Eu k kosher symbol. That means it cannot be enforced.
Eu k kosher symbol.
Approved Kosher Certifiers .
Eu k kosher symbol It supervises a number of major brands, including Del Monte, Hebrew National, Minute Maid, Ocean Spray, Sunsweet, Sunny Delight, and Wonder Bread. It has its leniencies that it follows, as well as stringencies. For products sold outside the USA, contact the local kashrus agency. There are still a few Rabbis who use a plain “K” for kosher. Kosher certification, including the well-known kosher hechsher (logo), benefits those following a Kosher, Halal or vegetarian diet and those with food allergies. Deli. , there are hundreds of other kosher certification agencies – with varying levels of reliability – and each with its own certification symbol. Jun 8, 2023 · Your question seems to beg two things - Is it reliable, as well as some info about the hashgacha. Products are approved only when sold in the United States and in the indicated form (e. caplets, children’s). kosherquest. United States Alaska Confused about Kosher food symbols? Our comprehensive list of kosher symbols and certifications will help you identify Kosher products See full list on healthguideinfo. Orange County Kosher (OCK) OCK provides kosher certification services specifically in the Orange County area, ensuring high standards of kashrut for local eateries and food manufacturers. Special Kosher Labels The KOF-K Kosher Certification is a globally recognized certification program that verifies the kosher status of food products and ingredients. OU-DE Product was made on dairy equipment. Kosher certification symbols ensure food meets Jewish dietary laws. Today, the number of kosher symbols internationally exceeds 700, and we Aug 24, 2008 · The VRG contacted four major kosher certifying agencies that certify kosher food products in the United States today–Star-K, OK, the Orthodox Union (OU), and KOF-K–to clarify the meaning of Unlike other kosher symbols that are trademarked and strictly controlled by specific organizations, the 'K' symbol is often unregistered and can be used by any kosher certifier. Try them. A lot of their other products have this symbol, but I can't seem to find it online. (Note; the word “Pareve” may be added where applicable, but the […] With over 1,500 kosher agencies worldwide, cRc Kosher is happy to provide a list of common acceptable kosher symbols and contact information. The Star-K, in its relationship with the NCYI, administers the kashrus of the Star-D. . This represents only some of the most commonly found symbols on products. With a little practice, it is very easy to spot these marks on food labels, usually near the product name, occasionally near the list of ingredients. Vaad Kosher Symbols, Kosher Supervision, Hechshers & List of Vaads Vaad information for the United States and all around the world. Nov 17, 2010 · United Mehadrin Kosher (UMK) Note: unless the meat states that it is glatt, it is certified not-glatt by the UMK. Therefore, the "K" comes without accountability, and is largely anonymous. Do all kosher-certified products have a hechsher? Kashrut Designations and Their Meanings Understanding the various kashrut designations is crucial for those who observe Jewish dietary laws. Based in New York, the agency certifies almost 70% of kosher food around the world. OU Dairy Kosher certified products may or may not be Chalav Yisrael. Contact Information: Rabbi Yerachmiel Lieberman 617-469-5000 100 Woodcliff Road Chester Hill, MA 02467. It is NOT a certification that a product is kosher. Kosher Alerts; What is Kosher? Go Kosher! K-COR Kosher Services; K-COR Retail Establishments. This page is about the meaning, origin and characteristic of the symbol, emblem, seal, sign, logo or flag: KOF-K Kosher Supervision Symbol. The rules of kashrut dictate which foods and drinks can be eaten, how animals must be slaughtered, and how to separate meat and dairy. Updated November 2024 APPROVED OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATIONS is a USA-only list reviewed by STAR-K for year-round use. 在过去的几年里,全球Kosher市场每年增长15%。为了适应这个需求,全 球的许多公司希望通过Kosher认证来拓展他们的出口业务和现有市场。许多 此类公司选择了STAR-K Kosher认证,同时分享STAR-K认证 所提供的市 场利益。 Recommended Kosher Symbols; Kosher Product Lists; Name: Heart K (Kehillah Kosher) Phone Number: (323) 935-8383. Please note the special notations by some entries indicated by an *. org . 7 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >/Metadata 32 0 R/ViewerPreferences 33 0 R>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/ExtGState >/XObject >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI This page is about the meaning, origin and characteristic of the symbol, emblem, seal, sign, logo or flag: KOF-K Kosher Supervision Symbol. Whatever your needs, we offer a vast network of rabbinic representatives across the globe who ensure top-level kosher certification, recognized worldwide. The one Marion is talking about only has a K there, and is US Kosher Kosher certificates are required for food-specific: meat (animal slaughter and salting), fish, milk and eggs, canned and preserved foods. The STAR-K can act as a liaison between your company and the kosher market. The logo of the letter “U” in the circle provides the basic symbol for further variants. Some of these laws are driven by compassion for animals, others have different explanations (such as). Aug 26, 2011 · The Rabbis who staff the OU kashrus hotline know or have access to information about most hashgachos worldwide. O. ZANDER MILK CHOCOLATE GUMMY BEARS – unauthorized Kof-K symbol, not Kosher. Orthodox Rabbinical Council of San Francisco 1851 Noriega Street, P. AKC Approved Kosher Symbols 2021/2022 This list is not a complete list. Box 22491, San Francisco, CA 94122 415-564-5665, Fax: 415-665-0394 Rabbi Jacob Traub, Chairman Email: [email protected] The kosher market abounds with opportunities for the food industry. This page offers detailed insights into the various Vaad HaKashrut organizations serving Texas’s Jewish communities, ensuring your dietary needs are met with the highest standards of kashrut. The product brand is Super Cakes, subsidiary of Super Bread. Kosher animals are more passive in nature (see Hirsch). ca or (416)635-9550 . Below is a comprehensive guide to common kashrut designations and their meanings. 345 NORTH LA BREA AVENUE Name: Diamond K. The list is a small sample of frequently used over-the-counter (OTC This page is about the meaning, origin and characteristic of the symbol, emblem, seal, sign, logo or flag: SEAL-K Kosher certification symbol. There are many things that must be taken into account. If you don't agree with those leniences, then you won't trust that hechsher. These agencies, along with others like OK Kosher (OK symbol) and CRC (Chicago Rabbinical Council), dominate the kosher market in the United States and Canada. Top-K Bet Din Amsterdam Kashruth The United States K Los Angeles, CA READ: The K is not a copyrighted symbol. These designations help consumers identify the kosher status of products and their suitability for consumption under different circumstances. STAR-K urges you to explore how products bearing the kosher symbol and Pareve designation can be a part of your sales and marketing strategy. Aug 18, 2024 · The Star-K, which features a star with the letter “K” inside, is another well-known symbol provided by Star-K Kosher Certification. This list (just click _Kosher Without a Symbol) from the AKC (Atlanta) is good, also. See Star-K listing for address and contact information Symbol: The Triangle K symbol, consisting of a letter K enclosed in an equilateral triangle, is a recognized symbol within the kosher certification industry. If an agency or symbol does not appear on this list, please contact the Va'ad for more information. 225 West 86th Street New York, New York 10024 USA Phone: (212) 877-1823; Fax: (212) 595-7966 alphabet and non-kosher items can list a “K” on the package. Sodas made by Pepsi OK Kosher Certification: OK is known for its rigorous inspection and certification processes. Fax: 480-393-4655. So if you’re on the lookout for kosher ingredients or want to pick up some kosher snacks , it’s important to know the symbols they use. I've been buying a lot of cheeses from different companies lately with this hechsher, but I just talked to my mother and she insists it's fake. America also leads the world in the number of regional kosher certifiers it supports. DULET WHEY POWDER – unauthorized DK symbol. May 19, 2019 · As the title says, does anybody know this kosher symbol? It looks like a large K with the letters U and S on top and bottom of it, inside of a rectangle. A full list and guide is available here. Kosher Certification in Mar 29, 2023 · Most kosher certification worldwide is done by Orthodox Union Kosher, also known as OU Kosher. The product does not contain milk, meat or any derivatives of milk or meat. When a foodstuff is marked with the ‘OU’ symbol this means: The product is kosher (although not necessarily kosher for the Passover festival where stricter rules apply). If a symbol does not appear on the card, please contact the COR office at questions@cor. Aug 23, 2010 · Can you take a photo of or scan the symbol and post it? Another way to identify it would be to call the company, or find their website and look around for information on who does their kosher certification. If you have a specific question, you should check with a rabbi well-versed in Jewish law, or try the web site www. The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations 333 Seventh Avenue New COR has published a convenient kosher symbol card that features the most popular symbols that appear on kosher products in Canada. The STAR-K symbol can open new markets never before accessed. IT IS NOT A PASSOVER LIST. This page offers comprehensive insights into the various Vaad HaKashrut organizations serving Florida’s diverse Jewish communities, ensuring your dietary needs are met with the highest standards of kashrut. For more information visit KOSHER PARVE MEHADRIN . A symbol with the word “Pareve,” “Parev,” or “Parve” near it (yes, all spellings are used!), is confirmation of that certification. Click on a location below to see the Kashrus Agencies and Symbols: These Kosher Symbols are approved by Rabbi Eidlitz and the Kosher Information Bureau. Hashgachot make unique symbols so that they can sue anyone who uses it without authorization. Kosher Symbols in Europe Dec 1, 2005 · The prudent kosher consumer will always check the label to confirm whether a kosher symbol appears on the label. Star-K Kosher Certification, also known as the Vaad Hakashrus of Baltimore, is a kashrus certifying agency based in Baltimore, Maryland under the Kosher Symbols & Signs. The “K” stands for Kroger, not for kosher. Kosher Supervision . Kraft only allows a plain K to be placed on their label. The quality of EK products and services is supported by our deep level of commitment and confidence established between manufacturers, producers and consumers. D — Dairy Designation: D Jul 2, 2009 · The same symbol appears on products like Del Monte canned vegetables and Hebrew National hotdogs and it seems that there's no good answer to the Triangle-K question. There are many others, some good and some not-so-good. Mar 1, 2015 · Every Kosher Agency has its own standards that it adheres to. The kosher market abounds with opportunities for the food industry. I wish there were a better way to search for kosher symbols. Mike Rate this symbol: 5. 8241 but I doubt you’ll get a live person this The symbol/stamp is an outline of the map of the U. top of page. When a product carries the Kosher Triangle K certification, it means that the manufacturing process, ingredients, and handling of the product comply with the strict kosher standards set by the Feb 29, 2024 · Once a product is certified, it can display the certifying agency’s symbol, which aids consumers in identifying kosher products easily. The “EK” kosher – founded by the RCE, is headed by Rabbi Yosef Minsky, a kashrut expert with decades of experience who has set himself the goal of providing kosher food to European Jews, and to Jews visiting the continent. 0 / 1 vote AKC Approved Kosher Symbols 2021/2022 K. As for info, I located this article about the supervising rabbi, Rabbi Israel Mayer Steinberg of Vaad Harabonim Lemeshmeret Hakashrut, as well as this article that focuses a bit more specifically on the 2nd Ave. That means it cannot be enforced. North American Kosher. A kosher … Continue reading "Kosher Symbols" Star-K Symbol. Don’t see a certifier here? Please feel free to contact us for more information. Please note that while these three are the largest kosher certification agencies in the U. Approved Kosher Certifiers . Kosher Certification in Texas Kosher Jul 12, 2016 · Beginning July 2016, food service establishments that were formerly certified by the Heart K and have accepted the O/K, are now under the O/K supervision. The number is 212. Kosher Meat Certified An ‘OU-Meat’ symbol or an OU-Glatt symbol indicates: The product is Kosher meat or a product with meat ingredients or a derivative of meat (but not necessarily Kosher for Passover) Please note that while these three are the largest kosher certification agencies in the U. This is a select list from the nearly 500 kosher agencies world-wide. Because the “K” is no longer dependable as a kosher symbol, most products today are identified as kosher with a symbol. What is the Beis K kosher mark?The Beis K is the kosher mark of Kehillas Beis Ben Zion which was founded by Rabbi Zushe Blech, Z"L, who was one of the world's experts in kosher food The Star-D is the kashrus symbol of the National Council of Young Israel (NCYI). Ralbag. Aug 12, 2019 · Their symbols, "OU," "Kof-K," "OK," and "Star-K" are the most readily recognized kosher certification symbols around the globe. Special Kosher Labels Hover your pointer over the bottom of the document and click the arrow to advance to the next page. A. A Vaad provides Kosher certification wherever you are! We help connect companies that are looking for kosher supervision with Vaads from around the world. and Aryeh R. K-COR Certified Retail: All Retail Establishments; K-COR Certified Dining & Beverage Establishments; K-COR Certified Specialty & Carryout; K-COR Certified Caterers; K-COR Institutions & Facilities; K-COR Commercial Products; Kosher Guides & Lists Name: “Star-K” Kosher Certification (STAR-K) Contact Information 122 Slade Avenue, Suite 300, Baltimore, MD 21208 (410) 484-4110, Fax – (410) 653-9294 Nov 5, 2012 · Kosher refers to religious dietary laws, followed by Jews, which have been applied to the increasingly complex world of food ingredients and food production. If Name: “KOF-K” Kosher Supervision (KOF-K) Contact Information 201 The Plaza, Teaneck, NJ 07666 (201) 837-0500, Fax – (201) 837-0126 Rabbi Dr. Kosher Symbol Wallet Card Here is our new wallet sized Kosher Symbols Card. Badatz Machzikei Hadass is one of Israel's top three largest Badatz certificates and is accepted by leading companies: The Triangle K symbol is a patented and trademarked logo that signifies “kashrut” as defined by the most stringent of Orthodox Jewish law. Apr 13, 2021 · What’s behind the symbol on so many of your favourite foods Have you ever looked closely at the packaging on your food and wondered what the little Kosher symbol on it really means? Today is your lucky day, because the dedicated team at the MK - Canada’s Kosher Certifier, is here to take the mystery out of it! TK Kosher provides affordable and high-quality kosher certification services to our truly inspiring customers. All the Streit’s products manufactured in the US and Canada are under the KOF-K Kosher Supervision for year round use even if they do not have the KOF-K symbol on the label. Baruch on Chowhound writes, "So with the case of Triangle K, some things are fine for people due to the inherent nature of the product, while others are more complex. Kosher and Other Certifications For businesses, obtaining kosher certification can be strategically combined with other certifications, such as organic, non-GMO, or gluten-free, to meet a wider range of Name: K. May 13, 2020 · Products that are kosher certified will bear a kosher symbol, like the ones shown in the image above. “Kosher symbol” is the common term people think of when they are actually referring to a kosher certification symbol. However, due to the vast number of kosher agencies that operate throughout the world, sometimes checking labels for kosher symbols can resemble alphabet soup. 613. K-Kosher is the representative of the Badatz Machzikei Hadass Certificate worldwide. With a valid O/K certificate, these establishments are now authorized to use the O/K and/or Heart K logos. Kosher certification is of significant importance to Jewish consumers who adhere to dietary laws known as Kashrut, which outline the types of foods that are permissible according to Jewish dietary Nov 7, 2024 · CLEVELAND MAYONNAISE CHIPOTLE MAYO – unauthorized OU symbol (and dairy). TK Kosher clients might be small startups or large international companies. Rabbi Asher Zeilingold 651-690-2137: 1001 Prior Ave. Ever wonder what "dairy equipment" means? A Kosher Symbol indicates that a product may be consumed by all those who observe Kosher dietary laws, as well as by many others who have special dietary requirements. ABOUT US. Nov 14, 2019 · Learn what the different OU symbols on your kosher packaging indicate. If you have a brand package, an Amazon listing, a website, online marketing or a retail display, keep in mind that slapping the OK Kosher Symbol – the letter K in a circle — on it is illegal if you’re not a Jul 21, 2017 · Side by side with recent changes to FDA labeling requirements, we at OK Kosher are encouraging our certified companies to move their kosher symbol to the front of the packaging with the nutrition facts, which will alert and guide the many groups of consumers who look out for kosher. Zecharia Senter, Executive Administrator Is it kosher? app designed to help people find kosher food in any shop worldwide. Keep in mind that fruit and vegetables are also naturally kosher. NORTHEAST QUARTERED ARTICHOKE HEARTS [Foodservice #10 cans] – unauthorized Star-K symbol. It consists of a letter “K” inside a circle and was founded by Rabbi Berel Levy in 1935. Info on eu-k - Badatz Mehadrin Milan Kosher Certification, Hechsher in Milan, Italy. This is the bold letter K in a circle, representing products and eateries expressly under OK Kosher Certification. Examples of common hechsher symbols include the OU symbol (Orthodox Union), OK symbol (Kashrus Council of Canada), Star-K symbol (Star-K Kosher Certification), and Kof-K symbol (Kof-K Kosher Supervision), among others. Not all products require a separate kosher-for-Passover certification. Products manufactured in Israel are not certified under the KOF-K Kosher Supervision unless bearing a KOF-K symbol on the label. Mar 16, 2023 · In this article, we’ll focus on our own trademarked kosher symbol, sometimes referred to as the Circle-K kosher symbol. Star-K Kosher Certification, also known as the Vaad Hakashrus of Baltimore, is a kashrus certifying agency based in Baltimore, Maryland under the The symbols on the Va’ad list below are all widely-accepted kosher certifications commonly found on products throughout the United States. Contact Information: Rabbi Shlomo Isaacson President & Kashrus Coordinator Office Phone: 973-777-0649 Office Fax: (973) 777-2315 Jewish Kosher Symbols in America - 3 Triangle-K and Associates, Inc. Some packaging bears an O/U mark without the “D” (dairy) designation. Does anyone know if the Tablet-K kosher symbol is real? It's a K inside the stereotypical outline of the ten commandments tablets. These symbols are usually prominently displayed on product packaging, making it easier for consumers to identify kosher products. It was established by the Rabbinical Centre of Europe, an umbrella organization uniting more than 1,100 rabbis from all over Europe. 0 / 1 vote Dec 17, 2015 · The moral of the story is that the first step in evaluating the integrity of supervision reflected by the “K” symbol is to determine that a bona fide, living rabbi provides the certification. Those who are familiar with the kosher sector know that it is difficult to find kosher products in many areas of Nov 1, 2022 · Unauthorized Use: Mistaken or Intentional Infringement of the OK Kosher Symbol. Some examples: the Kashering process between non-kosher and kosher products run on the A teacher of mine and kashrut expert, Rabbi Jeffrey Rappoport, who edits the Kosher Nexus publication (koshernexus. List in Dutch at www. Based in Los Angeles, main symbol is a flag k. Questions about these or other symbols can be directed to our Kosher Information line at (248) 559 – 5005 x103. Y&B SPRING ROLLS – unauthorized Kosher symbol, not Kosher. g. eu , Machine translation of the list . Kof-K: Kof-K is recognized and respected for its thorough adherence to kosher laws. Its hechsher is a letter "K" enclosed in an equilateral triangle. The cRc only accepts Glatt Kosher meats. H. One disadvantage of the OK symbol being so universally Nov 2, 2023 · Download PDF It is essential that the product name on the label exactly match the product name as it appears on the kosher certificate, and that it conform to the kosher restriction on the certificate, such as “D” or “Dairy,” “P” or “Passover,” etc. DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDED SYMBOLS WALLET CARD A letter "K" cannot be trademarked. Florida Kosher Vaad Information Florida Kosher Vaad information, your ultimate resource for kosher certification and information throughout the state of Florida. The organization offers its rabbinical supervision and certification on any ingredient or product that meets the strictest criteria of what makes such items kosher. Triangle K is a kosher supervision and certification organization under the leadership of Rabbis Jehoseph H. Note : if you cannot find hellmann's mayonnaise in the list, it might be, that it is not kosher or was not included in our databases. This means that while the presence of the 'K' indicates that a product is kosher, it does not provide information about the standards or rigor of the certification process. Kosher symbols are a seal of authenticity that help consumers buy legitimate kosher products. Speak to your rabbi to determine the reliability of a kosher symbol you may encounter. Star-K Symbol. S. May 16, 2024 · There are more than 100 kosher symbols all over the world. Big K Soda, for example, is not kosher. Star-K Kosher Certification, also known as the Vaad Hakashrus of Baltimore, is a kashrus certifying agency based in Baltimore, Maryland under the KOF-K Kosher Certification is one of the most widely known kosher certification and supervision agencies in the world. So if you see an OU on a box of food, you can be relatively certain that the product is indeed certified by the OU because they could sue any company that uses their trademark without permission 1. (continental) with a K on the inside. You cannot sue someone for using a letter "K". However, some items are acceptable: Kraft Products - Rabbi Levy, from the OK, is the certifier of Kraft’s K. Paul, MN 55116: Missouri %PDF-1. All symbols approved by Rabbi Eidlitz (March 2022)! Print it out so you can can reference commonKosher symbols while you are shopping. These symbols differ based on the certification agency, but all indicate that the product is kosher. [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”1_4″][et_pb List of European product which are actually under supervision and regularly visited by a mashgiach, but without the kosher symbol in BeNeLuX and may be useful in other European counties. A true kosher symbol is backed up by a respected kosher In this context, the P at the end stands for Passover. Texas Kosher Vaad Information Texas Kosher Vaad information, your comprehensive resource for kosher certification and information throughout the state of Texas. Having a Kosher symbol on your label opens up your […] Recommended Kosher Oversight Agencies Below is a list of recommended kosher symbols that represent various kosher oversight agencies. Products are only approved for Passover when Star-K Kosher Certification, also known as the Vaad Hakashrus of Baltimore, is a kashrus certifying agency based in Baltimore, Maryland under the administration of Rabbi Moshe Heinemann, with the involvement of many other rabbis. HOME. A plain symbol is usually an indication that the product is certified kosher pareve. The Organized Kashrus (OK) Kosher Certification is among the most esteemed symbols for kosher foods. When shopping for kosher products, it is important to remember that just because some items produced by a company are kosher does not mean all of the company’s products are kosher. The plain Flag-K dairy is always pareve or chalav Yisrael dairy, the Striped Flag-K dairy may be chalav Stam or chalav Yisrael dairy or pareve or glatt kosher meat. We partner with food producers, manufacturers, and processors around the globe to boost their brand image and expand their customer base through kosher certification. Reading Ingredient Labels A kosher symbol reflects that you are a kosher certified company. Sep 8, 2016 · Kosher organizations use trademark law to prevent unauthorized companies from putting their symbol on the box. South St. They also include feed additives (preservatives and dyes) and fiber of animal origin. Feb 12, 2015 · This info is on Kashrut. 0 / 5 votes This list (from the Star-K organization in Baltimore) of foods that don’t require a kosher symbol is acceptable by the major kosher organizations in North America. com Jul 26, 2023 · There are several commonly recognized kosher symbols, including the OU (Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America), OK (Organized Kashrut Laboratories), K (Kosher), and Star-K. If you have a question about a symbol which doesn’t appear on our list, please send an email to: [email protected] The fact that a particular agency does not appear on this list does not imply that the cRc has determined it to be substandard. For example those who are lactose intolerant look for a Kosher Symbol that indicates that the product is free of dairy ingredients and those who are vegetarian use a Kosher logo Star-K Symbol. Learn what they mean and how they guarantee quality and authenticity. org) notes that despite Tablet K identifying itself as Orthodox, the Conservative Movement's Committee on Jewish Law and Standards holds that it is unacceptable, and was even going to exclude it from a movement-wide list of acceptable hechsherim, until the Tablet K threatened For reliable supervision, O-U, O-K, Star-K, and Chaf-K are some of the most common symbols (called “hechshers”). Jan 18, 2014 · The Conference of European Rabbis recently launched an online database with a comprehensive list of all the kosher food products in Europe! This is the first time that all approved products have been brought together in one place, and the first electronic list, so it easily accessible to anyone! For all kosher travelers, this will Kosher. Symbol: Oct 8, 2018 · The O/U certified Casa de Cocoa Chocolate Covered Almonds as an O/UD (dairy) product. In some states, there are laws which restrict the use of a “K” if the rabbi is deceased, but in many states it is legal to print a “K” on the List of Common Acceptable Kosher Symbols. Products that are kosher certified are often marked with a kosher symbol, or simply the letter K. The hechsher symbol can vary depending on the certification agency. com:. EK (European Kosher) is a global kosher certification agency providing kosher supervision since 2007. Also administers the Beis ben Zion kosher certification founded by rav Zushe Blech z”l We provide kosher supervision services to companies large and small both within the United States and internationally. The following list helps to identify if hellmann's mayonnaise is kosher or not. Yigal Ben Efraim Rate this symbol: 4. A non-profit global kosher certification agency We firmly believe in the highest standards of Jewish kosher laws, professional integrity and provision of services to our customers. 2. koshersupervision. omdqaavwueeffkfrgxcngvpamapmhresogghsthsexqd