Stata matrix rownames loop. The second time through the loop, b will be 8.
Stata matrix rownames loop One way would be to use -capture- and nullmat. region constant, robust In Stata, after a regression I know it is possible to call the elements of stored results by name. Follow edited Mar 28, 2023 Get the number of rows in a Stata matrix. dta is loaded, and then all drops all irrelevant year observations are dropped. But is also a bit easier than this. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . sysuse auto, clear qui tabulate foreign rep78, matcell(x) matrix colnames x= one two three four five matrix rownames x= Juan Pedro mat lis x local ma : coln (x) x[2,5] one two three four five Juan 2 8 27 9 2 Pedro 0 0 3 9 9 mata x= st_matrix("x") xs = sort(-x,1) v = xs[(1), . Stata does not use arrays, the grid-type containers favored by many programming languages. matrix T = J(`rows', `cols', . Mata is the matrix language of Stata and extremely powerful when it comes to programming estimation commands. If this is the case, you could have easily found this by including I am working on modyfinyg, renaming and arranging estimation results for final publication in Stata. matrcrename z col 4 SAS column out of Regarding speed, the answer is not straightforward. So, you need to take that last statement out of the loop. Dear statalisters, is there a quick way to change individual columns or rows of a matrix? The 'matrix rownames' command is not useful, since I want to use a loop to rename rows and columns step-by step. The problem is that the rowname is too long. Nick [email protected] Ada Ma asked I have a matrix: A1 A1 x B2 x C3 x The x's are the numbers, I can svmat them into data without any problem, but I want to copy the names of the rows (A1, B2, C3) into the data as well (so that I can export the rownames as well as the numbers into a CSV file). I mentioned 400*400 initially because a research paper I use for my project discuss the data they use is about 470*470 . But Stata will not produce the matrix because it claims some of the vectors are "not found". 1 Overview Statahastwomatrixprogramminglanguages,onethatmightbecalledStata’soldermatrixlanguage andanotherthatiscalledMata. Stata Listserve < [email protected] > Subject st: saving a matrix with rownames: Date Fri, 30 May 2008 08:13:17 -0400: Good morning, I created a matrix, M, with row names such as Frag300, Frag400, etc. matrix roweq and coleq also reset the row and column names of an already existing matrix, but if a simple name (a name without a colon) is specified, it is On the face of it, you should use the -rownames()- option to read in your desired row names. 77647 tapm 3. I am wondering > whether there is a similar command that would put contents of a > *string* variable into a matrix. )" > > will not work, because in your example your matrix A has 3 rows, not > only 1. On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 12:49 PM, Jin-Hyun Bae <[email protected]> wrote: > Hello! > > I have two levels of loops below. December 2020; The Stata Journal Promoting communications on statistics and Stata 20(4):999-1015; . nested for loops in stata. rownames specifies that matrix row names be written into the Excel worksheet along with the matrix values. For example, the columns are districtid districtname (string variable) and minimum_score. local names : `which'names `matrix' tokenize `names' local `where' `newname' local newnames "`*'" matrix `which'names `matrix' = `newnames' end ----- Examples: ----- . Get the number of rows in a Stata matrix. setColNames (name, colNames) Set the column names of a Stata matrix. use -nullmat()- either to initialise or to enlarge a matrix 3. use the loop to I would like to create a matrix xtilde such that the i-th row is the sum of three components: (1) the i-th row of matrix xmean[63,15] multiplied by matrix p[15,15] (2) the vector mux[1,15] multiplied by the difference between idd[15,15] and p[15,15] (3) the i-th row of matrix dz[63,30] multiplied by matrix q[30,15] What's wrong in line 4. Notice: On April 23, 2014, Statalist moved from an email list to a forum, based at statalist. Furthermore, If you have not read the initial chapters of the Stata User's Guide, then you must do so. 2. > Within this loop, the file Distance. Firstly, > > "mat A=J(1,2,. It just ran > through. There are also variables for each member of the household e. 3 2. ond the mathematics. Its much more faster than Stata but also requires much more precision since it is a lower level language than Stata. foreach n of numlist 1/3 { * Exclude row n from the calculation quietly summ var1 if [_n] != `n' local total = r(sum) * Store the results in the matrixrowjoinbyname—Joinrowswhilematchingoncolumnnames Description matrixrowjoinbynameandmatrixcoljoinbynamejoinmatricesalongonedimensionwhile get(systemname) a copy of Stata internal system matrix systemname hadamard(M,N) a matrix whose i, j element is M[i;j] N[i;j] (if M and N are not the same size, this function reports a conformability error) I(n) an n n identity matrix if n is an integer; otherwise, a round(n) round(n) identity matrix inv(M) the inverse of the matrix M Speaking Stata: Loops, again and again. Can anyone help me? I have data in Stata with 3 variables, a string id and numeric variables (GPS data - latitude and longitude). I need to have the rownames rest on a single line. Within this loop, the file Distance. From: "Nick Cox" <[email protected]> Prev by Date: Re: st: right censoring of dependent and independent variable; Next by Date: st: Simpler question: Returning a local macro within -simulate- command; Previous by thread: st: RE: saving a matrix with rownames; Next by thread: Re: st: RE: saving a matrix This code initialises -rowname-as numeric, as I pointed out in my last message. The matrix list command displays Stata matrices but gives you little control over formatting; see[P] matrix utility. In order to get started, see help mata for extensive From Friedrich Huebler < [email protected] > To [email protected] Subject st: Re: Matrix from -tabstat- output: Date Thu, 16 Oct 2003 19:54:07 -0700 (PDT) From "Gresch,Cornelia" < [email protected] > To < [email protected] > Subject st: RE: RE: extracting rownames of a matrix into a variable (preparatory work for MICE) Date Fri, 19 Sep 2008 20:37:16 +0200 I have a matrix with rownames that are dates. matrcrename z col 4 SAS column out of range r(498); . > > My final goal is a tab-delimited text file that will be imported into > a word processor to create a table like the one below. Still have the same problem though. Hello! I have two levels of loops below. I am trying to loop over the matrix 2. ] maxcol = selectindex(v:==rowmin(v)) st_numscalar("max", maxcol) end local maxcol= max If the command you want to run works with if, I think you can achieve this relatively easily. 0. names may not be specified with rownames or colnames. here the [1,2]), which I do (see my code local c1=m[1,2]), but only after copying the matrix named r(C) into the matrix named m (or rather, after creating a new matrix m equal to r(C). 82692 Foreign_cars 24. Stata: Data Analysis and Statistical Software . Thanks for your patience! Cheers use data, clear destring sla,replace qui dstdize deaths pop sex agegp, by(sla However, you could > store your file > names as row names in the matrix. com matrix rownames matrix rownames and colnames reset the row and column names of an already existing matrix. Options noblank suppresses printing a blank line before printing the matrix. Unfortunately this resulted in an unintended side-effect where Stata 10 became tolerant of column- and row-names with up to 33 characters instead of 32 (a limit present in Stata 9 and Various fixes to your code are included here. When the second level loops have finished running, it should save this file as "year". Matrix functions3 The above program will not work because, the first time through the loop, v will not yet exist, and thus forming (v, ‘i’) makes no sense. You can browse but not post. No, the values corresponding to the rownames are saved into the matrix values of e(Row). input var1 var2 var3 1. forvalues i=1/8{foreach v of var*{summarize `v' return list matrix a_`i'= r(N),r(mean),r(sd),r(min),r(max),r(mean)/r(sd)}} mat A=a_1\a_2\a_3\a_4\a_5\a_6\a_7\a_8 You can follow the strategy of appending datasets, making small changes to the code in the question you reference:. Is there a way I can get R to automatically label those rows for me based on the response and predictor plugged into the model without needing to list every combination myself? I have nested a forvalues loop within a while loop in Stata that successfully calculates MyNewScore but I do not know how to replace the 0 that currently exists in the dataset with the result of my nested-loops. dta and clear all. matrcrename z col 3 Some One way from Stata to access the [1,3] element of global Mata matrix A, and store the result in local macro -mymac-, is . districtid is an arbitrary numerical id for each district. I understand that mata doesn't work like Stata and that I can't refer to the running variable in the same way (using `'), but I can't find It can be usefull to circunvent 32 chars maximum string lenght of stata's matrix rownames. ) mat rownames A = `vars' loc i 0 foreach v in `vars' { su `v', meanonly mat A[`++i', 1] = r(sum) } Nick On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 11:53 PM, daniel klein <[email within a loop you want For example sysuse auto, clear matrix define A = J(3, 1, 0) foreach v of var make price rep78 { local lbl`v': variable label `v' } matrix rownames A = "`lblmake'" "`lblprice'" "`lblrep78'" matrix list A And the names of the "make" and "rep78" rows are contracted with a ~ I have looked around on the Statalist archives and also on Google but This mindset involves some specific Stata conventions. mat li z symmetric z[3,3] X Y Z a 1 b 1 1 c 1 1 1 . matrix roweq and coleq also reset the row and column names of an already existing matrix, Two commands in official Stata, foreach and forvalues, provide structures for looping through lists of values (variable names, numbers, arbitrary text) and repeating I want to save the row > > names together with the matrix values but don't know what to do > when > > the row names contain certain special characters like spaces or > > apostrophes. after processing my data I realize I may have to either (1) collapse the industry to reduce the dimensions to the hundreds or (2) keep the refined industry codes which is creating a "for" loop in Stata that assigns a different label to multiple variables. , is the operator that takes a r c 1 matrix and a r c 2 matrix, and returns a r (c 1 + c 2) matrix. 1 2. dta is loaded, and then all drops > all irrelevant year observations are dropped. I permute the order of the elements in the second column. I want to extract these row names into a variable, and then use rownames() to apply these dates to another matrix I have. 5 1. 1. But a warning: this article does not discuss the kinds of matrix operations familiar to statisticians, such as matrix multiplication. The output produced by matlist is a rectangular table of numbers with an optional row and] matrix drop Data > Matrices, ado language > Drop matrices Description matrix dir lists the names of currently existing matrices. ) What I didn't get is why I could store the element [1,2] of my matrix m into a local macro, but Step 2: Gather estimates in local "rownames" and Mata matrix "estimates" A foreach loop is used to loop through the variables for which the estimates are needed. To export the matrix row and matrix(name) writes the values from a Stata matrix to Excel. row. com J() — Matrix of constants SyntaxDescriptionRemarks and examplesConformability DiagnosticsAlso see Syntax transmorphic matrix J(real scalar r, real scalar c, scalar val) transmorphic matrix J(real scalar r, real scalar c, matrix mat) The matrix created has r*rows(mat) rows and c*cols(mat) columns. 1) Is it possible to create a vector of strings in stata? 2) If yes, is it then possible to loop through the elements in this vector, performing commands on each element? To create a single string in stata I know you do this: local x = "a string" Rochelle, I suspect the reason that you haven't heard back from Nick is that he put a lot of effort into providing a solution, only to find that you have mis-specified the problem. The resulting matrix b, is the matrix that conatins as first column the first column of the original matrix a and as second column the permuted second column of a. [`i',1]==999999 { mat mat2 = nullmat(mat2) \ mat1[`i',2] local rownames "`rownames' `i'" } } matrix rownames mat2 = `rownames' The key details are 1. > > Cheers > > Judy > > > 2011/7/11 Nick Cox <[email protected]>: > > I don't know what SLAs are. I really just need to have this on one line. The top level cycles through years. matrix rownames all1 weight length _cons 2012/3/24 Jorge Eduardo Pérez Pérez <[email protected]>: > clear > set obs 100 > gen y=uniform() > forv i=1(1)100 { > qui gen x`i'=uniform() > qui reg y x`i' > matrix b=e(b) > if `i'==1 matrix betas=b > else matrix betas=(betas \ b) > drop x`i' > } > matrix list betas > > Also, take a look at -statsby- > _____ > Jorge Eduardo Pérez Pérez > > > > On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 7:11 Where Stata complains about the _cons column. (P_chi2) Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Presently, colnames are not used here and should be directly adapted in LaTeX's table headers. 0 sysuse auto svyset [pw=weight] svy: tab rep78 matrix RNAMES=e(Row) forvalues i=1/`=colsof(RNAMES)' { local rnames `rnames' `=RNAMES[1,`i']' *** in the perfect world Stata would not require the {-} I'm trying to create correlation matrix that also includes means and sd's of each variable. Who gave Morpheus the red pill in the Matrix movie? 'Transparent' applications of the Langlands program How to plot the marginal distributions of features in Iris dataset? present perfect a matrix. > > It's true that you are hitting a limitation of > > -matrix rownames- (which -svmat2- when written > > in 1999, and If the command you want to run works with if, I think you can achieve this relatively easily. but Stata didn't fail on any line. Concering the problem with spaces Nick wrote: > To develop a key point, you can assign > a row or column name including one or > more spaces, but you cannot retrieve > it (easily). I am trying to extract the two rownames that have "1" and "1" in both columns. matrcrename z row 3 Stata . One can also interface interactively between Stata and Mata to move commands in and out. By default, ul cell contains the first element of name, and matrix row names and column names are not written. This is important for my project because I can do a loop and get this where it gives one name per line resulting in 2 lines. Inside your loop, add: local rownames1 = "`rownames1' `u'_replication_number_`i'. . I want to save the matrix as a set of variables so I used svmat, which worked perfectly. While putexcel can export matrices directly to . word count `vars'', 1, . The second time through the loop, b will be 8. di `r(files)' ago_2008. I've made a small summary in the example below. * * matrix rownames and colnames reset the row and column names of an already existing matrix. mata: st_local("mymac", A[1,3]) After that, in Stata, one would refer to `mymac' (in single quotes) to obtain the contents, as in . I want a 7*17 matrix. // add matrix row names to dataset gen rownames = "" forvalues i = 1/`c' { replace rownames = "`:word `i' of `rownames''" in `i' } // In that case I will continue to use > the solution suggested by Stata tech support, which changes value > labels before any matrices are created. reg --variables in regression-- tabstat - mat A = 1,2,3\4,5,6 mat colnames A= redbrickhouse greengrasshouse yellowwallhouse mat rownames A= myhousenumers yourhousenumbers mat li A A[2,3] redbrickho~e greengrass~e yellowwall~e myhousenum~s 1 2 3 yourhousen~s 4 5 6 14Matrixexpressions Contents 14. For example, if I want to manipulate the coefficient on the variable precip, I just type _b[precip]. Stata - Dynamically define variable names in loop. matname differs from the matrix rownames and matrixcolnames commands in that matnameexpands varlist abbreviations and allows a restricted range for the rows or columns. I have tried to run the following loop, but it shows blank matrix: matrix prel = J(33,25,. I need the first column of row "b" and therefore I create a new matrix: matrix B=M["b",1]. \ is the operator that takes a r 1 c matrix and a r 2 c matrix, and returns a (r 1 + r 2) c matrix. ” If you think like that, you will not appreciate the power of , and \. Example3:Loopingoverexistingvariables This is a bit easier in some other software than it is in Stata. , and \ are operators in the same way that * and + are operators. ) matrix rowname P = `bases' matrix colname P = Junior local i = 1 foreach base of local bases { use `base', clear summ p12_2 if p12_2>48 local Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Dear Nick, I didn't want to store a matrix in a local macro, but only one element of the matrix (i. So I do this: v <- data. I've lost track of whether that was my suggestion, but it remains my best guess at your problem. The original matrix has a lot of empty cells. During the development of Stata 10, the matrix column- and row-name parser and data structures were modified to accommodate what eventually became the factor variable features in Stata 11. After it's executed, the somevar1, somevar2 and somevar3 external variables are defined and contain real matrices. Since i > am away and have no stata program in my hand, i ccouldn't try to run > it now, but i trust it will work fine. d a column You have accidentally posted your topic in Statalist's Mata Forum, which is used for discussions of Stata's Mata language, which is different than Stata's command language, and different than Stata's matrix commands. I'd like help understanding why the loop does not seem to recognize estimated coefficients and how to produce the matrix. Rownames (from Stata local rownames) and column names (HZ, LL, and UL) are added to make the coefplot more readable. row names are from 2:8 ( first row name to be 2, 2nd row to be 3 and ) colnames are 4:17 ( first column has name 4 and 2nd column has name 5 and ) matrix elements are 1. dtarus_2009. region constant, robust noconstant // regressions matrix result_matrix = Briefly, to export a Stata matrix: change directory if necessary (example) cd ""Z:\Thesis\data needed for 2007\" set putexcel to call your Excel file: putexcel lets you specify the sheet in your Excel file that you would like to modify, which comes in handy if you have programmed an Excel sheet to transform results. (P_chi2) Be aware, however, that this will only work correctly, if the rownames are unique (option -word- makes it a little better, but not much). How do I do that? Loop for multiple matrix operations on mata 09 Apr 2021, 12:02. mat li z symmetric z[3,3] X Y Z a 1 b 1 1 Stata 1 1 1 . Rather, this article deals with Thanks Red and Daniel for the code, Red, I tried your code and it worked perfectly. Nick here is the command i used suggested by you. The maximum is 30 characters in Stata 9, 11, and 31 in Stata 10. foreach n of numlist 1/3 { * Exclude row n from the calculation quietly summ var1 if [_n] != `n' local total = r(sum) * Store the results in the Since i > am away and have no stata program in my hand, i ccouldn't try to run > it now, but i trust it will work fine. i is set to 271 and you ask Stata to put a value in results[271, 1]. 7540972 39. In the label command note the use of the compound double quotes around the label. matrix; regression; stata; Share. use -rowsof()- to work out the number of rows on the fly. Domain: existing names of system matrices Range: matrices. I can also create multiple matrix of subsections of concordance Then see the line which fails in Stata. setRowNames (name, rowNames) Set the row names of a Stata matrix. matrix roweq and coleq also reset the row and column names of an already existing matrix, but if a simple name (a name without a colon) is specified, it is I am using a loop to collect summary statistics using the matrix function. The third time through the loop, b will be 10. matrix rownames results = `list´ My goal is to subset a matrix by using column names. Generating each sub-table is easy with nested foreach loops, but the long list output is more difficult to interpret than Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company 6foreach—Loopoveritems foreachofvarlist foreachlnameofvarlistvarlistallowsspecifyinganexistingvariablelist. xlsx files, when using export delimited you need first to replace your current data set with the matrix you want to export (see help svmat in Stata). Let's say the matrix is called 'data. I am a real beginner with programming and matrices. 9897394 136. > > I thought the query has been raised before, but I couldn't recover > the information either by searching the Statalist archive or using > -findit string variable to matrix-. display "The 1,3 element is `mymac'" To store the contents of local macro mymac in set a read-only flag on the data file in the OS, and rerun. g hv101_01 for person one in the household, hv101_02 for the second person in the household and up to hv101_39, all of which contain the same label. matrix[,0] However, you could > store your file > names as row names in the matrix. That said, the shortest way to export results to Excel is to use the putexcel command. Kuda, if you are mentioning non-standard commands, then as per FAQ paragraph 12. local names: rowfullnames table . I used the following: However, you could store your file names as row names in the matrix. I wrote a loop that loop through the three geographies (LAD, TTWA, health geog), and then loop through the commands for doing regression / save results / make predictions / calculate sum stats / save sum stats a 1000 times. At least that is the case in Stata 10. local names: subinstr local names " " "_", all . The matlist command, on the other hand, offers a wide array of options to give you more detailed control over the formatting of the output. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company However, you could store your file names as row names in the matrix. forvalues j = 1/5 { matrix C[`i',`j']= A[`i',`j']/B[`i',`j'] c1 c2 c3 c4 c5. But I also want to save the row names as a variable, say rown. Combined with rule 2, however, rule 3 allows you to set all the equation names in a matrix easily. This option has no effect if matrix() is not specified as one of the output types. So, I do understand that my coding is not "clean" at all. if region == 4 // regression reg `depvar' popurban i. My question is how do I do the same after the tabstat command? For example, say I want to multiply the coefficient on precip by the sample mean of precip:. My initial matrix A looks like this: mat A = (1,2,3\4,5,6\7,8,9) mat rownames A = "row a" "row b" "row c" mat colnames A = "col x" "col y" "col z" mat list A I need to create a matrix that is composed by the first and the last columns using the column names col x and col z. The values from the Mata matrix are moved into the Stata matrix with the same name. Hello everyone, I would like to warn you that I am new to mata and that I have some problems with the way loops work, more precisely with the way to refer to matrices. > > > > In your case, the row names, originally column names, are apparently all numbers, so you should be able to loop over the Stata 9 has a -matname- command and also -matrix rownames-, but both need an explicit <namelist>, not a variable name. Stata: assign numbers in a loop. > > Looking at the results, the only weird thing happening is that the > third loop isn't working. here is the log file with The writing to file can be done just once, outside the loop. I'm not satisfied with the functionality wrt matrices in Stata/Mata, either. ) matrix rownames prel = age1 age2 age3 male female open obc scst openlease lease_land_yn fpc_subsidy_project subsidy_project_75pc subsidy_project_25pc subsidy_project_50pc creating a "for" loop in Stata that assigns a different label to multiple variables. 2 end gen results = . No. Hence, this way to proceed could also involve preserve and restore commands along the way; this is why the speed gains This is just great, thanks! (and sorry for having bothered without checking the archive) Cornelia -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto: [email protected]] On Behalf Of Nick Cox Sent: Friday, September 19, 2008 5:49 PM To: [email protected] Subject: st: RE: extracting rownames of a matrix into a variable (preparatory work for MICE) This is asked every few st: RE: saving a matrix with rownames. grouptitle(str asis) When appending sub-tables grouptitle might be useful. matrix[,0] I get a printout of all the dates. But your matrix x has only 9 rows. I would like to convert the table produced from -table- to a simple matrix for future use. But I also want to save the row names as a variable Here the loop does nothing very interesting. : version 10. I tried different iterations of dimnames and rownames in the results matrix before running the loop but can't get it work. matname renames the rows and columns of a matrix. I do not want to create a new dataset because in my real code, I have to keep the dataset loaded, so I have to fill this matrix with numeric and string values in the memory. Dear Nick: First of all, thank you again for your help. To Stata, a matrix is a named entity containing an × rectangular array of double-precision numbers (including missing values) that is bordered by a row a. rownames Consider what happens first time round the loop. -summarize- produces the sum; it does not display it, but that is not a problem. Here is an example: You have four loops: y,i1,i2,i3 where is the problem you are looking for? I would just comment out with /* */ everything dealing with the matrices (after keep) until saveold and see what gets saved. Any ideas? r; loops; matrix; Share. 627739 tapm 2. Home; Forums; Forums for Discussing Stata; General; You are not logged in. di `rows' 3 . 2973 Stata tech support provided I am trying to write a code in Stata. mat WALD = J(4, 2, 0) forval c = 0/3 { local z = 3 + `c' local I > mean: Given a row index, is there an elegant way to extract the name > of that row? > > The solution below seems clumsy. I want to store results from ordinary least squares (OLS) regressions in Stata within a double loop. I have a whole bunch of matrices that I want to assign column and row names to based on a column of names that are held in another column (Names) in a dataframe (months) I have. Your question would have seen a more appropriate, and much larger audience if you had posted it in Statalist's General Forum. ] On your main point, the line matrix rownames statdes = `var' can be replaced roughly like this: local label : variable label `var' capture matrix rownames statdes = `label' if _rc { matrix rownames statdes = `var' } but a good way to go is build up your matrix vector by vector, in addition to all this. However, you could > store your file > names as row names in the matrix. I want both string and numeric values in a matrix. matrix rownames T = `r(files)' ago_2008: operator invalid r(198); Interestingly, similar codes for column names work: . g. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. of Here, the original matrix is matrix a which has 6 rows and 2 columns. Notice that crexternal() returns a pointer to an empty real matrix, but you can put whatever you need. ] On your main point, the line matrix rownames statdes = `var' can be replaced roughly like this: local label : variable I borrowed the idea of Using matrix to collect results from Scott Long's workflow Stata book. dta . This code initialises -rowname-as numeric, as I pointed out in my last message. Description: a copy of Stata internal system matrix systemname This function is included for backward compatibility with previous versions of Stata. store (name, val) Store elements in an existing Stata matrix or create a new Stata matrix if the matrix does not exist. If you specify rownames, then ul cell will contain the name of the first row. 77041 I suppose matrixmkmat—Convertvariablestomatrixandviceversa Description Menu Syntax Options Remarksandexamples Acknowledgment References Alsosee Description I'm running a loop that has 8 responses and 12 predictors, so the resulting matrix of results I get is made up of 96 unlabeled rows. Nick On 4 Aug 2011, at 00:36, Judy You <[email protected]> wrote: ok, i see. dta, emptyok replace foreach depvar in marriage divorce { // test data sysuse census, clear generate constant = 1 replace marriage = . 1 you must describe them properly. Adding a variable which corresponds to looping variable for each loop. You wrote in your original post that vector assignment was not allowed at all, which is why the approach rownames(Z) = 1:15 seemed off-limits, as it is vector assignment. Stata code used to calculate the value I'm after: // Build a loop to create a Roland Morris Score local score = 16 local count = 0 while `score' != 0 { local ItemCode @Shaman note that I just made an update which essentially provides your solution. local colnames = So the first time through the loop, b will be 6 for the matrix assignment. Make sure to match the number of rows of the matrix. What I have so far is: sysuse auto, clear * interaction model gen int_mpg_mpg = mpg*mpg // generate interaction manually qui regress price weight mpg int_mpg_mpg foreign mat b=e(b) // store estimation results in matrix b matrix list b // see the Dear Herve, I don't think it is a problem of Stata 11. e. Stata determines where to place the data in Excel by default from the size of the matrix (the number of rows and columns) and the location you specified in ul cell. I'm not interested in this column (although I also don't understand why it is such a problem to include it) but I don't find an option to cope with this in the xsvmat, svmat or svmat2 help. My sincere apology to anyone who read the post and tried to help. As you only set up a matrix with 7 rows, this won't work. matrix M is defined with rownames, a, b, c. I would like to convert the variables into a matrix in the following way (the lower table) to calculate the distance between two id-spots for all combinations. dta" Then outside your loop, add: matrix rownames M = `rownames1' Note that a space precedes the first rowname. content of the matrix. I guess that your -rowname- should not be initialised to numeric missings. 826134 tapm 1. Today, I want to show you how to Forums for Discussing Stata; Mata; You are not logged in. Assigning the same column/rownames names to many matrices in For Loop. For more information on Statalist, see the FAQ. matrix rownames table = `names' Can one of the matrix wizards on this list suggest a way to replace the spaces in the row names? In the end I hope to create two variables that look like this: label table1 Domestic_cars 19. dtaper_2010. Translating an R for loop into Stata. Here I'm calculating the total of var1, excluding the Nth row each time:. putexcel A1=matrix(r(C), names) using corr. 6 4. ) . clear set more off save test. As seen with -matrix LostRowNames-, > extracting a one-row matrix rownames and colnames reset the row and column names of an already existing matrix. list (name[, rows, cols]) Display a Stata matrix. ***** BEGIN STATA CODE ***** sysuse auto, clear local varlist mpg price weight length * Get Pearson Matrix in Stata corr `varlist' matrix R mataS mata: mataRS * Convert Combined mataRS Mata Matrix to Stata Matrix RS mata: st_matrix("RS",mataRS) matrix rownames RS = `rnames' matrix Re: st: Forreach loop with esttab; Next by Date: RE: RE If what I am asking exceeds the scope of the StataList, please don't hesitate to tell me because I do feel that I am taking a lot of your time. My impression is that for the kind of things you are trying to achieve, you need to dig deeper into the manuals. At this moment I don't have access to Stata 9 or a manual for 9. In your Stata Command window, type . 3. These are necessary should any of your Dear Nick: First of all, thank you again for your help. This is useful in I'm running a loop that has 8 responses and 12 predictors, so the resulting matrix of results I get is made up of 96 unlabeled rows. could you please help me get my customized dimnames in my finale matrix? mat=matrix(nrow = 1, ncol = 5) #create empty matrix to hold values #run for loop to generate random numbers and append to m . Modified 6 years, 1 month ago. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 1 month ago. matrix list lists the contents of a matrix. matrix roweq and coleq also reset the row and column names of an already existing matrix, but if a simple name (a name without a colon) is specified, it is interpreted as an equation name. Here is the structure of my code: foreach i2 of numlist 1 2 3{ foreach i3 of numlist 1 2 To be more precise: it's important for me, to address the relevant row of a matrix with its name, not with its number (because it's a loop and numbers are changing, not names) e. Improve this question. Then see the line which fails in Stata. Secondly you do not need 2 colums, because, as you have > already pointed out, a matrix may not conatin strings. Title stata. See help matrix, #11. The writing to file can be done just once, outside the loop. Whenever I run: data. Over time, I developed a set of Mata utilities, which I use eg in my package matrixtools (scc install). com matrix rownames — Name rows and columns DescriptionSyntaxRemarks and examplesAlso see Description matrix rownames and colnames reset the row and column names of an already existing matrix. forvalues with two indexes. The "closest Dear Stata-listers I have a dataset with weekly observations of all constituent companies of the S&P500 over 20 years. For instance, *p = J(i,i, 1i) would create a complex matrix. I am currently working with a data set with the unit of observation as households. Stata's matrices contain numbers only. \ I would like to create a 5-by-5 grid of tabulate twoway frequency count tables, like the following table. 2matrix mkmat— Convert variables to matrix and vice versa has not Stata’s matrix language itself been limited to The end result is a new matrix that shows the rho_c for each pair of numbers in the original data matrix. clear all set mem 800m global path "E:/data/ENE" global pathdo "C:/gonzalo/" cd "${path}" local bases ond1996 ond1997 local nbases : word count `bases' matrix P = J(`nbases',1,. foreach var of varlist A-Z{ local lbl : variable label `var' label var `var' `"`lbl' (000s)"' } In the local command the : introduces the use of a macro extended function, described in more detail in help extended_fcn. -mkmat- expects numeric variables to define the (numeric) content of the matrix. forval dst=1/3 {summarize score if districtid==`dst' local min_score = r(min) matrix stats[`dst',1] = `dst' What you want is the following. Stata In my last post, I showed how to use putexcel to write simple expressions to Microsoft Excel and format the resulting text and cells. 4334259 115. In either case, the part of the name not specified is left Dear All: This might be obvious to some of you, but I could not find a direct command that allows me to do so. 3 4. As for the question in your original post, : rownames is another extended macro function but for matrices. See[P] matrix rownames. matrix drop eliminates a matrix. But if that's acceptable for your homework, then what I've mentioned in my answer covers this approach. //End of sum loop //name of columns of Matrix matrix colnames out = beta_exch p_value_exch beta_term p_value_term //name of rows of Matrix matrix rownames out = `regressanden' //Show Matrix with results matrix list out //Export Matrix to Just for completeness, using Roberto excellent solution, this is the final code: sysuse census, clear generate constant = 1 capture matrix drop regsresults // erase previously existing matrix replace region = region +15 foreach depvar in marriage divorce { reg `depvar' popurban i. You don't need to -rename- your variables, you just need local I = `i' - 270 matrix results[`I', 1] = and so forth. org. If you want the sum of a variable in Stata, it is not necessary either to use -sum()- or -egen, total()-. Strings must be quietly Do not print output onto results window. Loop for particular values of variable in Stata. 5 3. 1. matrix roweq and coleq also reset the row and column names of an already existing matrix, Now I can set up nested forvalues loops, with the outer loop indexing the rows and the inner loop indexing the columns. [Code not shown. = 161 . However, when I try to add the option to report the p values , it gives me an error! Thank you Joe. Thanks again for helping me out! Sincerely, Amanda Fu On Fri, Jun 17 matrix(name) writes the values from a Stata matrix to Excel. Note that J(r, c, mat) creates a void matrix if any of To re-create the table in Excel, we need to export the matrix r(C) with the matrix row and column names. Inside your loop, add: > > > Then outside your loop, add: > > matrix rownames M = `rownames1' > > Note that a space precedes the first rowname. matrix rename changes the name of a matrix. 3 3. > > > > In your case, the row names, originally column names, are apparently all numbers, so you should be able to loop over the names and store them in a Title stata. Use a loop to form a local and then use that local as rownames, e. It offers matrices instead. 77273 Total 21. Stata: looping over observations. Follow asked Apr 15, 2021 at 14:38. matrix'. > An option for doing this was one of the features > of an -svmat2- published in STB-56 in 2000, in > Stata terms a matrix(name) writes the values from a Stata matrix to Excel. If you type ‘matrix rownames XX = myeq:’, all the equation names in the row are reset while The syntax is that all row names are assigned at once. You are absolutely right: I need to make the rownames and column names readable. ** Set variables used in Summary and Correlation local variables relationship commission anxiety enjoy Thanks, but the problem is inside the -forval- loop and that code is (again) not given by you, Perhaps you are trying to put strings inside a numeric variable, or vice versa, or something similar. On 5 Aug 2011, at 01:31, Judy You <[email protected]> wrote: Nick here is the command i used suggested by you. Login or Register by clicking 'Login or Register' at the top-right of this page. For example: matrix drop _all matrix m = (1, 2, 3\ 4, 5, 6\ 7, 8, 9) capture matrix b = m["r2",1] if _rc !=0 { matrix b matrix(name) writes the values from a Stata matrix to Excel. suxcfx vzzui ugdgvm eiotzeuu mfq eic yrohg pfpkiod abqy qtomg