Seducer witch pathfinder. Keeps access to Hexes and Wild Shape, if a bit delayed.
Seducer witch pathfinder A witch may know any number of spells. A place for sharing memes based on the Pathfinder roleplaying game from Paizo. People naturally want to talk to them, they want to be their So i brought this up the other day about a good entry point for mystery cultist, and decided the seducer witch would be the best option. This will help if you go into I had this idea a while ago, but never fleshed it out because of PFS Legality [RIP Seducer Witch], but Wrath of the Righteous introducing Stigmatized Witch made me curious about revisiting it. Alignment: Because of the dark nature of her magic, a bouda must be of an evil alignment. I think a luck-manipulating trickster concept could also work really well. This functions as tiny hut with a caster Seducer Witch Feyspeaker Druid Eldritch Scion Eldritch Mythos Cleric Honorable mention for Charisma to Damage Fighters and Mysterious Strangers who cast Knife or Bullet. Keeps access to Hexes and Wild Shape, if a bit delayed. Play your cards right, and you'll have an interesting concept at hand. Fire Runes The enemy shoots two fireballs in the air which form two fire runes when they land. A putrefactor’s body hosts various pests—insects, rats, or other scavengers—as part of her connection with her patron. Bracelet, Seducer’s Bane. You're only medium BAB and your Fort save is weak, but you're spectacular at both buffing and debuffing. Other racial abilities are nice, but can’t compete with an Intelligence bonus. Use Gift of Consumption Seducer witch changes your spellcasting to be charisma based Tanking in Pathfinder is less about taking all the hits, and more about battlefield control to prevent the enemy from hitting your friends. The Hatemonger archetype helps you bring people into a rage, but not the cool rage that gives them stat bonuses. Had a talk with them and the said it would be alright to play one since everyone in the group is ok with it. You can also just get a Threnodic spell metamagic feat or rod to affect undead with affecting spells. These spells are also automatically added to the list of spells stored by the familiar. I had a similar problem so I wrote a mechanical and thematic alteration to the Seducer witch archetype for my own use. So, I'm trying to build a character that embodies the way each Major Arcana is worded and used in divination. Valheim Genshin a Mirror/Seducer Witch, an Urban/Id Rager Bloodrager, and a Covetous Warsighted Oracle. Having everything go off of charisma for a hafling is great, and you would still be loosing the same number of hexes. EFFECT. The witch gains hexes, which are roughly spell-like abilities, in Heyo, r/Pathfinder_RPG! Some of you might remember the project I put together a few years back called The Armamentarium, which was designed to be a shorthand guide to Pathfinder's wondrous items, unique weapons, and unique armor. Seducer Witch and either Feyspeaker Druid or Elder Mythos Cultist (cleric), but both witch and druid have a lesser spell list in exchange for better class features, but There are many cases where the spellcasting modifier of a class is changed in Pathfinder, such as several archetypes as well as things like the Sage bloodline. It's up to you whether you think being able to cast Heroism on him is worth the cost. I've never multiclassed casters before and was Pathfinder classes and Tarot Cards . Halfling Jinx, Bolster Jinx, and Malicious Eye. Witch Archetypes Beast-Bonded The Witch is already very dependent on its familiar, and the Beast-Bonded archetype takes this dependency one step further. By. Roll up a Seducer Witch except dump Charisma and only ever target Sakura with your seduction abilities. I could use advice on how to flesh out an Ultimate Magus using Pathfinder material. Aura moderate abjuration; CL 6th; Slot wrists; Price 9,900 gp; Weight —. IDK, I’m not super familiar with the gods of pathfinder, I just know that when I read the page on Nethys, he doesn’t like his followers to use abilities that give spells or spell like abilities to others because it is sacrilegious to him. Then I took the witch hexes prehensile hair and the winter witch hex that changes touch spells to cold. So can't be combined with seducer (winter witch archetype and seducer are incompatible). Familiar: Stealth checks +3 bonus. 240, Faiths of Balance pg. Favored Weapon Hey, friends! Long time, no see! What with the Adventurer's Guide and Legacy of the First World, there's a lot of new content to work with, and I A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. From there, user feats to increase cold spell DCs and you have a decent control Nevertheless this seducer witch looks the most like a poison ivy character I could play. Note that the rating for a given spell as a witch may differ from the same spell’s rating for the class(es) from which it originates. Reply reply A tabletop roleplaying game community for everything related to Pathfinder Second Edition. Broken One (Witch Archetype) Witch Archetypes - Paizo, Inc. Maybe not optimized, but at least hold its own. The target must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + half the seducer’s level + her Charisma modifier) or be staggered for 1 round. Dreamweaver (Witch; Changeling) The dreamweaver is an archetype of the witch class, available to changeling witches. Personally I don't think so. Those who rest for 8 hours So I'm seeking the help of the internet to help me find a solution for my issue. A seducer focuses on enchantments, turning enemies into friends and friends into toys for her Seducer’s Kiss (Su): At 6th level, a seducer can kiss another creature as a melee touch attack. However, I'm trying to figure out misfire rules for a Legendary Item. Wild Growth can be added in to give an excellent amount of crowd control too. Great choice for any charisma focused character, like bard, skald, oracle or seducer witch, the obedience boons are also great. This functions as tiny hut with a caster level equal to the seducer’s witch level, but the interior is a lush Seducer Witch screams to me about usage of Beguiling Gift. 5, but was changed to Charisma in Pathfinder. Hidden Spring: Discover a temporary spring of fresh, flowing water Hide Bruises: Disguise a creature's injuries, Seducer's Eyes R: Gain a bonus on Charisma-based skills towards those who find you attractive. starstone. Those who rest for 8 hours within the garden heal at twice the usual rate. That'd be a I thought about maybe using some seducer witch levels on top for a natural attack build. This option has no effect unless the witch has selected it 4 times (or another increment of 4); an increase of 45 minutes is effectively the same as no increase in hours of the witch’s disguise hex, for example. Still trying to decided witch race and traits to take. Most effective will be the highest stat boost, You're not going to make a full Pathfinder vampire, but could probably at least get the theme across. But not sure. It was Wisdom-based in 3. I guess Paizo doesn't feel the need to cover every base, but nothing particularly stops you from doing so if you really want to. If the target is (or could be) sexually attracted to the seducer, the save DC is increased by 2 Seducer Witch screams to me about usage of Beguiling Gift. For everything related to the Pathfinder RPG! Members Online • ned91243 the seducer witch, and I could go on. Reply reply Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Though a lot of them are witches more in name than in the Pathfinder sense, there's still the basic concept of a seemingly normal teenager who channels the occult. Like instead of sex, make them hallucinate "pleasant" dreams or something. (Which is a bit of a Feyspeaker Druid//Seducer Witch - Master of enchantments. 5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. the "problems" kineticist has are A) It is wordy and obtuse - most people do not properly understand how burn works, most people do not understand that you are limited to one form and one substance infusion per blast. The progression I’m starting with is Sorc 1/Witch 3/UM 6. A tabletop roleplaying game community for everything related to Pathfinder Second Edition. My question I want to be able to bring a Carnivorous Crystal Ooze around with me to assist me on quests. I am the wench on the ship that heals and helps navigate while debuffing enemies and healing allies. Obvious downsides would be that you're a multiclassing caster, but that's not terrible when you consider that you're part Bard, a great Buffing class, and part Witch, also a great buffing/debuffing class. But notable for being the only Charisma based prepared caster i am aware of. A seducer focuses on enchantments, turning enemies into friends and friends into toys for her Whether you play these witches as lethal lovers, benign sensual healers, or a mix of both, this is a great themed archetype for an enchantment-focused witch, though of course talk with the rest of the group to establish boundaries, as I'm looking for advice on how to build a Seducer Archetype witch in a manner which it can best charm vampires while avoiding being dominated by them. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game A Seducer Witch that is crazy powerful but is now Old or even Venerable. Due to RP reasons, my Seducer witch is going to take two levels of Mysterious Stranger gunslinger, and she's going to pick up the new weapon and turn it into a pepperbox. Effect: The target takes a –2 penalty on one of the following (witch’s choice): AC, ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. This slender silver bracelet is worked in an intertwined design of three flowers. Full BAB and all good saves. It also gets rid of your other Hex, which would have a craptastic dc Blood hags of exceptional talent typically gain levels in the witch class. Charmed, Bewitched, etc. Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S, DF. And though I like them both a great deal for their concept and execution, mechanically, I'm having a hard time finding worthwhile, mechanical Seducer (Witch) Overwhelming Soul (Kineticist) Fractured Mind (Spiritualist) NOTE: Some archetypes may not work with unchained versions. Confidant Witch (Seducer Witch Alteration) These charismatic witches rely on their natural magnetism to achieve their aims. Seducer: Certain drow Witch Add +1/4 hours to the duration of the witch’s disguise hex. Beast bonded Seducer witch 3/Scaled Fist Unchained monk 1/Lunar mystery Oracle 1/Evangelist of Arshea 10 (advancing witch) TLDR: You or your familiar can possess anyone you want, you cast spells with Charisma and apply your Charisma to your AC 3 times (in different ways so that it stacks), reflex saves and initiative. Right now I am playing a Wizard with MPL Spells from the witch list. A dreamweaver has the following class features: A witch can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. RPGBOT. The spells gained depend upon the patron chosen. The first is on Sorcerers, Fey Speaker Druids and Seducer Witch in which in part of your character concept you use a weapon. 3 good saves, plenty of skill points, and charisma to cast and AC. , used under Evil Eye* (Su) The witch can cause doubt to creep into the mind of a foe within 30 feet that she can see. Unless you want an icky monster seducer witch then you could do that handily. This hex lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the witch’s Intelligence modifier. Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3 Halfling Seducer Witch with as much into charisma as you can. Then go avenging for full bab for ranger touch spells. :D I've stayed away from the Tech sphere so far because (1) it's ridiculously complex, and (2) I doubted the applicability of the sphere outside of, say, Iron Gods games that were using advanced technology. Basically, in the WotR game, the Stigmatized Witch is a Charisma Caster that replaces their Patron (and Spells) with an Oracle Curse instead. But, while you want your initiative result to beat your foes', you can't go first You can get pretty far by using seducer witch or empyreal sorcerer. What I have always loved about pathfinder is the ability to take strange options and combine Your example, the seducer witch, says: She uses her Charisma rather than her Intelligence score for the purpose of all class features and effects related to her witch class A class feature gained from an archetype is still a witch class feature. 28 School enchantment [mind-affecting]; Level arcanist 2, bard 2, skald 2, sorcerer 2, witch 2, wizard 2 (Calistria) Casting Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S, DF Effect Range personal Target you Duration 10 minutes/level (D) Description You gain a bonus on Charisma-based skill checks equal to 1 Prerequisite: Cha 13. School: enchantment/charm (mind-affecting) Level: bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2; Casting time: 1 standard action A Seducer Witch is probably the best archetype to go with in this case. Well, my point is the Seducer Witch got banned because it centers around sex and that wasn't good for random convention play between strangers. Benthic spell will let you Usually seen as a ideal dip for unarmored Charisma casters (Sorcerer, Bard, Oracle, Seducer Witch, etc. Can be combined with invoker, but that doesn't help the stat issue - which is still a bigger here. Seducer has its issues, and I can understand if that is not something you're interested in, just wanted to throw it out there because of the primary stat synergy. So i brought this up the other day about a good entry point for mystery cultist, and decided the seducer witch would be the best option. I'm very much in love, I just wish I could change some of the things. Better yet, get a level in that and then take the rest in mesmerist and get all the stares that make your DCs for diplomacy lower, reduce their saves against your checks, and the like. ) Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. If a character with the bouda archetype ceases to be evil, she loses the ability to use all alternate class features granted by this archetype (but still retains all other witch class features The Druid can be a Fey Adept (Though going down to 1/2 BAB can be painful), the Witch has the Seducer, Magus has the Eldritch Scion, there's several 6-level caster archetypes for the Vigilante, I'm sure there's a few more. DESCRIPTION. She treats the infestation as her familiar, and she communes with the infestation to prepare spells. Hex Ward Y: Target gains +4 on saves against witch hexes. You could even go seducer mirror witch to use charisma for your social stuff. But, I cant seem to get a good grasp of which classes go where. However the 'seducer witch' has a lot of if you have sex gain a bonus style ability's. If you are doing this at the very least do yourself a favor and take Unchained Monk. That way your spellcasting would be SAD (both Charisma). The Arcing/Explosive Weapon feats with a Conductive weapon gets you close to Spellstrike but sadly no Spellcombat. Flame blade dervish lets you add charisma to damage with the flame blade spell. Go to Pathfinder_RPG Seducer witch/elder mythos Cleric is the quickest way to go Mystic Theurge, even taking non-Cha options under consideration. A changeling dreamweaver draws upon her hag heritage to ply the dream realms in order to touch mortal minds and souls, for good or ill. The character is human and level 5. I played a handful of sessions as a shutdown-focused Level 8 Witch and I was just breaking At 2nd level, and every two levels thereafter, a witch’s patron adds new spells to a witch’s list of spells known. Seducer/EMC is the Seducer Witch (you gotta fuck) and Pain Taster (literally torture yourself for stat bonuses) already got brought up, so let's see Mesmerists are sus right out of the box. Better BAB, better HD are worth their weight in gold. The old version of the Scarred Witch Doctor used Con in place of Int, which was hilarious. Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. She cannot select major hexes or grand hexes using this ability. So I suggest that your witch is a Pro DM who takes people to the side for pathfinder one shots Channel Energy (Su) At 2nd level, a hex channeler can call upon her patron to release a wave of energy from herself or her familiar. Archived post. These charismatic witches rely on their otherworldly charms to achieve their aims. And the enemy (party) has an entire round to prevent you from landing your Control Undead. I was initially thinking a witch but I'm not too sure anymore. Gets bonuses against targets that may potentially be attracted to you. I basically just decided not to take any hexs that would Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble. A tabletop role-playing game community for everything related to Pathfinder Second Edition. A witch can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. Whether casting a battlefield control spell, a spell that buffs your allies, or a spell that debuffs your foes, casting that spell first is vitally important to you and your party's survival. The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. I mean, I'll always consider it. gg/pathfinder2e or f. My character is a At 8th level, the seducer can create a magical bower once per day. I'm not saying I agree with it, in home games I have definitely been lenient with such archetype stacking, I just want to make sure someone knows going into it that people who are A regular Witch learns spells through their familiar like this . Since all of those are low bab the ability to There's also the Seducer Witch, which is based entirely upon sex. Is there a compiled list of these anywhere at all? but off the top of my head I only know of the Seducer Witch. gg Members Online. You need to add the Charisma-based Witch archetype, Seducer. Well Met Pathfinders,I have noticed a few dedicated posts as well as recent discussion in other threads addressing the Seducer Witch. Edit: I spent some time trying to think of some character who could actually make good use of this spell. The two free spells must be of spell levels she can cast. On the other hand, the seducer witch uses Charisma for everything, including spellcasting, which is more similar to the warlock. Blood Hag Covens A hag coven containing a blood hag loses access to the control weather and speak with dead spell-like abilities. 145K subscribers in the Pathfinder_RPG community. I think it is really interesting when an archetype changes core concepts around a class especially when those have to deal with an attribute. Most archetypes would say “This replaces X”, or specify that it alters it. Notable for this is the 8th level hex replacement, which lets you create a tiny hut type effect that is a garden, and if your DM is nice, I'd hope they'd let you reflavor the garden as an inn. High level Seducer Witches should consider getting Spell Hex to make Beguiling Gift on par with their Hex DC rather than their Spell DC, as well as having Heighten Spell as a MM feat. Hey! I need some help! I play a Succubus Witch C/E (Level 11) and I need help figuring out some stuff that is confusing me. Seducer witch lets you go all in on mind control effects and get charisma as your witch casting stat. r/Pathfinder2e and posts/comments therein use trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc. Hour-long video essays have not removed D&D's top spot. RAW, only the second pick of Legendary Item turns it into a Minor Artifact which prevents it from being My character is a witch that has taken seducer, hex channeler, and sea witch archetypes. IT'S TIME TO SING A SONG (Rules Lawyer) Seducer archetype for Witch. Even when she has used all of her spells, she can continue debuffing for as long as she likes. Image size. Then I realized cheap Ring of Protection (which this spell wouldn't stack with) could make up the difference, and the AC bonus would last all day If you use the seducer witch archetype as well as well as the scaled fist monk archetype you can get charisma to attack, damage, AC, spellcasting and hexes. A DC 20 Knowledge (nature) check identifies the flowers as acacia, apocynum, and bilberry, symbolizing concealment, treachery, and falsehood. If you've already had relations with someone, attempts to magically manipulate them become much harder to resist. ) The character is a seducer witch with fiery tendencies on the sorcerer side, and what I need help with is selecting feats, traits, Benefits A seducer’s power comes from her allure. The two are incompatible, same goes for the winter witch and seducer. A Will save reduces this to just 1 round. Patron: A seducer must select deception, enchantment UM, plant (Pathfinder Player Companion Heroes of the Wild 11), thorns (Heroes of the Wild 13), or trickery as her patron. Otherworldly Allure: A seducer’s power comes from her allure Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. She uses her Wisdom modifier in place of her Intelligence modifier for the hex. as baseline Pathfinder isn't really going to have all that much that would allow you to synergize two extremely disparate classes. Elf: Bonuses to Dexterity and Intelligence are fantastic, and the Elf’s racial bonuses work well for any full caster. If an archetype specifically replaces or alters an ability, it is no longer compatible with archetypes that replace or alter the same ability. Alternatively you can just blow a feat. I'm playing in a relatively lethal campaign and if it wasn't for my high Dex + mage armor early levels I would've been splattered. While all witches commune with the unknown, the blend of human ingenuity and adept learning mixed with elven blood gives some half-elves a unique conduit to channel the powers of the arcane. Pick a fun witchy archetype like a mirror witch so you have a fancy mirror at social occasions that gives you some additional bonuses. Seducer witch is also an option for long term cons. Mystic Herbalist (Witch Archetype) Unsworn Witch (Witch Archetype) Witch Archetypes - Paizo Fans United. I've only ever played as a bard before, so I was thinking sorcerer might be a better choice for me. 4 Comments. In addition, any creature engaging in willing sexual relations with the seducer in this garden gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws for the next 24 hours. [1E] Okay so please hear me out I would like to make a character for a pathfinder oneshot If you're going for a SAD Theurge, Seducer Witch is going to be a better option than Sorcerer unless there's a specific bloodline your build needs, simply because it's prepared and has faster spell progression, which Theurge wants. (I’m aware the witch doesn’t cast from a spellbook, but it’s close enough for my purposes. Take the trait granting the +2 bonus on initiative checks then the trait granting the +4 bonus on Perception skill checks. Many Witches work just fine without taking an Archetype, but Archetypes can offer some additional options. The witch’s spell list is primarily a subset of the wizard’s with a handful of cleric & druid spells mixed in. Skills and Abilities [] Entropic Flare A basic ranged attack that does minor magic damage. Take Malicious Eye and Bolster Jinx feats to make your eyes extra nasty. Class Features. So the gm has said that we could have any 2 trait or 3 with a drawback and 20 point buy. SilkyNoire. Members Online. You could go Seducer Witch to remain SAD, but the action economy problem is still there: 2 standard actions (channel energy, hex) requires you to spend 2 turns to land your control effect. Charisma is usually a dump stat for witches, so don't expect her to be very social (or at least any good at socializing). A witch who is neither good nor evil must choose whether she channels positive or negative energy; once this choice is made, it With this you can either go Sorcerer 6/EK 10/Dragon Disciple 4 or Seducer Witch 5/EK 10/Evangelist 5. Here I talk about why that's a bad idea. Dwarf: Nothing useful for the Witch. Not necessarily worth it initially, although seducer witch can get it without the issue of it taking up a "spells known" slot. Since I am the only caster in the party I decided to pick up the following witch spells: 1st: Ill Omen 2nd: Vomit Swarm 4th: Threefold Aspect 6th: Raise Dead 7th: Heal 9th: Polar Midnight So basically a mix of really good witch spells and useful divine spells. Stacking Cartomancer onto witch might be an idea, not bothering with an underleveled familiar and touching at range is neat. Things like reach trip builds that knock opponents on their butts, spellcasters throwing up walls and pits, that kind of thing is what it I would suggest going with Oracle instead of a Cleric and taking the Seducer Witch archetype [stacks with Cartomancer]. Due to the Charisma dump and her not being attracted to you, you’ll never succeed. Intelligence bonuses are crucial. In the case of the witch, the ley-line guardian witch gets spontaneous spellcasting, à la the sorcerer, which is marginally more similar to the warlock’s. artcommission characterart characterconcept characterdrawing customcharacter dnd drawing dungeonsanddragons fantasy fantasyrpg roleplay roleplaying roleplayinggame rp rpgcharacter. Even higher bonuses if you sleep with them before Hexing them. Reply reply shinarit Velma is definitely an Empiricist Investigator, Daphne is let's go with a Seducer Witch, and Fred can be the Paladin, I suppose In Pathfinder society, a deaf character can spend a rank in Linguistics to lip read. and seducer’s kiss is generally inferior to the slumber A Seducer Witch makes perfect sense: They use Charisma for their class features, they have Kiss (melee touch) attacks, that get harder to resist when sexually attracted to the Seducer, and their Garden of Delight gives morale bonuses after sexual intercourse. The bracelet grants the wearer a Bouda. Unlike the Eldritch Scion Magus though, it doesn't change from being a Prepared caster to a Spontaneous one, and spellcasting works the same way it always has besides changing one stat for another. A seducer focuses on enchantments, turning enemies into friends and friends into toys for her amusement. , I was looking at building a winter witch for my current campaign. This functions as tiny hut with a caster level equal to the seducer’s witch level, but the interior is a lush garden. In this case, all of our characters will be members of a coven, either full or multiclass witches, displaying the wide variety of Races. Spell Guides. true. 8K Views. As a Witch one of the ways I can get new spells is by having my familiar eat a spell scroll of a spell on the Witch’s spell list. With fractional BAB these both give you 16 BAB and 18 caster levels at level 20 (without the feats). Patron. Retain witch powers whichever form you’re in. With Tinker bringing things back to steampunk-ish basics, I'd happily think about doing so eventually. You can use seducer witch (charisma based witch). Would Seducer Witch 3 + Oracle 1 be better in any way to whatever is above, other than getting into MT one level earlier? Or does the Witch's weaker spell list make it worse? Oh, also, what about Cleric3/Empyreal Sorcerer1? Witch/Bard. Reply reply A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. For example at LV8 you can double peoples healing from sleeping and also give them a +2 to saves for 24 hours but only if they have sex with you. There's always the Seducer Witch if you want CHA There's also Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, and other examples from TV. Just a bunch of hedonistic fools running around partying and solving problems 5 month necro (sorry) If anyone is still interested in this topic the Seducer witch has the interesting distinction of being a non spontaneous Charisma caster so it could be used with the standard Charisma tricks like scaled fist and oracle nature/lunar to have charisma tricks for days. I'd start with making a variant Dhampir. The target must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + half the seducer’s level + her Charisma These charismatic witches rely on their otherworldly charms to achieve their aims. My build had a 1 level dip to oracle with the waves mystery for 1 rounds slow on cold spells. Rolling on the Floor Cackling. She uses her Charisma rather than her Intelligence score for the purpose of all class features and effects related to her witch class, such as bonus spells per day, the maximum spell level she The Green Mother The Feasting Flower Source The First World, Realm of the Fey pg. The versatility of the witch hex has always thrilled me, my favorite arctype was the seducer witch. Seducer Witch gives you Cha based prepared casting that could be combined with Oracle's Cha/spontaneous. I can probably add a section on HOW to cast as a mystic theurge though, so I'll think on that because ya know, it's important to know that you shouldn't just try to double fireball. The witch is an intelligence-based, prepared arcane caster with a familiar in place of a wizard’s spellbook. Reply reply Max_Insanity • The Seducer Witch turns you into a Charisma based caster, Seducer Witch - The opposite of the Wildblooded Sage, the Seducer uses Charisma when most other Witches run on Intelligence. I had to double-check myself. We're doing the 25 point buy too, and some 3PP stuff is allowed. Just to give an insight as to what I play I play the Witch Archetype Seducer, meaning I use CHA mod instead of INT for the purpose of all class features and effects related to the witch class. Fighter/Alchemist. What other ways or builds can i use to take advantage of a high charisma score and still have a functional melee caster character? Im trying to make it functional, and hold its own. . But the thing is I can't figure out how many spells known I can have, Play a seducer witch with the discord hex if you want to have some fun. The iconic Mesmerist managed a manor filled with mind-slaves. Fire burn and cauldron bubble (A guide to Witches: Pathfinder Rules) Viking Irishman’s Guide. Watch. What other content is in the game that specifically hinges on sex? As a bard, it takes up one of your two 2nd level slots at 4th level, for a +2 bonus. A saucy old grandma that keeps telling everyone stories about how she seduced the goblin king or something else outlandish "oh a good 50 years before you were born". My main focus with the character is lying and charming, also focus into enchantment spells. For everything related to the Pathfinder RPG! Premium Explore Gaming. Seducer's Eyes Source Inner Sea Gods pg. Probably to make the paladin less MAD. r/Pathfinder2e and Related Quests [] Dark Anchors in Tamriel: Help destroy Dark Anchors in Tamriel. Range personal Target you Duration 10 minutes/level (D). Spells Gained at a New Level: A witch’s familiar learns a certain amount of lore and magic as the witch adventures. For everything related to the Pathfinder RPG! I'm trying to figure out the best class in order to play a changeling in my party of 4. There’s also the time cost and Spellcraft check. Whenever a witch gains a level, she may add two spells from the witch spell list to her familiar. that’s right, witches. 5 Ruleset of 182 votes, 79 comments. She still selects a familiar, which must be a house centipede, rat, scarlet spider, or toad; the familiar crawls within her among the other I'd say the Seducer Witch Halfling. Seducer witch, eldritch scion magus, mnemostiller alchemist, feyspeaker druid, elder mythos cultist cleric, dandy ranger, fractured mind spiritualist, magical child vigilante and as noted above the sworn of the eldest inquisitor. If you're interested in changing to Charisma, The Seducer Witch/Unchained Scaled fist monk would be decent mix. A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. That being said, I would also like to bring up Seducer Witch. I am playing an Oozemorph Shifter / Seducer Witch. I think that's the only way to remove the MAD casting stats without Sorcerer. Occultus_Cormag Fledgling Pathfinder • Additional comment actions You could also go seducer witch 6/elder mythos cultist cleric (or feyspeaker druid) 1/mystic theurge 10/seducer witch 3, using the spirit talker feat to pick up the arcane enlightenment hex from the lore spirit (which has already been mentioned by others). The games are similar to classic RPG games such I have a lotus geisha bard that I was thinking of taking a couple dips into a Seducer Witch . The winter witch. Play a Kitsune and get some bonuses to DCs. Her base daily spell allotment is given on Table 2–10. For everything related to the Pathfinder RPG! Help With Witch Seducer build . I know Pathfinder has a lot of content inspired by superheroes, but Matter-Eater Lad is a Edit: Seducer Witch Garden of Delight (Su): At 8th level, the seducer can create a magical bower once per day. Get app Get the The Grasping Vine Shaman and Seducer Witch are both associated with the Green Mother and nature, though the Seducer does have a whiff of "that guy" about it. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber . Pact Witch; Demon-Sworn; Flood Walker; Hagbound; Herb Witch; Putrefactor; Season Witch; Seducer; Vellemancer; Venom Siphoner; Coral Witch; Witch Witch Hex: The shaman selects any one hex normally available through the witch’s hex class feature. The Witch is the ultimate debuffer in Pathfinder. You shouldn't need to tailor the story around them. Sleep with your enemies to make them more susceptible. Each patron is listed by its theme. I'd really appreciate any ideas and suggestions, and also sorry for any mistakes, the Pathfinder system is still confusing to me. You could even dip one level into mesmerist to make that Evil Eye stick. "A witch's familiar begins play storing all of the 0-level witch spells plus three 1st-level spells of the witch's choice. Pathfinder appears to switch them to cha-based spellcasting. Don't feel like reading through flavor text to get to the meat of abilities? As a gestalt seducer witch you can likely just use non-mind-affecting spells on undead enemies. Find cursed items and then hand them over to your enemies, and then break out the popcorn and a lawn chair. Beast bonded Seducer witch 4/Scaled Fist Unchained monk 1/Evangelist of Arshea 10 (advancing witch) TLDR: You or your familiar can possess anyone you want (constructs with possess object), you cast spells with Charisma and apply your Charisma to your AC 3 or 4 times (in different ways so that it stacks), and initiative. These strange and often solitary witches have a strong connection to curses, the evil eye, and hyenas. 6. Reply reply More replies. The seducers kiss is meh but fey charm and garden of delight make up for it. I’d ask your DM to reflavor the abilities to be less pervy. Take an archetype that lets you use the same casting stat for both -- either Chronicler of Worlds (Bard) to cast using INT, or Seducer (Witch) to cast using Charisma. Skald can also scribe scroll for it or use spell kenning. The witch also selects a number of additional 1st-level spells equal to her Intelligence modifier to store in her familiar. Reply reply Seducer Witch and Scaled Fist UnMonk come to mind 6- UnMonk. The Elf favored class bonus grants additional spells, but Witches’ familiars can learn more spells from Seducer’s Kiss (Su): At 6th level, a seducer can kiss another creature as a melee touch attack. Benefit: You gain +4 circumstance bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks with creatures who you are sexually compatible with. Witch Archetypes - Legendary Games. CASTING. For everything related to the Pathfinder RPG! OK, so, what, exactly are you looking to do with this character, and is the GM willing to edit the seducer witch any, or are you fine with playing the seducer witch-as-is? Are you taking seducer witch and mysterious stranger solely to get the cha casting and grit to cha? Bonded Witch (Witch; Half-elf) The bonded witch is an archetype of the witch class, available to half-elven witches. So I'm making a seducer witch for my pathfinder group. Winter witch requires the ice magic class feature, which comes from the winter witch archetype. Seducer Witch for Empress Paladin for Emperor Cleric for Hierophant Twinned Summoner for Lovers Barbarian for Chariot Well, there is the havocker (which is a pretty uncommon kineticist overlap), ley line guardian (sorcerer casting), and seducer (charisma casting) to alter the witch. It's a Tier 1 spellcaster, not as powerful or as versatile as a Wizard, but still OP as fuck. Its actual name is up to the GM and the witch to decide. For example, the Living Grimoire inquisitor lets you make an inquisitor who serves there Seducer’s Eyes DF You gain a bonus on Charisma -based skill checks equal to 1 +1 for every 4 caster levels you possess (to a maximum of +5), but only when interacting with those who might conceivably find you sexually attractive. Paladin/seducer witch has more synergy than it should. Other idea would be seducer witch. A good witch channels positive energy (like a good cleric), and an evil witch channels negative energy (like an evil cleric). Reply reply ShoesOfDoom • You're mostly correct, except when you group Occult spontaneous casters with Arcane and Divine ones. It’s still Intelligence-based, however. 20 Pathfinder Wiki The Green Mother Details Alignment NE Pantheon Eldest Areas of Concern Carnivorous plants, intrigue, seduction Domains Charm, Earth, Evil, Plant Subdomains Caves, Decay, Growth, Lust, Thorns* * Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait. Combine with dance of kindled desires for laffs, if you want to stick with bard for 4 levels (minimum) to sacrifice a second level spell for it. The Intrigue Oracle (often given by Calistria) works well with a Succubus too: They have an at-will shapechange, can hide their The dashing pilot witch. But debuffing before hitting enemies with dominate monster would be pretty useful A tabletop roleplaying game community for everything related to Pathfinder Second Edition. Infestation of Entropy. Specifically wanting to play the archetype but disliking the sexualized theme. You actually have to check. She treats her shaman level as her witch level when determining the powers and abilities of the hex. feyspeaker druid 3, seducer witch 3 The Green Mother says ‘sup? Reply reply A tabletop role-playing game community for everything related to Pathfinder Second Edition. r/Pathfinder2e and posts/comments therein This functions as tiny hut with a caster level equal to the seducer’s witch level, but the interior is a lush garden. Pathfinder monks aren't weak! I try to demonstrate the incredible diversity and power of Pathfinder 2e monks in this combat demonstration! We have a r/Pathfinder_RPG A chip A close button. Take the Halfling Jinx alternate racial trait. Garden of Delight (Su) At 8th level, the seducer can create a magical bower once per day. I thought maybe a high-level seducer witch, past level 12 when the cap edges out Mage Armor. I think it might be interesting to see what abilities, classes, and races are flavored as sexual, as Paizo has made spells like unnatural lust and classes like witch seducer available. In addition, she receives bonus spells per day if she has a high Intelligence score (see Table 1–3 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook). Or antipaladin/elder mythos cultist, for a stupidly hard to kill villain (be sure to go lich at soonest opportunity). Alternatively seducer witch 19 "Restrictions are GOOD in Pathfinder 2e" - I've had players coming from D&D 5th Edition who want to homebrew Pathfinder 2e rules that cost you an action to move, raise a shield, and do other things, as well as the Multiple Attack Penalty. Seducer witch uses charisma as the casting stat. Special: If you act with hostility toward or bluntly reject the advances of a creature you have used this feat with, their attitude toward you automatically declines by one step and The new Seducer Witch from Legacy of the First World is Charisma-based, though still a Prepared caster. Alternatively, you could also go Seducer Witch in addition to Cartomancer, which changes you to a Charisma caster. Published: Sep 24, 2021. School enchantment [mind-affecting]; Level bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2. Hei guys, im building a Witch with Seducer archetype but i dont have idea which feats i have to choose. You also gain a +2 bonus to the DC of your charm spells. You gain a bonus on Charisma-based skill checks equal to 1 +1 for every 4 caster levels you possess (to a maximum of +5), but only Pathfinder Spells Seducer's Eyes. Bonded witches forsake familiars as vessels of power in favor of a Seducer Witch, flavor aside, is a full prepared caster that works off of Charisma Witch is absolutely one of the most powerful classes in Pathfinder 1E. Used my level 4 upgrade to get 16 dex. As far as I know the party is going to have I’m playing a Seducer Witch/Bard gestalt in a friend’s game. Be a Triaxian Take the Winter Witch archetype And the Season Witch archetype, choosing winter as your season This means that Winter is your patron. most people do not realize that you have two ability scores driving your DC's for above (dex and con). Looking over various witch archetypes, I spotted quite the intriguing ability on the Seducer witch archetype. I'm playing in a west marches server where we can Gestalt and have access to a variety of things. Join us on for more discussion on discord. Full casting of both Arcnae and Divine (though specific to those lists) based purely off CHA. I've made one of my favorite characters, Hama, as both a pre-remaster sorcerer and a post-remaster witch. But this is Pathfinder, you never know when Paizo might have snuck something into the back of a setting guide or something that would let you combine effects or whatnot. Scout Rogue//Barbarian (Urban Barbarian is fine if you get Dex to Damage. With Fey Speaker Druid and Seducer Witch you can get full Cha casting without a spell level delay inherent to the spontaneous casters. I'm on 15 point buy with my seducer witch and started with (after racial adjustment) 8 STR, 15 DEX, 14 CON, 12 INT, 10 WIS, 16 CHA. Share Sort by: Seducer’s Eyes. 210 Favourites. People often talk about how important teamwork is in PF2e, so what is, mechanically speaking, the most cohesive possible 4-PC team? Introduction Witch archetypes typically double-down on the Witch's Patron. Then you take the Winter Witch prestige class Add in VMC Oracle for the Winter Revelation And voila! A winter winter witch winter witch of winter of winter of winter! Vigilante could be a lot of fun. You get to a point where you basically control the enemies. 2 levels of paladin gives charisma to saves, and virtuoso bravo gives the weapon finesse feat. Take the Evil Eye witch hex. Elements Seducer Witch says: Patron: a seducer witch select deception, enchantment, plant, thorns, or trickery as her patron. See Invisibility: Reveals invisible creatures or objects. 29 votes, 72 comments. At level 8 it gives a -7 to will saves, mixed with the Misfortune Hex, making it incredibly hard to resist any Enchantment. The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Pathfinder Witch - Seducer Sariel.