes Access preamble and foonote information. SH: 4210: QPL-32725: MIL-PRF-32725: 05-JUN-2024: Active of federal product descriptions (FPDs), consisting of federal specifications and related federal qualified products lists, federal standards, and commercial item descriptions (CIDs). MR: 8010: QPL-53022: MIL-DTL-53022: 15-APR-2021: Active: Primer, Epoxy Coating, Corrosion Inhibiting Lead and Chromate Free The Miami-Dade County (MDC) Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) Traffic Signals and Signs Division’s Qualified Products List (TSSQPL) is a listing of the traffic control signals or devices including flashers, beacons, variable message, feedback signs and related components and materials currently accepted by PWWM for installation in MDC public right-of Qualified Products List Report Print Date: JJ01646 06/07/2023 Material: QPL. ; QPL-AA-C-2786-5, Federal Qualified Products List, Cabinet, Security, Information Equipment must be ENERGY STAR® Cold Climate certified. Official repository for all qualification information in the form of Qualification Data Sets. These products are found in Single Illinois Department of Transportation Hanley Building 2300 S. Qualified Labs  Not Applicable. 001 - Pre-Packaged Grout Section: A- Pre-Packaged Grout Product Category: 16 - Pre-Packaged Grout United States of America 89900519 - Kaufman Products Inc Trade Name Evaluation # Cementitious, non-shrink mortar. NPYY-xxxx): Company Name: Product Name: Product Category: Product Subcategory: Product Status: Update: Utility Vaults and handholes are no longer listed on the Approved Products List for encroachment purposes. AeroFlex Flexible Retroreflective Backplates (BK-8#0#-RTX-FL). 031 Snowplowable Reflective Markers 89900661 - Pac-Tec Inc Trade Name Evaluation # H1010HP 02024 An epoxy resin adhesive meeting AASHTO M 237 shall be used. QPD/QPL - Qualified Products Database or Qualified Products List . Rebate registrations are valid for 60 days from the date of approval. MDT confirms that products appearing on the QPL meet Montana specifications based on information and samples analyzed to date. Product Submittal (Product meets requirements for list published below) Aerospace industry. qplrequirements Qualified Products List (QPL) Requirements - GDOT Materials & Testing. 20: 6850: QPL-AMS2644: SAE-AMS2644: 13-MAR-1998: Active: Inspection Material, Penetrant: Preamble Footnotes H02 Component Qualified Products List (QPL)/Qualified Manufacturers List (QML) (SEP 2016) This item contains one or more components defined by a specification(s) with an associated Qualified Products List (QPL) or Qualified Manufacturers List (QML). Please review the Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) Material Sampling Guide, Note 30, and Section 28, Quality Assurance Program for Construction, for additional information Georgia Department of Transportation. Exclusive Agreements. Qualified Products List Not all products used during construction are required to be listed on the Department's Qualified Products List (QPL). The DoD Cyber Exchange is sponsored by Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA The CDM Program’s Approved Products List (APL) is the authoritative catalog for approved products that meet CDM technical requirements. Search the DLC Qualified Products Lists (QPLs) to find verified, high performing LED lighting, horticultural LEDs, and control systems that save energy and meet your specific needs. org | 503-688-5400 Resources PRODUCTS - PRODUCT COMPLIANT LIST (PCL) The products listed on the PCL must be considered in the context of the environment of use, including appropriate risk analysis and system accreditation requirements. If you have questions about this update, please review our FAQs below. 650-022-004: 05/12/2010: Transportation Control Systems: BP-5000B Series. August 2024 revision January 2024 revision August 2023 revision March 2023 revision January 2023 revision August Approved Products List. Only products currently listed on the DoDIN APL can be purchased in accordance with the DoDI 8100. DLA Land and Maritime maintained qualification data list of specifications. 003. 1a) NONTRACK TACK MATERIALS - Asphalt Lab column that include model numbers of more than one piece of equipment indicate that the qualification applies to the combination of all listed pieces (e. 006 - Emulsions (Trackless Tack Coat) Section: F-Trackless Tack Coats Product Category: 40 - Pavement Sealers United States of America 89901268 - Hudson Materials Co Trade Name Evaluation #-- RS - 1HMC Trackless Tack 20105 The Qualified Product List for the following governing specification was last updated on 01-OCT-2024: QA: FSC: QPL Number: Governing Spec: Doc Date: Doc Status: Title: QPL Notes Access preamble and foonote information. 605. IMPORTANT: Data related to the Qualified Products List (QPL) is being transitioned onto AASHTOWare Project (AWP) Construction & Materials. D. Feb. Definition. The purpose of Department of Defense Information Network Approved Products List (DODIN APL) is to maintain a single consolidated list of products that have completed Interoperability (IO) and Cybersecurity certification. person_outlined Log In menu As used in this subpart-Qualified bidders list (QBL) means a list of bidders who have had their products examined and tested and who have satisfied all applicable qualification requirements for that product or have otherwise satisfied all applicable qualification requirements. dla. It also provides information on the use and adoption of non-government standards. Approved Products Listing The State Specification's Product Evaluation Office is the initial point of contact for products being introduced to the Department. Tourist Oriented Directional Signs. If you have already purchased a generator and are ready to claim your rebate, please fill our the Generator Rebate Application. Find energy efficient Vendors interested in getting their products pre-approved and listed on the Qualified Product List* (pdf 56k) must submit an application following the appropriate ITS Material Approval Procedure (MAP). This process provides a single, consolidated list of products that have met cybersecurity and interoperation certification The Qualified Products Database (QPD) serves as the official repository for information related to Qualified Products Lists (QPLs) and Qualified Manufacturers Lists (QMLs). Definitions: a list of products that have met the qualification requirements stated in the applicable specification, including appropriate product identification and test or qualification reference number, with the name and plant address of the The Qualified Products List (QPL), Qualified Manufacturers List (QML), Qualified Suppliers List of Distributors (QSLD) and Qualified Testing Suppliers List (QTSL) Programs offer many advantages and opportunities to both manufacturers and users Products are qualified for up to a three-year term. Within Colorado the Approved Products List (APL), which is also referred to as a Qualified Products List (QPL) in some States, is designed to use our extremely limited resources to the maximum benefit of our The Qualified Products List (QPL) is a tool provided by the the Department of Transportation to expedite product identification and acceptance. Advanced Rooftop Control Qualified Products List (Revised Date 11/06/2024) Nevada Department of Transportation. By submission of an offer, the offeror will supply such component item(s) only from sources The Qualified Products List (QPL) is an electronic list, both internet and mainframe based. , Building 1461, Patuxent River, Maryland 20670-1900. Training. Note: this list is not conclusive, and many products MnDOT uses are not required to be on the approved/qualified product list. Compressive strength: 6250 @ 1 day, 9000 @ 7 days Results of these evaluations are published semi-annually in the Qualified Products List. To provide the electronics industry with this assurance, any equipment vendor with a subscription to the IPC-CFX Self-Validation System can submit equipment models for listing on the IPC-CFX-2591 Qualified Products List The Qualified Product List for the following governing specification was last updated on 20-NOV-2024: QA: FSC: QPL Number: Governing Spec: Doc Date: Doc Status: Title: QPL Notes Access preamble and foonote information. The assemblies listed below have been tested by the California Department of Transportation Laboratory and found to be compliant to the Transportation Electrical Equipment Specifications (TEES), dated QUALIFIED PRODUCTS LIST OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION The "QUALIFIED PRODUCTS LIST" (QPL) is a comprehensive list of all finished products which have been evaluated and/or used by the Oregon DOT. The QPD contains qualification information regarding products and manufacturers as compiled and maintained by the individual Qualify List of Federal Qualified Products (QPL's) This listing contains 27 rows. Labs. select a report to show: warning: unauthorized access to this united states government computer system and software is prohibited by public law 99-474 (the computer fraud and abuse act of 1986) and can result in administrative, disciplinary or criminal proceedings. Rest Area Agreements. Energy Project Manager Comprehensive Site Plan Template (Revised Date 10/01/2023) HVAC . Special Sign Programs. Qualified Products. warning: unauthorized access to this united states government computer system and software is prohibited by public law 99-474 (the computer fraud and abuse act of 1986) and can result in administrative, disciplinary or criminal proceedings. After entering the desired criteria and clicking the [Search] button, Qualified Products are presented. . View QPD data for this specification. QPL data is drawn from the Qualified Products Database, which is also updated each business day. AWP - Construction & Materials. Carson City, Nevada 89712 Qualified Products List (QPL) Contacts; The Pacific Northwest Snowfighters (PNS) The Pacific Northwest Snowfighters (PNS) is a group of Pacific Northwest state transportation agencies dedicated to conducting a biennial winter maintenance conference. This master Qualified Manufacturers List (QML)/Qualified Product List (QPL) index lists all of the specifications for which DLA Land and Maritime-VQ maintains qualification data. Product ID (ex. 001 That’s why the DLC offers a Qualified Products List for energy efficient horticultural lighting, and verifies the performance and efficiency of different products based on rigorous testing and standards. However, continuing to use previously purchased products that were once on the DoDIN APL is acceptable, so long as: applicable zzz hdxglwqhw frp 2q /lqh 35, 43/ 6hohfw 6shflilf 43* 6hohfw d 6shflilf 0dqxidfwxuhu ru 6$( 6wdqgdug &olfn ³6hdufk´ ñ 25 Qualified Products List Procedures and Products Table of Contents. Permission must be requested from the State Materials Engineer prior to use and usage may be limited based on the status of the overall evaluation. Scope. The list can be used by Construction, Maintenance and IT personnel to identify devices to be used on the ITS SmartWay infrastructure in the State of Product Information. It contains all finished products found to be acceptable by ODOT for use with specific categories in roadway construction. H01 Qualified Products List (QPL) for Federal Supply Class (FSC) 5935 Connector Assemblies and Contacts (SEP 2016) When an offeror includes connectors and electrical contacts manufactured by different qualified sources, the offeror agrees to provide to the contracting officer or quality assurance representative, The product, manufacturer, or source must be qualified at the time of award whether or not the name of the product, manufacturer, or source is actually included on a qualified products list, qualified manufacturers list, or qualified bidders list. To find out which expenses are covered by FSAFEDS, select the account type you Federal Specifications and Qualified Products Lists (QPL) Review our Security Document Hierarchy chart to see the hierarchical order of security documents and their authorizing entities. AS: MFFP: QPL-81706: MIL-DTL-81706: 02-MAY-2006: Active: Chemical Conversion Materials for Coating Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys A qualified products list is a list of products that have met the qualification requirements stated in the applicable specification, including appropriate product identification and test or qualification reference number, with the name and plant address of the manufacturer and distributor, as applicable. The Qualified Product List for the following governing specification was last updated on 01-OCT-2024: QA: FSC: QPL Number: Governing Spec: Doc Date: Doc Status: Title: QPL Notes Access preamble and foonote information. Approved Product Lists. The DLC’s LED Lighting Program is home to the world’s largest verified list of high-performing commercial LED lighting products. A list of products that are pretested in advance of actual procurement to determine which suppliers can comply properly with specification requirements. Customers H01 Qualified Products List (QPL) for Federal Supply Class (FSC) 5935 Connector Assemblies and Contacts (SEP 2016) When an offeror includes connectors and electrical contacts manufactured by different qualified sources, the offeror agrees to provide to the contracting officer or quality assurance representative, prior to delivery, documentation TRANSPORTATION PRODUCTS QUALIFIED PRODUCTS LIST (QPL) Revised 01/03/25 Sections 925. Links to Equipment Evaluation and Inclusion, Qualified Products List (QPL) Information, and Equipment Submittal. Current Qualified Products List updated January 3, 2025; Search Qualified Products updated January 3, 2025 The Qualified Products Database (QPD) serves as the official repository for all qualification information in the form of Qualification Data Sets. Q: Where can I find DoD Qualified Products Lists (QPLs) and Qualified Manufacturers List (QMLs)? A: The Qualified Products Database (QPD) is the official source for all DoD qualification data.