Revise and resubmit letter Revision takes much more that. BBC Homepage. To determine the effects on chromatin in both ∆kmt5 and ∆ash1 mutants, we first performed ChIP-seq of selected histone modifications (H3K4me2, H3K9me3, H3K27me2, H3K27me3, H3K36me3, H4K20me3) associated with eu- and heterochromatin in a wild-type strain. Don’t despair. I wanted some clarification about some of the comments so I replied to the editor and he thanked me for replying and said that editors love it when authors respond quickly. In the cover letter, I like to include a paragraph thanking the editor for the opportunity to resubmit my work and the major changes that I made in the revised version. There are three basic types of decisions: Accept, Revise, and Reject. I recommend your to do list be written in an action item format. My question is: Is it okay to submit to arXiv during the time when the paper is under consideration by the journal, for example after it has been "revised and resubmitted" but Eddy 博士:我的论文被拒了,但编辑说我可以 revise and resubmit,邮件里还说他们期刊的拒稿率是 3%,我该重投还是改投? 从你的问题看来,编辑认为你的论文有很高的发表潜力。. By Charlesworth Author Services 24 August, 2023. Best regards, Author. It’s important to respond to feedback shared, so create a detailed response letter by acknowledging the suggestions for improvement received. A revise and resubmit letter means the literary agent saw enough promise in the project to request a revision. Typically, you will receive a letter from the editor along with specific comments from the reviewers. Other possible responses you could receive from the When an editor says that your paper has language and grammar issues, this can come as part of an invitation to revise and resubmit the paper, or as part of a decision to reject the paper. you revise Pennsylvania’s consolidated State plan and resubmit it through OMB Max by January 8, 2018. Reject Without Review – Transfer to JACEP Reject With Reviews – Transfer to JACEP . The following procedure applies to resubmissions of revised versions of "Conditionally accepted" papers [CR/CC] or to papers that 2024/05/11 revise and resubmit 2024/05/31 resubmit & under review 2024/06/20 decision pending 2024/06/27 reject and resubmit 2024/07/04 submit & under review 2024/07/21 decision pending 2024/07/28 accept Summary: This letter proposes a novel approach to enhance the performance of LLM-based autonomous manipulation through HRC, which uses a prompted 求问Revise Reconsider和Revise Resubmit的区别 - 经管之家 给老板看了具体的letter后觉得这就是Major Revision。 一审结束后收到Revise & Resubmit的邀请,意味着您的论文已经引起了编辑的注意,并且被认为具有潜力。这是一个积极的信号,证明您的研究在学术界有所贡献。 作为下一步的创作建议,我鼓励您继续努力,积极回应编辑的意见和建议。 If the agent sent you a revise and resubmit letter, then they are actually eager to hear from you when it’s time to resubmit or send new work. The Architect or his consultants, as applicable, will review the Shop Drawings; mark the drawings with required revisions; stamp the drawings and indicate "No Exceptions Noted," "Furnish as Corrected," "Revise and Resubmit," or "Rejected," and return the drawings. If your work receives a revise and resubmit (also called an R&R), celebrate. 一般的に、ジャーナルは提出形式や、言語についての修正のために約1カ月の猶予を与えます。 Patricia M. In my previous post, I wrote about "referee-proofing" articles. The EiC may decide that it needs further revision, and thus, the AE may ask you to revise A resubmission is treated by submission standards as a new manuscript (i. Samples: Submit new samples as required for initial submittal. The auditor Once the Letter of Intent (LOI) or Full Application is submitted in Infrastructure eXCHANGE, applicants may revise or update that submission until the Letter of Intent or applicable deadline. Revise and Resubmit Cover Letter Journal Resubmit Cover Letter If you’re up to the challenge, here’s how to tackle a Revise & Resubmit. 10-26 Awaiting Reviewer Scores. The reviewers report several difficult REVISITING AMJ’S REVISE-AND-RESUBMIT PROCESS As former AMJ editor Tom Lee noted, the peer review process is at the heart of scholarly research (Lee, 2002). Among have new images for Revise and Resubmit Cover Letter Journal Resubmit Cover Letter Proofreadingwebsite Web? please contact us immediately. Digest the feedback. The notification will be sent to the advisor/referee from the system. Keep in mind that “med ed” is a small world: if you resubmit your work to another journal, your paper may be examined by the I submitted a paper in a respected journal (Elsevier) in my field (Biology/Ecology). You do not need to revise the manuscript before transferring it to LSA. it must adhere to the 13-page limit), but must still be identified as a resubmission by the authors when it is submitted with both a cover letter and a response-to-reviewers letter. Indicate any changes that have been made other than those requested by the Owner. The Revise and resubmit is the same thing as revisions. This guest post by David McCarthy discusses how to respond to an invitation to revise and resubmit from a leading philosophical journal. txt) or read online for free. In your cover letter, indicate the primary and secondary Methodologies and Applications covered T-ASE permits a maximum of 1 Revise and Resubmit decision. A six-step approach for doing the (seemingly) impossible task of applying reviewer feedback to your journal article. For Word online, an indicator at the top center shows if you are in Editing (changes not tracked) or Reviewing (changes tracked) mode. In composing the (required) cover letter, I am wondering if it is ok to address it to both Editor and Associate Editor. Paying attention to editor and reviewer comments will sharpen your understanding of the topic, research methods, and writing skills. 15那天无事发生,多等了半个月结果才出,所以系统上这个时间仅供参考) 《IEEE Robotics and The most standard first-round continuation decision is reject/revise (also called revise and resubmit) without commitment to publication. 10-25 Submitted. We recommend that authors highlight relevant guidelines If it is a draw (a positive and a negative review) in the review process it may end up to the editor's decision either to revise the paper and resubmit or to reject the paper. S. Reject and Resubmit (also known as R1: Reject and Resubmit) The If a journal editor sends you a decision letter asking you to revise and resubmit your manuscript according to peer reviewers’ comments, you’ll need to prepare a rebuttal REVISE AND RESUBMIT Submitting your work to journals results in three possible outcomes: accept (sometimes with minor corrections needed), reject, or revise and resubmit. 说明:IEEE存在部分期刊常用reject (revise and resubmit)来决定手稿,事实上论文最多定为大修,这么做主要是为了提升期刊的拒稿率,大家根据审稿人的建议和编辑给出的决定来综合判断期刊给出的决定,如果没有对创新点提出质疑,基本就是等同于大修或者小修,重投大概 1. The If you receive a revise and resubmit outcome, you will have 12 months to make your revisions and resubmit for re-examination. The resubmission of a paper with a RR decision will have the same paper ID, with a new version number. The cover letter is a really important part of this process as a lot of reviewers will use this as the basis for their decision. Get your revisions proofread to maximise chances of success. Second Revise & Resubmit 10-17-00 Third Revise & Resubmit 11-29-00 Accepted 12-1-00 2001, Vol. She publishes in research methods, civil-military relations, gender issues Learn and revise with BBC Bitesize revision resources for primary, secondary and post-16 students. Ideally, this letter will outline a process of improvement in sample-cover-letter-resubmitted - Free download as PDF File (. Reject Research Letter – Transfer . I have just received a decision letter for my submitted manuscript to an Elsevier journal. A Personal Rejection and a Revision Rejection are like doors that During a closed review process, authors may be asked to revise their manuscript and resubmit for another round of reviews—this step is often referred to as “Revise and Resubmit”. 10-25 In Review Process. When authors receive a revise and resubmit letter, they should take time to digest the letter before beginning the task of revising the manuscript. 的revise and resubmitt的文章接收率高吗审稿人均给出了较为正面的评价,一个审稿人建议小修,另一个审稿人可能给的大修,总共五条意见。但编辑还是给了revise and resubmit 只要认真修改了,几乎100%。 有效回复“revise and resubmit”建议只需十步 . Yet despite that, pitifully few resources are available to help academics manage the challenges of Write a detailed response letter showing how you used the feedback. We found that H4K20me3 is The Journal of Cleaner Production is an international, transdisciplinary journal focusing on Cleaner Production, Environmental, and Sustainability research and practice. The final article that you see in journals is often never the 6. Many journals, like JCSHESA, require authors to This is a revision letter submitted to the editor of the Journal of Make-believe thanking them for the opportunity to resubmit a revised manuscript. Some authors prefer to resubmit to the same journal, which can If you receive a revise and resubmit outcome, you will have 12 months to make your revisions and resubmit for re-examination. After 2 months, the review of the paper is out. Read the letter from the editor Read the letter from the editor carefully and make sure that you have indeed received a request to revise and resubmit your paper. 3. However, I Although revision letters are often referred to as rebuttals, this can sometimes imply an adversarial stance. Use this feedback to revise and resubmit your proposal in the future. Read the 投稿后收到期刊发来通知,要求将论文“修改后重投”(revise and resubmit,简称R&R),此时的心情真是一言难尽。“修改后重投”通常意味着论文具有一定发表价值,但前提是作者须按照有关建议作出修改。 Revise and resubmit It was specific but not editorial-letter-specific. R&R request denotes that a manuscript is worth publishing after some recommended changes. Other possible responses from the editor include: 1) Reject without an invitation to re-submit; 2) Conditional acceptance, where you are asked to make minor changes; and 3) Outright acceptance, where changes are not required, but might be suggested. I appreciate immensely the feedback and The purpose of the revisions letter is to convince the editor that you have adequately revised the original manuscript to address all the comments made by its peer reviewers. We will continue the single PC Meeting model of Revise and Resubmit, adjusting parameters for ACs and Authors. I've been told that revise-and-resubmits are technically rejections with the opportunity to resubmit after revision. A well-worded response letter to the editor should be prepared. Different journals will explicitly say "revise and resubmit" or "we will be happy to look at The rule of thumb is, the more personal the rejection, the more time the agent or editor spent with your work. After two months, the status changed to Major Revision. (ID: XX). Reject, do not resubmit (also known as R3: Paper is seriously flawed) The paper is seriously flawed. So, it may not necessarily mean a Reject presently. g. The agent requests your full manuscript. The ideal outcome of resubmitting your revised manuscript and submitting a good revisions letter is that your article is taken up for further proces After months of working on your research paper, receiving a "revise and resubmit" decision from the journal can be very disheartening. In this letter, the students systematically review the feedback they have received, explaining how they have addressed the reader’s comments and why they may have disregarded some of them. It was a revise and resubmit (R&R). SCI科研助力. A number of excellent articles have been published to help scholars/authors interpret and navigate this process, and Rynes (2006a) iden-tified some of these publications. (Rynes [2006b, 2006c] also speaks 9月收到了拒稿重投,有一个 审稿人 建议转投letter,我们采纳了该建议,整理了内容,按4页的letter格式重新写了,投了回去,目前已经录用。以下是投稿状态记录。 初稿. This decision usually indicates that the editor is cautiously optimistic that you can make revisions that will result in a publishable article. So while Agent Amazing never used the phrase "I'm afraid I'll be passing" or anything as final as that I did take it as such. It’s a letter (these days, it’s usually an email) from an agent who has read your full manuscript. You might also send along a partial or a synopsis. If using Word online, select 'For Everyone' under the 'Track Changes' option on the Reviews tab. The PDF | This presentation gives guidance to recent PhDs and junior faculty on what to do to get your work published. I've read this question about how some publishers (e. The editor/journal likes it but the requested edits go beyond what they'd typically do in revisions after acceptance. e. We would, however, be willing to consider a resubmission of a substantially Thank you for the opportunity to revise and resubmit our manuscript, [title of manuscript]. I just resubmitted a revised paper with a 3K+ letter to the editor thanking Perhaps no aspect of publishing evokes as much anxiety as a revise and resubmit decision on a manuscript. The journal performs technical checks when you resubmit your manuscript to ensure that it meets our formatting and publishing requirements. The Typically the best you can hope for is a revise and resubmit (often abbreviated R&R). The decision letter is delivered to the author via email. Remove samples which are revise-and-resubmit letter, analogous to what writers produce when they submit a revised manuscript to a journal after receiving reviews. Using formal and informal tones and laying out a letter. Based on the reviewers’ comments and our own reading, we are unable to accept the manuscript in its current form. If they sent you somewhat personalized notes, they might take a second peek as well. Write a compelling cover letter. Enclosed is our revised manuscript for review. Particularly for the major areas listed in the editor’s letter, you may have to create multiple items to resolve the issue raised. The introductory letter explained that the project's focus was to identify the needs and special challenges faced by families with a chronically ill member. In the latter it is The language of the response letter should be reviewed for politeness and respectful disagreement, if any. The journal is interested in your Examples of Revise and Resubmit in a sentence. Purpose of a revisions letter The purpose of the revisions letter is to convince the editor that you have adequately revised the original manuscript to address all the comments made by its peer reviewers. 知乎用户8etS0N. Reading the editorial letter and formulating the Read the letter from the editor carefully and make sure you indeed have a request for a revise and resubmit. Physical Review Letters publishes short, high-quality peer-reviewed reports of the most influential developments and transformative ideas in the full arc of fundamental, applied, and interdisciplinary physics Free Online Library: From the editors: perspectives on turnaround time. 在各大学术论坛,经常有人提问如何回复编辑的修改建议,尤其是大修建议。这里分享十个简单易行的步骤: 第一步:读信。 仔细阅读编辑的来信,确保你收到了“修改并重新提交”的要求。来自编辑的其他回复可能有:1)拒绝且 You query agents with your query letter. We suggest they put the letter aside for a few days before re-reading it. Revise the number of the submission and resubmit until accepted. 50, No. 當期刊編輯給你寄來決定函,請你根據同行審稿意見為原稿進行「revise and resubmit」(編修重投) ,你便需要準備一封反駁信(rebuttal letter)或修回信(response letter),連同你的重新投稿一同遞交。 反駁信有兩大作用。 “reject and resubmit”其实是一种由“revise and resubmit”衍化来的投稿决定。许多期刊如今不再给出字面上的“major revision”,取而代之的是先拒稿再鼓励重投。 重投论文同样需要提交cover letter,除了常规的作者信息、文章标题,还应写明首次投稿的稿件编号。 Quote from: delsur on March 16, 2020, 07:02:54 AM I am about to submit revisions for a journal article. However, I am not in a position to submit yet. Address peer review comments and resubmit a revised manuscript Letters of Support/Commitment: Letters from collaborators, partners, or other stakeholders, if applicable. Most journal articles are often a revise and resubmit before they get published. Sawey will email you an invitation to revise and resubmit, listing the same revision requests as mentioned above. If reviewers. pdf), Text File (. | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Publishing Guidelines. A Personal Rejection and a Revision Rejection are like doors that 收到 “revise and resubmit” 决定意见的作者更有可能反驳或忽略主编的评论。 这 可能导致一个冗长的审稿过程,使作者、审稿人和主编精疲力竭。 “Reject with option to resubmit”暗示作者如果忽略任何主编或审稿人的评论意见,文章非常有可能被拒并且任何形式的申诉和申诉理由都必须具体。 More recently reject and resubmit has become a thing. But It’s a letter (these days, it’s usually an email) from an agent who has read your full manuscript. But just because this is technically true, it doesn't mean that it's appropriate to treat an RnR like any other rejection. gov • SF424 (R&R) Application Package • Cover Letter (optional) • Project Summary/Abstract • If the decision is positive, the author will usually be asked to revise the manuscript and resubmit. 'Cleaner Production' is a concept that aims at preventing the production of waste, while increasing efficiencies in the Recommendation Letter (Submit deadline – March 21, 2025, at 23:59): Required for post-graduate students who are not taking courses or students who belong to the reduction type. Not only does this mean that you potentially have something with Do Nothing! It sounds odd, but I’d literally advise you to do nothing at first. 2023 返回, under review (系统这个阶段显示的next decision due is august 15,结果8. C. 2 177. As time is Most letters from editors I get do suggest a timeline within which to resubmit and we generally try to keep to those deadlines. The question is whether those timelines should be shortened, with some flexibility for accommodating とあるジャーナルに論文を投稿し、peer-reviewでのminor reviseを経て、無事passとなりましたが、書類の不備でその後のプロセスが進まずに期限切れとなってしまいました。必要書類がようやく揃い、論文内容をそのままに、再度同じジャーナルに(投稿規定に沿って)新規論文として投稿しようと Q: 我的文章被reject了,但是编辑给我的邮件,好像是让我修改了之后,以新的文章再投,还要附上 response to reviewers ,但是因为这个是被拒的,我再上传的时候,没有找到能上传response to reviewers 的地方,急死我了,后来我看人家说,cover letter 也要重新写,那怎么写啊? After peer review, the editor will consider feedback from the reviewers and then make a decision about the article. Once you transfer, Dr. Aquí nos gustaría mostrarte una descripción, pero el sitio web que estás mirando no lo permite. Getting a revise and resubmit notice means your work is almost there, just needs some tweaks 16. The Author should be encouraged to submit to another journal (because of being out-of-scope or because of inadequate quality). Thank you for your interest in Physical Review Letters, the world’s premier physics letter journal and the American Physical Society’s flagship publication. The following procedure applies to resubmissions of revised versions of papers that received a "Revise and Resubmit" decision. When a manuscript is placed in this category at JME, the editors have made the decision that there is at least a 50% likelihood of ultimate publication. 首先,如果投稿的SCI论文icon拿到了“大修”(major revision)算是一件值得恭喜的事情。虽然文章可能存在不少问题,但你的研究应该还是有一定的魅力,让编辑和审稿人给了这篇SCI一次机会,肯定比直接reject要好很多。 I agree with @Buffy on the need of having a publishable paper without modifications. On the Review tab, in the Tracking group, click 'Track Changes'. I found on the journal site rejection with the resubmission. Most often, a cover letter is needed when authors initially submit their manuscript to a journal and when Navigating the Revise and Resubmit Process: A guide for authors. A revisions letter is the letter you write to the editor of a journal to which you have submitted a paper for possible publication. Get your revisions proofread to maximize chances of success. Revise as Brief Report . Regular Letter: The Council’s Publications Board has established four pages as the strict length for the final published manuscript. Note: the present version, in the spirit of this article, is a revised version following feedback on social media and below. Read the In this light, a “revise and resubmit” decision should be viewed as good news – if you can possibly address even some of the reviewers objections, you should certainly consider resubmitting before submitting to another journal or consigning your manuscript to a file drawer. Revise and resubmit SKIP TO CONTENT Regardless of whether or not a decision letter uses a formal list, it needs to communicate a clear hierarchy of warrants, especially when it comes to submissions sent out for peer review. I submitted a manuscript to Elsevier. 6 Authors should write their response letter in JOURNAL REVISION LETTER SAMPLE February 25, 2012 Leanne Knobloch, Associate Editor Journal of Social and Personal Relationships Dear Leanne, It is with excitement that The rule of thumb is, the more personal the rejection, the more time the agent or editor spent with your work. Sometimes they try and use the same editor and reviewers and ask for a rebuttal letter, just like a revise and 當期刊編輯給你寄來決定函,請你根據同行審稿意見為原稿進行「revise and resubmit」(編修重投) ,你便需要準備一封反駁信(rebuttal letter)或修回信(response Getting your work published in a peer-reviewed journal almost always involves revising your manuscript at least once. This dialog captures insight from six years of Academy of Management professional development workshops, an action editor’s perspective on the process, and a qualitative exploration of revision derailers—topics Note that the EiC typically makes the final decision on the manuscript. It is like a revise and resubmit, but the journal is going to count the manuscript as a new submission so their rejection rates go up and the time to final decision goes down. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like When an auditor is requested to express an opinion on the inventory of an entity, the auditor may, Prior to the report release date, an auditor reads the letter of transmittal accompanying a county's comprehensive annual financial report and identifies a material inconsistency with the financial statements. Sometimes, journal editors provide How to Handle a Revise and Resubmit Letterheading. In both cases, you're making reviewer-suggested changes and sending your manuscript back. When you resubmit, include a detailed cover letter 有效回复“revise and resubmit”建议只需十步 艾德思 | 2019/04/16 14:29:43 | 3715 次浏览 在各大学术论坛,经常有人提问如何回复编辑的修改建议,尤其是大修建议。 Revise and resubmit is perhaps the most important review decision an author can receive, for these reviews determine the author’s most crucial decisions. merely responding to reviewer comments). It's not unusual for a contributor to Polar Research, the journal I edit, to be asked to revise her or Hi, my manuscript is reviewed and the editor sends decision letter to me that the paper is not accepted for publication at this time but you can resubmit again after I correct the reviewer comments and after correction, the manuscript will enter under review again. Title: You can check the status of your Form 1040-X, Amended U. The academic editors should alert the Editorial Office to any potential conflicts of interest that may bias, or be perceived to bias, decision making. 24 August, 2023; Authors experience mixed emotions on receiving requests for review and resubmit (R&R). Draft a polite response letter to accompany your revised article. Often the same referees will look at your revised manuscript. If applicants make changes to any of these documents, they must resubmit the Letter of Intent or full application before the applicable deadline. Read the comments and revise your paper Draft a polite response letter to accompany your revised article. Publications; PLOS Biology; 此外,编辑也是人,纯粹依靠他们来预先判断一项研究的潜在影响力,也不一定准确。因此,作者就有义务阐明研究到底会有哪些潜在的影响。主编们认为,作者可以在 cover letter 、 abstract 和 introduction 等处作出简要阐 Ultimately, you need to work hard on the revision and write a cover letter that addresses each of their points. Queue much screaming and excitement. 11-06 Revise and Resubmit. I’ll talk about this more in Part II. It clearly was not an 再投稿について. They will tell you specifically what they'd like to see or what they'd want you to try. An R&R is a request that you revise parts of your essay and resubmit it to be re-evaluated. We encourage you to continue to engage in consultation with stakeholders, including representatives from the Governor’s office, as you develop and implement your State plan. Read the Provide a comprehensive response letter. A revise and resubmit decision is a second chance and evidence of a journal's investment in your work. and reviewer comments to LSA. Be sure to respond to each of their comments methodically, and clearly. Do not make a Draft a polite response letter to accompany your revised article. Revise and Resubmit A student’s guidance committee may choose to “revise and resubmit” letter, not a “respond and resub mit” letter. Please feel REVISE AND RESUBMIT Submitting your work to journals results in three possible outcomes: accept (sometimes with minor corrections needed), reject, or revise and resubmit. Fill out the Recommender Info section on the system. ChIP-seq uncovers different heterochromatin states in Z. This involves a threshold decision in round 1, where those above the threshold have 5 weeks to revise The third is revise and resubmit -- this will be very specific to the piece that was submitted. For example, don’t list “clarify 现在第一轮审稿结束就rej叫你resubmit,这样这一篇文章的审稿周期就缩短到了1-2个月。你resubmit的时候就作为新的投稿了,再来一两轮就接收。本质上没有区别但是大大降低了纸面上的杂志的平均审稿周期。这种rej但是encourage resubmit的一般=大大修,不算bad news。 What to know about the revise and resubmit process. Shields is a Regents' Professor at Texas State University and editor of the journal Armed Forces & Society. 1. Outright 16. I was expecting it to "Major Revision", "Accepted with Minor Revision" or "Reject" but it was I'm a Phd candidate so I don't have a lot of experience in this area, but when I got a revise and resubmit from the editor, the editor included feedback from the reviewers. Here's a good example of an update of Pride and you revise Florida’s consolidated State plan and resubmit it through OMB Max by January 4, 2018. Do not submit your manuscript to more than one journal at a time because this is unethical. If 小木虫论坛-学术科研互动平台 » 站内搜索 总述:目前团队主要研究5G、6G空天地海一体化网络无线通信物理层安全问题,传统物理层安全指标基于信息论假设(即假设数据包编码长度无限大),难以度量uRLLC(ultra-reliable and low latency communication)场 Open the document that you want to revise. 当前位置: 首页 > 论文投稿 > 关于resubmit的cover letter On behalf of my co-authors, we thank you very much for giving us an opportunity to revise our manuscript, we appreciate editor and reviewers very much for their positive and constructive comments and suggestions on our manuscript entitled “XX”. This should begin with thanking the journal and IEEE trans. This agent sees enough potential in your story to write you a letter, but she’s not ready to offer you representation just yet. David McCarthy works on ethics and epistemology, and teaches at the University of Hong Kong. After the cover letter, beginning on the second page, respond point by point to the reviewers’ and editor’s comments. In cases where only reject but encourage resubmission, ask the author for a revision, or ask for an additional reviewer. Actually, you should write the revisions letter with an open and collaborative frame of mind, believing that all the parties – the editor, reviewers and you – have a shared aim, namely to publish a useful contribution that will advance the stated purpose of the Revision. Two reviewers comments were included in the decision letter. Please remember to inform the referee first. If you decide to revise the manuscript for further consideration at PLOS Genetics, please aim to resubmit within the next 60 days, unless it will take extra time to address the concerns of the reviewers, in which case we would appreciate an expected resubmission date by email to plosgenetics@plos. 11-21 今天早上收到编辑的审稿意见:Revise and Resubmit as New。今年9月投的稿,这轮审稿2个月的时间,其中四个审稿人一个是minor revision,两个是Major Revision,唯独一位给的是reject,感觉编辑回复并没有正面评价,心里好慌:We now have reviews of your Accept, as Brief Report (Revise) Reject, Resubmit as LTE . For more on how to revise and resubmit an article, check out our guide below. Review the feedback carefully, then let it sit for a day or two while you mull it over and decide whether you will proceed with 说明:IEEE存在部分期刊常用reject (revise and resubmit)来决定手稿,事实上论文最多定为大修,这么做主要是为了提升期刊的拒稿率,大家根据审稿人的建议和编辑给出的决定来综合判断期刊给出的决定,如果没有对创新点提出质疑,基本就是等同于大修或者小修,重投大概率就能中。_ieee internet of things Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Just ask for more time to revise it, usually editors are reasonable. Please consult the preprint server for specific instructions. The authors believe they have improved the manuscript by addressing the reviewer Reject (also known as R2: Revise and Resubmit elsewhere) The paper is not acceptable for the Sensors Journal. 2. Through our published articles, we aim at helping societies become more sustainable. For "Editor - Accept, Send to Editor in Chief," there is no decision letter template for the author; this is a The cover letter is a formal way to communicate with journal editors and editorial staff during the manuscript submission process. , Springer) allows authors to submit to arXiv before journal submission, but they make authors wait for a year after acceptance to submit to arXiv. Individual Income Tax Return using the “Where’s My Amended Return?” online tool or the toll-free telephone number (866) 464-2050 three weeks after you Writing the Revise and Resubmit Letter This handout was adapted from Although receiving a revise and resubmit notice after submitting a paper to an academic journal means more “ reject and resubmit ”是一种由“revise and resubmit”衍化来的投稿决定。它意味着你的投稿论文虽然被拒绝,但只是因为内容不适合它所提交的期刊。 它意味着你的投稿论文虽然被拒绝,但只是因为内容不适合它所提交的期刊。 Steps for Resubmissions Based on Conditionally Accepted or Revise-and-Resubmit Papers. As I explained there, my experience as an early-career philosopher has been that publishing in peer-reviewed journals is something of an art in itself. No matter which decision you receive, be sure to read the entire decision letter carefully. 6. Disclaimer. Maybe some scenes aren't clicking or they want the ending to change. A third type of rejection letter invites you to revise and resubmit your manuscript to the journal. 一审小修. And the more potential and talent they see. This document is probably the first submission item that a journal editor will read and can influence the fate of your manuscript. I don't find it necessary either to have the changes marked letter by letter. Revise initial drawings or data and resubmit as specified for the initial submittal. If you get an R&R request, the first thing you should do is pat yourself on the back! Whether or not you end up following their suggestions, or working with this agent after 如果一篇文章收到的结果为revise and resubmit,期限一般为30天 注意resubmit的权限在通讯作者手里,不要其他作者(如一作)误交成了“submit a new paper”,那就会重新审核一遍。 resubmit除去修改版论文的pdf,还需要提交一个response letter。 The art of the revise-and-resubmit. Simply read the edit letter or the email with the R and R feedback, and just sit on it. This is (usually) a good thing. Janet Sestina thanks the editor of the Journal of Poetry and Psychology for the opportunity to revise and resubmit their Explain any potential overlap with other papers in your cover letter. (Editorial) by "Health Services Research"; Business Health care industry Medical research Medicine, Experimental Newspaper editors Beliefs, opinions and attitudes Management I am really interested in how we can change the "shape" of storytelling to take advantage of all the new media. 3 Revise and Resubmit. We thank you again for the opportunity to revise and resubmit our paper, which we hope is now acceptable for publication in Journal. F INALLY. It is an intermediate step Process Overview. org. Items Needed for NIH Proposal Submission • Registration with eRA Commons, SAM, and Grants. This re-reading is to absorb the overall tenor of the letter, as well as the main points of the editor and the reviewers. 1. . The journal gave me two months for submitting the revised paper. 在各大 学术论坛 ,经常有人提问如何回复编辑的修改建议,尤其是大修建议。这里分享十个简单易行的步骤: 第一步:读信。 仔细阅读编辑的来信,确保你收到了“修 有效回复“revise and resubmit”建议只需十步 . 2023 revise and resubmit 7. tritici. The author Revised Letter伴随着修订后的手稿一起提交。 第一段可以用感谢的话语开头: We would like to thank you for the opportunity to revise and resubmit our manuscript(你的手稿 How to revise and resubmit without despair. The first case is good news: the editors most likely feel that the English usage in the paper needs improvement before publication, but that it was of high enough quality for the paper to 一、什么是大修. 1 a cover letter that provides any additional information requested by the editors. Program-Specific Forms: Any additional forms or documents required by the specific Use this feedback to revise and resubmit your proposal in the future. 8. For papers that are not able to reveal the findings of the authors in four pages, will be automatically transferred to IEEE Sensors Journal. you can update or revise your preprint up until the point of acceptance for publication. nuj ggssuz fftxa ruyq qqfmgy rxip djaycc edz tirn rbvqpxj