Reddit surgery shelf anki. Repeated or reposted threads may be subject to removal.

Reddit surgery shelf anki. Some cards are also drawn from the Zanki step 2 deck.

Reddit surgery shelf anki You will be exhausted. Start with the comprehensive shelf reviews. Do the NBMEs +/- AMBOSS in the last week or two as well. So realistically I only studied for about 2-3 weeks total. Read about 60% of Pestana. Got my surgery shelf at the end of the month and would like to honor it. 5 weeks before my test and got through 70% of that bank. The major theme of the surgery shelf is “does this person need to go to the OR” followed by I was scoring like 50th percentile on the shelf exams until half way through the year. The best place on Reddit for LSAT advice. Best use of time since you're on the final week is reviewing NBMEs and UW Surgery. went into the exam and there were a HUGE number of questions that did not line up with what I learned in pestana (eg the pestana answer wasn't a choice and I had to choose based on other knowledge). edit: Forgot to mention, I ran out of time for the children chapter. true. I always did better on shelf exams when I casually read a second board prep resource (i. Maybe an artifact of my shelf, but it was true for my n=1. The cards are written in a way that does not spoil the questions and focuses on the concepts. It's so frustrating hearing that other schools care about their students and grading policies actually help students. Time permitting, and if you're confident you know the Surgery material, I would do IM UWorld questions. Surgery: There aren’t too many surgery UW questions, which is totally fine because there aren’t too many surgery questions on the surgery shelf lol. Welcome to the Residency subreddit, a community of interns and residents who are just trying to make it through training! This is a subreddit specifically for interns and residents to get together and discuss issues concerning their training and medicine/surgery. I also made Anki of the Dr HY YT video and found and Anki for Emma Holliday and did maybe 60% of those cards. Some cards are also drawn from the Zanki step 2 deck. NBME 4 was taken today with 6 days remaining before the shelf and scored a 71%. Resources: Use OME to get an overview, then do UWorld and unlock Zanki, NBME the weekend before the test, and finally the Emma review. A community-run subreddit about the Anki flashcard app and related services. For my previous rotations, I did the relevant UWORLD section and Anki off of my incorrect. Surgery was very last rotation and shelf. So you have to be efficient. The surgery deck on my end contains 77 cards, are most of the cards located somewhere else in the deck or has no one made cards for the surgery shelf review lecture yet. You will work all day and then have to come home and study for shelf. I keep seeing almost daily posts about what resources to use for what rotations. I’ve been doing about one OME video and doing anki per day, but I’m getting wrecked by amboss Qs. After finishing my last rotation, I kept up with Anki and then reset uworld. Like. I already have a plan to do the NBMEs the weekend before but wondering where I should put my time during the weekdays? Focus on anki? IM Uworld? Pestanas? Finish amboss? Map Moving Forward → 7,000 cards from concepts from NBME, StepUpToMedicine, UWorld, First Three Chapters of Dr. I used Tzanki since it lined up with Uworld. I actually found the Pestana audio files very helpful. NBME 4 looked like a very different exam compared to 3. Episode 209 Psych for Family Med Shelf Episode 213 GI - Upper GI & Pancreas Episode 214 GI Episode 217 Pulm - COPD & Asthma - Optional Sketchy “chronic asthma management” & “COPD” would go well with this episode Emergency Medicine. I've heard a lot of surgery is IM though, and I've heard a lot of whats on step 2 in terms of surgery won't be too specific. Just my 2 cents, but you can crush shelves and Step 2 by slamming out practice questions during any free time you have + bring a very involved team member + looking up stuff on Amb Use the Anki app on your phone / tablet. for surgery, I read through pretest surgery questions and they were amazing). I did not do my incorrects or a second pass. guys i think you can indirectly search the Shelf cards from advanced manual searching . Last 2 days before the shelf, also review ahead the Anki cards for the next day and the 2 days after. Yeah I think that could work for overall shelf prep and especially STEP 2 prep but I’d also look into shelf specific resources for each rotation. I also have PreTest if there's time towards the end of the rotation. My recommendations for everyone are Pestana + Uworld and to add on one additional resource whether it be case files or pretest. Honored the shelf. I took two NBMEs, 5 and 8, scoring 21 on 5 and 20 on 8. Would you say it's better to cover more ground and try to do UW IM questions? Hello all, I am stupid. Given my schedule I think I need to in order to take step 2 when I want to (won't be having much of a dedicated). The rest is just UWorld and anki (I used Dorian), which is what I did for every rotation For context, I got a 60 on the surgery shelf, coming in at 6th percentile. From what I've heard, I should use Pestana/de Virgilio + UWorld + anki deck, but there seems to be several different options. In terms of studying, I have completed UWorld surgery questions (including incorrects) and watched the online MedEd surgery videos. for example lets say you wanna study the Biliary surgery cards from the SURGERY SHELF TAG , you can search for "biliary" in the browser's left panel , and choose multiple recourses from step 1 & 2 and whatever source you like , after that in the search add ( ) between the start and end of the search you If you're pulling 19s on Form 4 and 5, I predict you'll hit at least 50%ile on the shelf, likely in the 60%ile range. Surgery was my second shelf and not having medicine before made it kind of rough. The PDFs are all nbme content. For Anki, I used the Anking Step 2 deck. I got a perfect score on my psych shelf. Any help is greatly appreciated! I will shout at every person possible to watch Dr. So if shelf is Friday, on Wednesday I'd review ahead the cards for W-F. Ive got a plan to get through UWorld and some other question sources by the time the exam comes, but I think I would also like to do an Anki deck along side it. If you do use anki, only unsuspend anking cards focusing on the Uworld questions that you missed, and unsuspend like a max 2-3 cards per question. General Surgery was my first rotation and I used UWorld + Amboss. Some of my shelf questions were STRAIGHT from those. Medium passage: make your differential as you read and if your top ddx is an answer choice it’s most likely the right answer. I did all of the normal surgery questions and all of the supplemental questions for the surgery shelf that Amboss has. I know it probably won't matter in the long run but it makes my blood boil. As for my "hefty" book to go through, I have NMS Casebook (2nd ed, 2016), but have recently been considering DeVirgilio Surgery Case Based Review. But, as I reflect I chose not to read a textbook as I viewed that as passive learning and relied mostly on the Dorian deck + UW + OME + Emma Holliday + NBME practice exams, and I'm not sure that was enough for me to pass. I also have been trying to keep up with anki cards from my rotations so I will be ready to take step. You are probably gonna get questions from there. Premium Reddit . Felt that De Virgilio was a stronger tool for clinical than it was for the shelf. In the last week or so I watched Dr Andrew Price HY vids on surgery and orhto Hello friends. Needs to be studied for differently than other rotations. Based off B&B including the new step 2 videos, and I found the chunk cards included to give a better “overall” understanding of a disease compared to the typical one lined cloze cards. It should be pretty comprehensive in terms of DeVirgilio (I think minus parts of the vascular chapter) but there are also medicine cards in it since that is a large part of the shelf. What does everyone think? Useful or low yield? Surgery (82) - as above. Right now I’m trying to get through cheesy Dorian anki and listen to divine podcasts. 5 - 2x speed. This is my first rotation so no IM questions done yet. Any advice is absolutely welcome Hi! I'm having some trouble knowing which deck I should use to study for my surgery clerkship. I failed my Surgery shelf by spending so much time on that stupid book. Obviously different people will have different opinions, but I just want to say I used uworld and did very well on the surgery shelf. Business, Economics, and Finance. Hello to everyone, My name is JAFAR. Just wondering for people who have taken their surgery shelf and have taken the newer practice forms 5 and 6, what are your thoughts on the new ones compared to the actual test? I just took 6 and did not do as well as I hoped, so I'm a little concerned. Since I was stuck at home due to COVID and I only had 3 weeks to study/make these cards and do questions, I decided I would focus most of my time on these subjects and just use any foundational I know everyone is saying Anking but it’s worth taking a look at Infinity Anki: Step 1 and Step 2 combined. Did all 4 nbme’s 1. It is the broadest shelf exam, and it's heavily weighted towards prevention, so plan your studying accordingly. Maybe having a second non-anki or non-q bank thing could help your brain be more flexible? Doing the Pestana materials, UWorld (surgery, medicine GI among others) and Casefiles to prepare for the surgery shelf (in 5 weeks). Initially, I had planned to release the completed version at this point, but unfortunately lots of things have changed since then one being a pandemic throwing my rotations, board prep, and my part of my personal life into flux. So if you haven't had IM, you're at a bit of a disadvantage. I did take the IM shelf about a month ago, and did some of the IM questions in both qbanks but not close to finishing them all (around 3k total across the 2 platforms). I think a major advantage I discovered to doing this also was since I only moved cards into my rotation decks after doing questions, I never spoiled them. Anki usage is significantly associated with increased exam scores regardless of a student’s inherent test-taking ability and may be beneficial for students with lower MCAT scores. For studying, I would review internal medicine for the shelf. During pre-clinical years, I have used Anki to study, and I was wondering if there are any already premade surgery anki decks floating out there that you might recommend? Thank you :) uw, anki, eh & dr hy + nbmes are sufficient imo. That said if you do have a little downtime, get anki done on your phone. I have 600 or so Anki cards left. Started Amboss Surgery questions the 2. Then listen to the 8 episodes on neurology and do those cards. This subreddit is designed to help osteopathic medical students prepare for the COMLEX exams (Level 1, 2 CE, and 3), answer any questions, recommend resources, etc. It was an ugly pass, but I honored my last four rotations of third year, so it definitely gets easier. really reading the entire uw explanation regardless of whether i got it right or wrong as well as looking at those like 10 images in the extra section of an anki card (right or wrong) helped solidify thru repetition But shelf prep reigns supreme. What cards should I unsuspend from the AnKing deck for the surgery shelf exam? I have been told by friends to go to the Shelf tags --> Surgery --> NoDupes. I thought Surgery was the hardest shelf I took just from the sheer amount of medicine on it. I felt that WCC/B&b didn’t do that well designating which content is on surgery shelf. IMO, the surgery shelf is much more similar to IM than what you would typically be expected to know as a surgeon. com Aug 5, 2005 · Resources used: UWorld Surgery + GI (IM), WiWa (anki), NBME Surgery CMS forms 3-6, Emma Holliday Advice: UW surgery is absolutely a sufficient standalone resource to prep for the shelf now that it contains about 500 questions (vs ~150 as recently as last year). I am super frustrated that I have hit a score ceiling. This way I'd have the weekend Anki-free and potentially refreshed in my head any cards that may just have been about to be forgotten. The Sx shelf is more encompassing than Surgery/GI/Pulm/Cardio, there are heme/onc questions as well other subjects, but these are so high yield. I honored my surgery shelf, honored evals, but had a 72% on quizzes so my overall grade is an 89% and clerkship honors is strictly 90%. Check out the sidebar for intro guides. It is NOT necessary to finish the entire deck for Step 2. I read DiVirgilios and did the questions, did the DiVirgilios Anki deck, made it through three-quarters of the big Anki deck, half of Amboss surgery questions, watched modules and did those questions (provided by my school), and did four practice NBMEs. 2 weeks from the shelf you must be doing the NBME Self assessment & reviewing all the right & wrong answers. I actually didn't think the surgery shelf was as difficult as some made it out to be. If you do want to use anki, you need to just wake up and hit anki cards for 30 minutes, helps alot with keeping the count down. Hey Anki Fam, Back in February I posted Cheesy Dorian (v1) which was very much a work-in-progress update to the original Dorian deck for Step 2 CK. So if you want to do super good, add in some of the high yield IM UWorld Qs to your study schedule (cards, GI, pulm). 25 votes, 14 comments. I heard about this from a few people above me so I just spent half the time studying UWorld medicine questions and the other half doing surgery questions. UWorld + Anki and a pass of Pestana. I have done surgery uworld plus incorrects, half of amboss and half of devirgillio. I would say it's fair to say at this point that uworld is still the more tried and true resource with amboss being a some what close second. I am trying to figure out what the best plan of attack is. I have my surgery shelf exam in 2 weeks and my NMBE score dropped today. Those are amazing. The best things that have helped me: Long passage: read answer choices first to focus your attention. Any recommendations are appreciated! I recently started my surgery rotation and have been doing amboss questions. Filesharing is prohibited in this subreddit, this includes Anki decks which include screenshots or plagiarism of copyrighted material. The most high-yield are probably renal, GI, pulmonary, and cardio. See full list on willpeachmd. I have read all of De Virgillio kept up on anki decks for it and have done the questions. So my surgery rotation is pretty intense and I'm not sure how much time I'll have to study for the shelf. 8. Post any questions you have, there are lots of redditors with LSAT knowledge waiting to help. Reddit . So far I did like 3 Uworld blocks and about half of the surgery shelf anki cards (which actually somehow help more than i expected). Surgery: NMS Surgery, Pestana, and Surgical Recall (the latter only really useful for reviewing before scrubbing in, as it's very much trivia) OB: Blueprints Lots of good videos on YouTube if you hunt around or if a concept is really not making sense. NBME 3 was taken 12 days before the shelf (last week) and scored a 86%. Can anyone recommend an Anki deck for the surgery shelf - only got 5 weeks left? Thanks. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. I thought UWorld didn’t really prepare you so well for shelf either. Taking my surgery shelf in about a week. Filesharing is prohibited in this subreddit, this includes Anki decks which include screenshots or plagarism of copyrighted material. I think if I were to do it again, I would have done the emergency medicine questions in UWorld since there is a decent overlap and would provide enough medicine. Just praying I passed. First clerkship (before IM**) What UW IM sections do I use in addition to UW surgery? Is AMBOSS Surgery Q's worth it? Thoughts on Amboss for surgery? Pre-made Anki deck or make my own (probs won't have time in surgery)? Is there an Anki for Surgery recall? Looks like a bunch of quick Q & As. The Emma deck is pretty comprehensive. No OME, no Amboss, no BnB, no books no nothing. The main exclusions were for step1 like detailed pathology, though even a lot of that was included. On Thursday I'd review ahead Th-Sunday. Updated 2018-05-18. I was not a great student as far as studying goes during surgery and I would try and do a few uworld questions here and there and read some devirgilio daily. DO NOT underestimate the family medicine shelf exam. I am panicking and need advice. I did the Surgery UW questions (like 500 total), the Emma holiday video, and watched all the OME videos on surgery. It’s very different than step 1, and you will not be doing nearly as many cards. Thank you so much Gabriel and Jimmy! I'm reaching out to see if either I downloaded the wrong file or if the deck is just still growing. I'm starting my first ever rotation in Surgery, and I'm so nervous. surgery shelf, which felt more process of elimination and less reliance on buzzwords). There is offline nbmes for surgery, if you have not done 1-4 nbmes. Thanks for the detailed reply! Amboss has about 900 surgery questions if you click on step 2 ck by discipline surgery and pediatric surgery, then click on shelf mode surgery, then supplemental shelf surgery. My surgery rotation was 4 weeks. If you are viewing this on the new Reddit layout, please take some time and look at our wiki (/r/step1/wiki) as it has a lot of valuable information regarding advice and approaches on taking Step 1, along with analytical statistics of study resources. Thanks! The deck is mostly just quick hits that are easy to learn. Currently using Anki & Uworld to prep for shelves which has been successful in the past (neuro), but I have zero clue how to even narrow down answer choices on at least 40% of Uworld's surgery questions because its stuff that never came up in pre-clin or for step 1. I usually pass or high-pass my shelves but I honored surgery without much additional effort. You can do this by looking through the specific tags in the "Browse" tab of Anki. Know the USPSTF guidelines and vaccine schedules like the back of your hand (this is at least 25-30% of the shelf exam). I have already taken IM and I got Honors on my IM rotation, so I do know how to study, but I guess I am struggling with I am currently on the surgery rotation and have a shelf exam in 6 days. Just the surgery questions (1200 across both platforms) or should I mix in some internal med with the surgery questions (around 2500). Created by u/mokamoka123. The amboss surgery study plan covered 95% of the material on the shelf, with the remaining stuff being super cryptic medicine material that is more critical thinking rather than memorizing facts. Pestana's Surgery Book, and AMBOSS are currently being reviewed. Sleep when you can, eat when you can, and don't fuck with the pancreas. 16MB. About 1-2 weeks before the shelf exam, watch the Emma video, if available, for the relevant clerkship and do the Emma deck for that shelf. E) recently took surg Honored surgery during my third year: I felt surgery was the hardest rotation with the most information to study for the shelf. 12 votes, 23 comments. There are also some over surgery anki decks floating around like dope's deck covering devirgilios. . That sounds so nice. Episode 183 Infectious Diseases for the Emergency Med Shelf IM. I ended up deleting or Knowing that surgery residents aren't always guaranteed 4 free hours after work, we decided that perhaps an anki deck would be helpful. Before you download, just quickly read: This is the anki deck for all mehlman pdfs except for repro as far as I can tell. Save yourself time, pain, and suffering. I’ve finished all surgery UWorld questions and watched all the OME videos. super disappointing. I just unsuspended the whole deck and have been doing a handful of cards per day. However, if taken before IM this likely won't be enough for honors. Repeated or reposted threads may be subject to removal. on check out this dude’s videos he’s basically reading out 200-250+ anki cards per video. If the bros deck is just titled “clerkships” then that one is great. on 2019-04-06. It's kinda like surgery shelf where you have to supplement IM GI, cardio, renal, pulm questions on top of UW surgery questions. So far he’s only got surgery and OBGYN though. I'm wondering, first, what others have found helpful in terms of studying anatomy for the surgery rotation, and second, if there are any current anki decks focused on surgical anatomy (or if one of the step 1 decks is sufficient without being overkill). Looking for advice! I started off with surgery and got a 77 with devirgilio, pestanas, UWorld surgery + IM GI section finished with 2nd pass of incorrects. Unlike in preclinical where the best way to do stuff is to watch BnB/Pathoma/Skethy etc and then do cards, I've found the De Vergilio deck from Anki Hub is entirely "learnable" with a fair bit of preclinical information anyway. Bigger reason was because I had Surgery before Internal Med so I studied the Surg without understanding anything underlying it. My advice is to focus on doing Internal Med and Surgery UWorld questions. Those are the heaviest organ systems & will serve you well in shelfs donw the road like surg & peds. Just randomly reading Reddit threads honestly. Thankuuu. Don’t recall if they were actually useful however. Once I started paying for the practice exams, I started getting 90th, 80th, and 85th percents. We had weekends off so I would catch up then. My surgery shelf is in about a week. At this time, it is not possible to add shared decks directly to your AnkiWeb account - they need to be added from the desktop then synchronized to AnkiWeb. When I took the surgery shelf, as is the case for most other people I talked to, the majority of the content tested was content covered in the UWorld medicine section. As did most people that I know. The supplemental questions cover most of the IM material that you need for the shelf, and I was able to honor it. He hits on everything high yield, I always get points from watching his stuff, and he speaks slowly so you can easily watch him 1. UWorld doesn’t quite cover everything that’s high yield. I have been on and off with doing Anki, but I think it may be helpful for memorizing discrete details for this exam. About 1-2 weeks of that was spent trying to figure out how not to get obliterated but surgeons on rounds. Took the surgery shelf recently and did well, with that amount of time I would say Anki/AnKing for sure, assuming you are not already doing it. The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is the test required to get into an ABA law school. There were so many people in my cohort who studied hard as hell the anatomy of cases throughout our surgery block and then had their asses handed to them on shelf because they focused their entire rotation on anatomy and not on surgical pathophys I am using the Surgical Recall deck to supplement the surgery shelf-tagged cards from the AnKing Deck, which I feel reinforces a lot of concepts that apply to surgery. Can anyone speak to how predictive they are? My scores in order: NBME 3: 23 (80) NBME 4: 20 (71) NBME 5: 21 (74) NBME 6: 22 (77) Hi everyone! I'm working on cards for the 5 new cardiac surgery videos too, and will have them done in the next few days! Hey everyone! I just finished Step 1 and I'm setting up my anki for 3rd and 4th year. I think I also did one or two NBME practice tests. Anki For Medical School + Boards The deck is based off of the 2020 version of the textbook. Doing Anki helps me solidify all of the information and learn the material that’s high yield for shelf’s and step 2! Oct 18, 2018 · From reddit user u/icevermin this + UW got me honors on nbme surgery shelf, pretty accurate/reliable cards 4/5 stars. My surgery shelf is on thursday. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more. I need 50th percentile to be able to honors. Which I realize is vague, but other than the topics you already know are going to be on the Honestly, just complete the amboss surgery study plan and write your own cards. I've been pulling cards just fine for all of my rotations so far but EM is coming up soon. Coming from an M4 that honored every single shelf I’m here to tell you that all you need is UWorld and Anki (specifically Dorian’s M3 deck). If you do happen to have surgery before medicine, I’d definitely recommend trying to get some medicine UW done as well. High Yield MD (on YouTube) for every shelf. Edit again: IF you can, PLEASE do the questions at the back of DV book. Episode 31 nbme IM shelf I made sure to watch the online med ed videos for cardio, resp, and renal (and had already done GI from my surgery shelf). Sneak a few Uworld questions in if you have the chance. Please consider using the search bar to answer this Anki-related question. Hello guys, first time posting here. Emma holiday also has good videos for peds, surg, IM, and psych. 5 weeks before the exam then found the old 4 offline and did those for practice ques since i was done with Uworld (our surgery clerkship is longer than yours). GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. I'm considering doing an anatomy deck as well, I was thinking it could be helpful for surgery rotations and imaging and all around just looking smart. I have taken 2 NBME exams and here are my raw scores chronologically: form 7- 40 (early July) I did UWorld on shelf review mode and only switched to the Step 2 review mode after I finished my clerkships (mainly biostats, ethics, and abstract/drug ad questions left). knew it all cold. Also, IM is a huge portion of the surgery shelf. After the file is downloaded, double-click on it to open it in the desktop program. And by downloading and installing this, you are going to further bloat your overall anki deck with 'duplicates,' though they are separated as a subdeck and the vast majority of these are standalone OBGYN cards that shouldn't significantly affect your Anki cards for other clerkships. So far, I'll be doing Anking Step 2 and Medical Spanish anki. I do have anki cards based on the NBMEs, but these are only based off my wrongs / difficult concepts. made a pestana anki deck. I feel like surgery resources aren’t as helpful for consistently scoring high from what I’ve seen in these Reddit threads. UW definitely has enough questions to do well for each shelf, but you have to find relevant questions in different sections from time to time. I wanted to improve so for the next shelf, family med, so I started using Anki, the Dorian deck, which I completed along with 600 AAFP questions, 100 AMBOSS questions and read half of case Any suggestions are appreciated! My Surgery Shelf exam is at the end of the month and I would like to honor it. Overall it's quite comprehensive, to the point some of the details may be superfluous and can be suspended. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Did Anki Surgery deck, but I couldn't figure out my anki settings so ended up losing most of my cards to the depths of anki reviews lol, but it was helpful while I did have them. My shelf was my worst grade because I just did questions and anki alone, with more reading and some additional videos it would have gone a lot better. They have a ton. Start Uworld and anki now if possible. Not sure how useful doing incorrects were bc I remembered most of them. Pestana's is a short book that's an excellent resource as well. Crypto Also doing all questions from ambulatory section greatly helps with FM shelf. Surgery was my worst shelf but it was also my first rotation. I was sort of tired of the casefiles books by that point - though they are great- so I didn’t use it. In general, you will benefit much more from question banks than just Anki when it comes to Step 2 and shelf exam style questions. The sub will be back up tomorrow night. I can’t imagine doing hundreds of reviews a day during clerkships and rotations. Surgery: 91 (99th percentile) Peds: 96 (100th percentile) Neuro: 94 (99th percentile) Psych: 92 (92nd percentile) IM: 97 (100th percentile) The best thing you can possibly do to score well on shelf is to have a really solid base going into clerkships. I think whatever cards that are relevant to the areas that are identified as weakest, without much redundancy between decks is best. Kaplan Step 2 CK surgery questions (184 total) if you already have the qbank, but don't sweat it if not - it's just good coverage of trauma workup. because of those resources. Raw Score: 85 Surgery I have my surgery shelf in about 7 weeks. 2nd this! Anki + UWorld + NMBE's = success. Also the surgery shelf has bits of OB/Gyn, peds, Ophtho, derm, medicine…it’s just a rough shelf. I just did uworld and anki. The challenge on surgery rotation is the long hours and minimal downtime so people find it hard to study as much as they would like for the shelf. I say this as someone that used Sketchy Pharm and Micro and did all Anki cards plus about 50-60% of Sketchy Path which I liked a lot more than most people. I did not re-do my incorrects because our rotations are 4 weeks and I usually just barely finish my first pass of the UWORLD for the rotation. Uworld surgery is not enough!! I have been doing well with just uworld and Anki this far (245+ step 1 and honored the only other shelf I took) but the surgery shelf was f*cking brutal. I honored every shelf and give him so much credit. Then, did IM UW and only added the Anki cards for the ones I got incorrect and basically used IM UW as my primary learning tool. The Reddit LSAT Forum. I thought Amboss was better for the surgery shelf. I did not find OME helpful, but I desperately wanted it to be. For example, divine has IM shelf review videos on YouTube with ppt links in the description, and same for peds, ob, and surg. , and want some tips on how to prepare. Starting Surgery Clerkship in 2 weeks. Dedicated: For dedicated, I took 6 weeks off to prepare for Step 2. 241 votes, 69 comments. I did all the Uworld on random and left time to re-do my incorrects. Finally, listen to Peds, OB, Sgy, and Psych and take any notes that you wish. That’s it. I've been doing UWorld surgery and IM GI/Renal and my scores have been around ~50% as there seems to be a lot of information I haven't seen beforehand (and that I've had difficulty retaining information from the lack of available free time). I have done all of Uworld at this point with review and about half of Amboss. I would say for my OBGYN shelf, there were maybe 5-10 questions directly from the practice tests on the shelf exam. I don’t know what else I should have studied but I wish I did at least di virglio or amboss. You could use Anki deck + amboss questions for surgery. In my opinion no and I scored really high on Step 2. 0 audio & 214 images. Uworld and anki Use the mehlman pdf for surgery and he has videos for surgery. Should I bother starting Amboss rn or no? Having all of the information in spaced repetition via Anki will certainly pay dividends down the road! Questions are still key but to answer the questions well, I feel like you need to know all the players on the board. These are surgery shelf anki cards based on Emma Holliday’s powerpoint review + some of OME + some of Pestana. I have about 1 week left till my surgery shelf and my practice NBME scores have been okay, but I was hoping to get somewhere in the mid 80s to boost my clinical grades. The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. I hear a lot of people saying to do IM questions before taking the surgery shelf, but according to my current plan (doing UW Surgery questions and reviewing them IN-DEPTH and making Anki for my incorrects), I won't have time for any additional questions. Do the IM cards first specifically the four episodes that are comprehensive for the IM Shelf. I took my Surgery Shelf yesterday, and it was tough -- harder than Step 1 IMO. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. Keep the amount of cards you're doing down to like 200-300 per day max. ~80th percentile Step 1 Completely ditched Anki after Step 1. It's somewhat extensive but a couple passes without Anki should be enough. Is that sufficient? Use De Virgilio primarily as a prep for cases then questions and videos for your main shelf focus. The nbme shelf assessment always have 2-3 repeats and very well could be diff in you passing the shelf. There's also some Pestana sprinkled in. I can't seem to find the answer to this anywhere on the internet, but I followed Anking's video about how to make a saved deck for each shelf exam. And if this book is the "gold standard", the deck seems to be really good. I definitely also recommend making your own cards based off missed questions/concepts over just relying on premade cards. I’ve done UWorld, 2 NBMEs, my incorrects, OME 2x, Emma 2x, and Pestana You should watch all of AnKing’s videos on how to use Anki for shelf exams and step 2. im glad to share with you guys today My JANKI(Jafar Anki) deck FOR STEP 2 after… looking for someone to collaborate on making a comprehensive deck for general surgery residency including the following sources: pocket surgery surgical recall divirgilio "insert good anatomy resource here" If interested, PM me please Style of Test: Many questions that I got right because of a buzzword → I remembered an anki card (vs. If anyone wants to create that and update the deck for everyone then more power to you, otherwise the repro section for step 1 starts on page 30 of the pdf and is really high yield for NBME exams. Emma Holliday and divine can be done the weekend before the shelf. Surgery shelf becomes much harder if you haven’t done medicine yet which was my case. e. Surgery was also my first clerkship, which…is pretty tough. Virgilio's or Anking (surgery shelf section) Started Virgilio's deck by reading a chapter and doing the cards. If you click on all 3 of these different mode, you can get up to 900 questions. Surgery shelf deck. will share it if i can find where i saved it. I was just planning to review Emma Holiday and divine intervention today and try to finish the 600 anki cards and and do the reviews for at least a day. I can't seem to find out how to make an emergency medicine deck for that particular shelf exam though. So essentially I’d start each rotation with a new deck (so like “surgery”), then just start poun I honored the surgery shelf and did not honor the medicine shelf. If you are viewing this on the new Reddit layout, please take some time and look at our wiki (/r/step2/wiki) as it has a lot of valuable information regarding advice and approaches on taking Step 2 CK, along with analytical statistics of study resources. Hello! I am new to Anki. Crushed Anki for M1/M2. Those are about 1,500 cards. Will I still do reasonably okay if I do just the surgery questions on Uworld (around 600) and finish the surgery cards on the anking deck? I might have time for a couple AMBOSS questions but I'm not sure I watched all the Boards and Beyond videos, and did 400/600 UWorld Questions, focusing on GI and Trauma/pulm crit care first. r/medicalschoolanki • A 2023 study about Anki and the impact of Anki usage in a medical school curriculum on academic performance. You can supplement by doing high yield UW medicine topics like GI and renal, doing amboss surgery q's, or devirgilios surgery. those notes I sent are based on q banks PLUS an extra resource. I read some De Virgilio, didn't touch Pestana. I read Pestanas once and did the Subreddit for EverMerge, a merging game from Big Fish. Otherwise, happy to describe my strategy for each of the shelf exams in the comments, but the strategy above was pretty much what I did for most of my shelves. I also thought the Dorian Anki deck was helpful. Watch his videos on how to set up your Anki. I'm actually interested in srugery and I barely started studying for surgery COMAT which is in exactly 7 days. I really like UWorld generally, but for the surgery shelf I didn't find it the most helpful and I actually didn't finish the surgery questions or review most of the answer explanations. The UWise deck seems to be made by a couple different people? It’s comprehensive and does the job, but a lot of the cards aren’t made that well. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 3 votes and 4 comments This deck is what I put together during my surgery clerkship to study for the shelf. Title speaks for itself. I did unlocked those Anki cards. He’s got the EM stuff incorporated into the surgery videos. 30 minutes of studying every day is far more manageable than trying to block off a few hours, especially since you can sneak in some anki during the lulls of the day (like waiting for a case to start or in I have the Surgery shelf this upcoming Friday and I wanted some input on what would be the best thing to do this week. Most learning for the shelf was through UWorld and Anki. hey y'all, surgery shelf coming up in 2 weeks and looking for advice on how to spend my time. Here, you can discuss anything related to Anki, share resources on Anki or spaced repetition, and reach out or lend a hand with any questions. Get lost in this Fairy Tale Adventure and meet Sleeping Beauty, Puss in Boots, Pinocchio, The Little Mermaid, Peter Pan, Paul Bunyan and match items together to combine them into bigger items, rescue our legends from the magical fog, and fulfill quests. You could potentially only suspend cards based on certain topics within surgery that you want to improve on more. reReddit: Top posts of September 26, 2021. ~90th percentile Step 2. What’s the root of the problem? Surgery 78 (missed honors by 1 point) Surgery is a disguised medicine shelf. 151K subscribers in the medicalschoolanki community. Hey all, I'm at one of the schools where we start clinicals during the 2nd year and I'm currently lost on how to approach the surgery shelf. wvofh ykrwfxyp vvek xac tduexdtfb jkwzoc yeoxx sxu gdpwpb tlgjiv